Change passwords API

Changes the passwords of users in the native realm and built-in users.


POST /_security/user/_password

POST /_security/user/<username>/_password


  • Every user can change their own password. Users with the manage_security privilege can change passwords of other users.


You can use the create user API to update everything but a user’s username and password. This API changes a user’s password.

For more information about the native realm, see Realms and Native user authentication.

Path parameters


(Optional, string) The user whose password you want to change. If you do not specify this parameter, the password is changed for the current user.

Request body


(Required, string) The new password value.


The following example updates the password for the jacknich user:

  1. POST /_security/user/jacknich/_password
  2. {
  3. "password" : "s3cr3t"
  4. }

A successful call returns an empty JSON structure.

  1. {}