Overall Tasks Storage Structure

All tasks created in DolphinScheduler are saved in the t_ds_process_definition table.

The following shows the ‘t_ds_process_definition’ table structure:

1idint(11)primary key
2namevarchar(255)process definition name
3versionint(11)process definition version
4release_statetinyint(4)release status of process definition: 0 not online, 1 online
5project_idint(11)project id
6user_idint(11)user id of the process definition
7process_definition_jsonlongtextprocess definition JSON
8descriptiontextprocess definition description
9global_paramstextglobal parameters
10flagtinyint(4)specify whether the process is available: 0 is not available, 1 is available
11locationstextnode location information
12connectstextnode connectivity info
14receivers_cctextCC receivers
15create_timedatetimecreate time
17tenant_idint(11)tenant id
18update_timedatetimeupdate time
19modify_byvarchar(36)specifics of the user that made the modification
20resource_idsvarchar(255)resource ids

The ‘process_definition_json’ field is the core field, which defines the task information in the DAG diagram, and it is stored in JSON format.

The following table describes the common data structure.

1globalParamsArrayglobal parameters
2tasksArraytask collections in the process [for the structure of each type, please refer to the following sections]
3tenantIdinttenant ID

Data example:

  1. {
  2. "globalParams":[
  3. {
  4. "prop":"golbal_bizdate",
  5. "direct":"IN",
  6. "type":"VARCHAR",
  7. "value":"${system.biz.date}"
  8. }
  9. ],
  10. "tasks":Array[1],
  11. "tenantId":0,
  12. "timeout":0
  13. }

The Detailed Explanation of The Storage Structure of Each Task Type

Shell Nodes

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeSHELL
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5rawScriptStringShell script
6localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
7resourceListArrayresource files
9runFlagStringexecution flag
10conditionResultObjectcondition branch
11successNodeArrayjump to node if success
12failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
13dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
14maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
15retryIntervalStringretry interval
17taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
18workerGroupStringWorker group
19preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"SHELL",
  3. "id":"tasks-80760",
  4. "name":"Shell Task",
  5. "params":{
  6. "resourceList":[
  7. {
  8. "id":3,
  9. "name":"run.sh",
  10. "res":"run.sh"
  11. }
  12. ],
  13. "localParams":[
  14. ],
  15. "rawScript":"echo "This is a shell script""
  16. },
  17. "description":"",
  18. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  19. "conditionResult":{
  20. "successNode":[
  21. ""
  22. ],
  23. "failedNode":[
  24. ""
  25. ]
  26. },
  27. "dependence":{
  28. },
  29. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  30. "retryInterval":"1",
  31. "timeout":{
  32. "strategy":"",
  33. "interval":null,
  34. "enable":false
  35. },
  36. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  37. "workerGroup":"default",
  38. "preTasks":[
  39. ]
  40. }

SQL Node

Perform data query and update operations on the specified datasource through SQL.

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnote
1idStringtask id
2typeStringtask typeSQL
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5typeStringdatabase type
6datasourceIntdatasource id
7sqlStringquery SQL statement
8udfsStringudf functionsspecify UDF function ids, separate by comma
9sqlTypeStringSQL node type0 for query and 1 for none-query SQL
10titleStringmail title
12receiversCcStringCC receivers
13showTypeStringdisplay type of mailoptionals: TABLE or ATTACHMENT
14connParamsStringconnect parameters
15preStatementsArraypreposition SQL statements
16postStatementsArraypostposition SQL statements
17localParamsArraycustomized parameters
19runFlagStringexecution flag
20conditionResultObjectcondition branch
21successNodeArrayjump to node if success
22failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
23dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
24maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
25retryIntervalStringretry interval
27taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
28workerGroupStringWorker group
29preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"SQL",
  3. "id":"tasks-95648",
  4. "name":"SqlTask-Query",
  5. "params":{
  6. "type":"MYSQL",
  7. "datasource":1,
  8. "sql":"select id , namge , age from emp where id = ${id}",
  9. "udfs":"",
  10. "sqlType":"0",
  11. "title":"xxxx@xxx.com",
  12. "receivers":"xxxx@xxx.com",
  13. "receiversCc":"",
  14. "showType":"TABLE",
  15. "localParams":[
  16. {
  17. "prop":"id",
  18. "direct":"IN",
  19. "type":"INTEGER",
  20. "value":"1"
  21. }
  22. ],
  23. "connParams":"",
  24. "preStatements":[
  25. "insert into emp ( id,name ) value (1,'Li' )"
  26. ],
  27. "postStatements":[
  28. ]
  29. },
  30. "description":"",
  31. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  32. "conditionResult":{
  33. "successNode":[
  34. ""
  35. ],
  36. "failedNode":[
  37. ""
  38. ]
  39. },
  40. "dependence":{
  41. },
  42. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  43. "retryInterval":"1",
  44. "timeout":{
  45. "strategy":"",
  46. "interval":null,
  47. "enable":false
  48. },
  49. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  50. "workerGroup":"default",
  51. "preTasks":[
  52. ]
  53. }

PROCEDURE [stored procedures] Node

The node data structure is as follows: Node data example:


The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeSPARK
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5mainClassStringmain class
6mainArgsStringexecution arguments
7othersStringother arguments
8mainJarObjectapplication jar package
9deployModeStringdeployment modelocal,client,cluster
10driverCoresStringdriver cores
11driverMemoryStringdriver memory
12numExecutorsStringexecutor count
13executorMemoryStringexecutor memory
14executorCoresStringexecutor cores
15programTypeStringprogram typeJAVA,SCALA,PYTHON
16sparkVersionStringSpark versionSPARK1 , SPARK2
17localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
18resourceListArrayresource files
20runFlagStringexecution flag
21conditionResultObjectcondition branch
22successNodeArrayjump to node if success
23failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
24dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
25maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
26retryIntervalStringretry interval
28taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
29workerGroupStringWorker group
30preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"SPARK",
  3. "id":"tasks-87430",
  4. "name":"SparkTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. "mainClass":"org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  7. "mainJar":{
  8. "id":4
  9. },
  10. "deployMode":"cluster",
  11. "resourceList":[
  12. {
  13. "id":3,
  14. "name":"run.sh",
  15. "res":"run.sh"
  16. }
  17. ],
  18. "localParams":[
  19. ],
  20. "driverCores":1,
  21. "driverMemory":"512M",
  22. "numExecutors":2,
  23. "executorMemory":"2G",
  24. "executorCores":2,
  25. "mainArgs":"10",
  26. "others":"",
  27. "programType":"SCALA",
  28. "sparkVersion":"SPARK2"
  29. },
  30. "description":"",
  31. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  32. "conditionResult":{
  33. "successNode":[
  34. ""
  35. ],
  36. "failedNode":[
  37. ""
  38. ]
  39. },
  40. "dependence":{
  41. },
  42. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  43. "retryInterval":"1",
  44. "timeout":{
  45. "strategy":"",
  46. "interval":null,
  47. "enable":false
  48. },
  49. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  50. "workerGroup":"default",
  51. "preTasks":[
  52. ]
  53. }

MapReduce(MR) Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeMR
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5mainClassStringmain class
6mainArgsStringexecution arguments
7othersStringother arguments
8mainJarObjectapplication jar package
9programTypeStringprogram typeJAVA,PYTHON
10localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
11resourceListArrayresource files
13runFlagStringexecution flag
14conditionResultObjectcondition branch
15successNodeArrayjump to node if success
16failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
17dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
18maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
19retryIntervalStringretry interval
21taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
22workerGroupStringWorker group
23preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"MR",
  3. "id":"tasks-28997",
  4. "name":"MRTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. "mainClass":"wordcount",
  7. "mainJar":{
  8. "id":5
  9. },
  10. "resourceList":[
  11. {
  12. "id":3,
  13. "name":"run.sh",
  14. "res":"run.sh"
  15. }
  16. ],
  17. "localParams":[
  18. ],
  19. "mainArgs":"/tmp/wordcount/input /tmp/wordcount/output/",
  20. "others":"",
  21. "programType":"JAVA"
  22. },
  23. "description":"",
  24. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  25. "conditionResult":{
  26. "successNode":[
  27. ""
  28. ],
  29. "failedNode":[
  30. ""
  31. ]
  32. },
  33. "dependence":{
  34. },
  35. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  36. "retryInterval":"1",
  37. "timeout":{
  38. "strategy":"",
  39. "interval":null,
  40. "enable":false
  41. },
  42. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  43. "workerGroup":"default",
  44. "preTasks":[
  45. ]
  46. }

Python Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typePYTHON
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5rawScriptStringPython script
6localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
7resourceListArrayresource files
9runFlagStringexecution flag
10conditionResultObjectcondition branch
11successNodeArrayjump to node if success
12failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
13dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
14maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
15retryIntervalStringretry interval
17taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
18workerGroupStringWorker group
19preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"PYTHON",
  3. "id":"tasks-5463",
  4. "name":"Python Task",
  5. "params":{
  6. "resourceList":[
  7. {
  8. "id":3,
  9. "name":"run.sh",
  10. "res":"run.sh"
  11. }
  12. ],
  13. "localParams":[
  14. ],
  15. "rawScript":"print("This is a python script")"
  16. },
  17. "description":"",
  18. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  19. "conditionResult":{
  20. "successNode":[
  21. ""
  22. ],
  23. "failedNode":[
  24. ""
  25. ]
  26. },
  27. "dependence":{
  28. },
  29. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  30. "retryInterval":"1",
  31. "timeout":{
  32. "strategy":"",
  33. "interval":null,
  34. "enable":false
  35. },
  36. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  37. "workerGroup":"default",
  38. "preTasks":[
  39. ]
  40. }

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeFLINK
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5mainClassStringmain class
6mainArgsStringexecution arguments
7othersStringother arguments
8mainJarObjectapplication jar package
9deployModeStringdeployment modelocal,client,cluster
10slotStringslot count
11taskManagerStringtaskManager count
12taskManagerMemoryStringtaskManager memory size
13jobManagerMemoryStringjobManager memory size
14programTypeStringprogram typeJAVA,SCALA,PYTHON
15localParamsArraylocal parameters
16resourceListArrayresource files
18runFlagStringexecution flag
19conditionResultObjectcondition branch
20successNodeArrayjump node if success
21failedNodeArrayjump node if failure
22dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
23maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
24retryIntervalStringretry interval
26taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
27workerGroupStringWorker group
38preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"FLINK",
  3. "id":"tasks-17135",
  4. "name":"FlinkTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. "mainClass":"com.flink.demo",
  7. "mainJar":{
  8. "id":6
  9. },
  10. "deployMode":"cluster",
  11. "resourceList":[
  12. {
  13. "id":3,
  14. "name":"run.sh",
  15. "res":"run.sh"
  16. }
  17. ],
  18. "localParams":[
  19. ],
  20. "slot":1,
  21. "taskManager":"2",
  22. "jobManagerMemory":"1G",
  23. "taskManagerMemory":"2G",
  24. "executorCores":2,
  25. "mainArgs":"100",
  26. "others":"",
  27. "programType":"SCALA"
  28. },
  29. "description":"",
  30. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  31. "conditionResult":{
  32. "successNode":[
  33. ""
  34. ],
  35. "failedNode":[
  36. ""
  37. ]
  38. },
  39. "dependence":{
  40. },
  41. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  42. "retryInterval":"1",
  43. "timeout":{
  44. "strategy":"",
  45. "interval":null,
  46. "enable":false
  47. },
  48. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  49. "workerGroup":"default",
  50. "preTasks":[
  51. ]
  52. }


The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeHTTP
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5urlStringrequest url
6httpMethodStringhttp methodGET,POST,HEAD,PUT,DELETE
7httpParamsArrayhttp parameters
8httpCheckConditionStringvalidation of HTTP code statusdefault code 200
9conditionStringvalidation conditions
10localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
12runFlagStringexecution flag
13conditionResultObjectcondition branch
14successNodeArrayjump node if success
15failedNodeArrayjump node if failure
16dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
17maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
18retryIntervalStringretry interval
20taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
21workerGroupStringWorker group
22preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"HTTP",
  3. "id":"tasks-60499",
  4. "name":"HttpTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. "localParams":[
  7. ],
  8. "httpParams":[
  9. {
  10. "prop":"id",
  11. "httpParametersType":"PARAMETER",
  12. "value":"1"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "prop":"name",
  16. "httpParametersType":"PARAMETER",
  17. "value":"Bo"
  18. }
  19. ],
  20. "url":"https://www.xxxxx.com:9012",
  21. "httpMethod":"POST",
  22. "httpCheckCondition":"STATUS_CODE_DEFAULT",
  23. "condition":""
  24. },
  25. "description":"",
  26. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  27. "conditionResult":{
  28. "successNode":[
  29. ""
  30. ],
  31. "failedNode":[
  32. ""
  33. ]
  34. },
  35. "dependence":{
  36. },
  37. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  38. "retryInterval":"1",
  39. "timeout":{
  40. "strategy":"",
  41. "interval":null,
  42. "enable":false
  43. },
  44. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  45. "workerGroup":"default",
  46. "preTasks":[
  47. ]
  48. }

DataX Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask Id
2typeStringtask typeDATAX
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5customConfigIntspecify whether use customized config0 none customized, 1 customized
6dsTypeStringdatasource type
7dataSourceIntdatasource ID
8dtTypeStringtarget database type
9dataTargetInttarget database ID
10sqlStringSQL statements
11targetTableStringtarget table
12jobSpeedByteIntjob speed limiting(bytes)
13jobSpeedRecordIntjob speed limiting(records)
14preStatementsArraypreposition SQL
15postStatementsArraypostposition SQL
16jsonStringcustomized configsvalid if customConfig=1
17localParamsArraycustomized parametersvalid if customConfig=1
19runFlagStringexecution flag
20conditionResultObjectcondition branch
21successNodeArrayjump node if success
22failedNodeArrayjump node if failure
23dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
24maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
25retryIntervalStringretry interval
27taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
28workerGroupStringWorker group
29preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"DATAX",
  3. "id":"tasks-91196",
  4. "name":"DataxTask-DB",
  5. "params":{
  6. "customConfig":0,
  7. "dsType":"MYSQL",
  8. "dataSource":1,
  9. "dtType":"MYSQL",
  10. "dataTarget":1,
  11. "sql":"select id, name ,age from user ",
  12. "targetTable":"emp",
  13. "jobSpeedByte":524288,
  14. "jobSpeedRecord":500,
  15. "preStatements":[
  16. "truncate table emp "
  17. ],
  18. "postStatements":[
  19. "truncate table user"
  20. ]
  21. },
  22. "description":"",
  23. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  24. "conditionResult":{
  25. "successNode":[
  26. ""
  27. ],
  28. "failedNode":[
  29. ""
  30. ]
  31. },
  32. "dependence":{
  33. },
  34. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  35. "retryInterval":"1",
  36. "timeout":{
  37. "strategy":"",
  38. "interval":null,
  39. "enable":false
  40. },
  41. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  42. "workerGroup":"default",
  43. "preTasks":[
  44. ]
  45. }

Sqoop Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask ID
2typeStringtask typeSQOOP
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5concurrencyIntconcurrency rate
6modelTypeStringflow directionimport,export
7sourceTypeStringdatasource type
8sourceParamsStringdatasource parametersJSON format
9targetTypeStringtarget datasource type
10targetParamsStringtarget datasource parametersJSON format
11localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
13runFlagStringexecution flag
14conditionResultObjectcondition branch
15successNodeArrayjump node if success
16failedNodeArrayjump node if failure
17dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
18maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
19retryIntervalStringretry interval
21taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
22workerGroupStringWorker group
23preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"SQOOP",
  3. "id":"tasks-82041",
  4. "name":"Sqoop Task",
  5. "params":{
  6. "concurrency":1,
  7. "modelType":"import",
  8. "sourceType":"MYSQL",
  9. "targetType":"HDFS",
  10. "sourceParams":"{"srcType":"MYSQL","srcDatasource":1,"srcTable":"","srcQueryType":"1","srcQuerySql":"selec id , name from user","srcColumnType":"0","srcColumns":"","srcConditionList":[],"mapColumnHive":[{"prop":"hivetype-key","direct":"IN","type":"VARCHAR","value":"hivetype-value"}],"mapColumnJava":[{"prop":"javatype-key","direct":"IN","type":"VARCHAR","value":"javatype-value"}]}",
  11. "targetParams":"{"targetPath":"/user/hive/warehouse/ods.db/user","deleteTargetDir":false,"fileType":"--as-avrodatafile","compressionCodec":"snappy","fieldsTerminated":",","linesTerminated":"@"}",
  12. "localParams":[
  13. ]
  14. },
  15. "description":"",
  16. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  17. "conditionResult":{
  18. "successNode":[
  19. ""
  20. ],
  21. "failedNode":[
  22. ""
  23. ]
  24. },
  25. "dependence":{
  26. },
  27. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  28. "retryInterval":"1",
  29. "timeout":{
  30. "strategy":"",
  31. "interval":null,
  32. "enable":false
  33. },
  34. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  35. "workerGroup":"default",
  36. "preTasks":[
  37. ]
  38. }

Condition Branch Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask ID
2typeStringtask typeSHELL
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersnull
6runFlagStringexecution flag
7conditionResultObjectcondition branch
8successNodeArrayjump to node if success
9failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
10dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
11maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
12retryIntervalStringretry interval
14taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
15workerGroupStringWorker group
16preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"CONDITIONS",
  3. "id":"tasks-96189",
  4. "name":"条件",
  5. "params":{
  6. },
  7. "description":"",
  8. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  9. "conditionResult":{
  10. "successNode":[
  11. "test04"
  12. ],
  13. "failedNode":[
  14. "test05"
  15. ]
  16. },
  17. "dependence":{
  18. "relation":"AND",
  19. "dependTaskList":[
  20. ]
  21. },
  22. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  23. "retryInterval":"1",
  24. "timeout":{
  25. "strategy":"",
  26. "interval":null,
  27. "enable":false
  28. },
  29. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  30. "workerGroup":"default",
  31. "preTasks":[
  32. "test01",
  33. "test02"
  34. ]
  35. }

Subprocess Node

The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask ID
2typeStringtask typeSHELL
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5processDefinitionIdIntprocess definition ID
7runFlagStringexecution flag
8conditionResultObjectcondition branch
9successNodeArrayjump to node if success
10failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
11dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
12maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
13retryIntervalStringretry interval
15taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
16workerGroupStringWorker group
17preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"SUB_PROCESS",
  3. "id":"tasks-14806",
  4. "name":"SubProcessTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. "processDefinitionId":2
  7. },
  8. "description":"",
  9. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  10. "conditionResult":{
  11. "successNode":[
  12. ""
  13. ],
  14. "failedNode":[
  15. ""
  16. ]
  17. },
  18. "dependence":{
  19. },
  20. "timeout":{
  21. "strategy":"",
  22. "interval":null,
  23. "enable":false
  24. },
  25. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  26. "workerGroup":"default",
  27. "preTasks":[
  28. ]
  29. }


The node data structure is as follows:

No.parameter nametypedescriptionnotes
1idStringtask ID
2typeStringtask typeDEPENDENT
3nameStringtask name
4paramsObjectcustomized parametersJson format
5rawScriptStringShell script
6localParamsArraycustomized local parameters
7resourceListArrayresource files
9runFlagStringexecution flag
10conditionResultObjectcondition branch
11successNodeArrayjump to node if success
12failedNodeArrayjump to node if failure
13dependenceObjecttask dependencymutual exclusion with params
15dependTaskListArraydependent task list
16maxRetryTimesStringmax retry times
17retryIntervalStringretry interval
19taskInstancePriorityStringtask priority
20workerGroupStringWorker group
21preTasksArraypreposition tasks

Node data example:

  1. {
  2. "type":"DEPENDENT",
  3. "id":"tasks-57057",
  4. "name":"DenpendentTask",
  5. "params":{
  6. },
  7. "description":"",
  8. "runFlag":"NORMAL",
  9. "conditionResult":{
  10. "successNode":[
  11. ""
  12. ],
  13. "failedNode":[
  14. ""
  15. ]
  16. },
  17. "dependence":{
  18. "relation":"AND",
  19. "dependTaskList":[
  20. {
  21. "relation":"AND",
  22. "dependItemList":[
  23. {
  24. "projectId":1,
  25. "definitionId":7,
  26. "definitionList":[
  27. {
  28. "value":8,
  29. "label":"MRTask"
  30. },
  31. {
  32. "value":7,
  33. "label":"FlinkTask"
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "value":6,
  37. "label":"SparkTask"
  38. },
  39. {
  40. "value":5,
  41. "label":"SqlTask-Update"
  42. },
  43. {
  44. "value":4,
  45. "label":"SqlTask-Query"
  46. },
  47. {
  48. "value":3,
  49. "label":"SubProcessTask"
  50. },
  51. {
  52. "value":2,
  53. "label":"Python Task"
  54. },
  55. {
  56. "value":1,
  57. "label":"Shell Task"
  58. }
  59. ],
  60. "depTasks":"ALL",
  61. "cycle":"day",
  62. "dateValue":"today"
  63. }
  64. ]
  65. },
  66. {
  67. "relation":"AND",
  68. "dependItemList":[
  69. {
  70. "projectId":1,
  71. "definitionId":5,
  72. "definitionList":[
  73. {
  74. "value":8,
  75. "label":"MRTask"
  76. },
  77. {
  78. "value":7,
  79. "label":"FlinkTask"
  80. },
  81. {
  82. "value":6,
  83. "label":"SparkTask"
  84. },
  85. {
  86. "value":5,
  87. "label":"SqlTask-Update"
  88. },
  89. {
  90. "value":4,
  91. "label":"SqlTask-Query"
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "value":3,
  95. "label":"SubProcessTask"
  96. },
  97. {
  98. "value":2,
  99. "label":"Python Task"
  100. },
  101. {
  102. "value":1,
  103. "label":"Shell Task"
  104. }
  105. ],
  106. "depTasks":"SqlTask-Update",
  107. "cycle":"day",
  108. "dateValue":"today"
  109. }
  110. ]
  111. }
  112. ]
  113. },
  114. "maxRetryTimes":"0",
  115. "retryInterval":"1",
  116. "timeout":{
  117. "strategy":"",
  118. "interval":null,
  119. "enable":false
  120. },
  121. "taskInstancePriority":"MEDIUM",
  122. "workerGroup":"default",
  123. "preTasks":[
  124. ]
  125. }