Nodes stats API

Returns cluster nodes statistics.


GET /_nodes/stats

GET /_nodes/<node_id>/stats



GET /_nodes/stats/<metric>/<index_metric>

GET /_nodes/<node_id>/stats/<metric>/<index_metric>


You can use the cluster nodes stats API to retrieve statistics for nodes in a cluster.

All the nodes selective options are explained here.

By default, all stats are returned. You can limit the returned information by using metrics.

Path parameters


(Optional, string) Limits the information returned to the specific metrics. A comma-separated list of the following options:

  • adaptive_selection

    Statistics about adaptive replica selection.


    Statistics about the field data circuit breaker.


    Statistics about the discovery.


    File system information, data path, free disk space, read/write stats.


    HTTP connection information.


    Statistics about the node’s indexing load and related rejections.


    Indices stats about size, document count, indexing and deletion times, search times, field cache size, merges and flushes.


    Statistics about ingest preprocessing.


    JVM stats, memory pool information, garbage collection, buffer pools, number of loaded/unloaded classes.


    Operating system stats, load average, mem, swap.


    Process statistics, memory consumption, cpu usage, open file descriptors.


    Statistics about each thread pool, including current size, queue and rejected tasks.


    Transport statistics about sent and received bytes in cluster communication.


(Optional, string) Limit the information returned for indices metric to the specific index metrics. It can be used only if indices (or all) metric is specified. Supported metrics are:

  • completion
  • docs
  • fielddata
  • flush
  • get
  • indexing
  • merge
  • query_cache
  • recovery
  • refresh
  • request_cache
  • search
  • segments
  • store
  • translog
  • warmer


(Optional, string) Comma-separated list of node IDs or names used to limit returned information.

Query parameters


(Optional, string) Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata and suggest statistics.


(Optional, string) Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata statistics.


(Optional, string) Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics.

Used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the completion_fields or fielddata_fields parameters.


(Optional, string) Comma-separated list of search groups to include in the search statistics.


(Optional, string) Indicates whether statistics are aggregated at the cluster, index, or shard level.

Valid values are:

  • cluster
  • indices
  • shards


(Optional, string) A comma-separated list of document types for the indexing index metric.


(Optional, time units) Specifies the period of time to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.


(Optional, time units) Specifies the period of time to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.


(Optional, boolean) If true, the call reports the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested). Defaults to false.

Response body


(object) Contains statistics about the number of nodes selected by the request.

Properties of _nodes

  • total

    (integer) Total number of nodes selected by the request.


    (integer) Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request.


    (integer) Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response.


(string) Name of the cluster. Based on the setting.


(object) Contains statistics for the nodes selected by the request.

Properties of nodes

  • <node_id>

    (object) Contains statistics for the node.

    Properties of <node_id>

    • timestamp

      (integer) Time the node stats were collected for this response. Recorded in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.


      (string) Human-readable identifier for the node. Based on the setting.


      (string) Host and port for the transport layer, used for internal communication between nodes in a cluster.


      (string) Network host for the node, based on the setting.


      (string) IP address and port for the node.


      (array of strings) Roles assigned to the node. See Node.


      (object) Contains a list of attributes for the node.

  1. - `indices`
  2. (object) Contains statistics about indices with shards assigned to the node.
  3. Properties of `indices`
  4. `docs`
  5. (object) Contains statistics about documents across all primary shards assigned to the node.
  6. Properties of `docs`
  7. `count`
  8. (integer) The number of documents as reported by Lucene. This excludes deleted documents and counts any [nested documents]($ "Nested field type") separately from their parents. It also excludes documents which were indexed recently and do not yet belong to a segment.
  9. `deleted`
  10. (integer) The number of deleted documents as reported by Lucene, which may be higher or lower than the number of delete operations you have performed. This number excludes deletes that were performed recently and do not yet belong to a segment. Deleted documents are cleaned up by the [automatic merge process]($ "Merge") if it makes sense to do so. Also, Elasticsearch creates extra deleted documents to internally track the recent history of operations on a shard.
  11. `store`
  12. (object) Contains statistics about the size of shards assigned to the node.
  13. Properties of `store`
  14. `size`
  15. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total size of all shards assigned to the node.
  16. `size_in_bytes`
  17. (integer) Total size, in bytes, of all shards assigned to the node.
  18. `reserved`
  19. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) A prediction of how much larger the shard stores on this node will eventually grow due to ongoing peer recoveries, restoring snapshots, and similar activities. A value of `-1b` indicates that this is not available.
  20. `reserved_in_bytes`
  21. (integer) A prediction, in bytes, of how much larger the shard stores on this node will eventually grow due to ongoing peer recoveries, restoring snapshots, and similar activities. A value of `-1` indicates that this is not available.
  22. `indexing`
  23. (object) Contains statistics about indexing operations for the node.
  24. Properties of `indexing`
  25. `index_total`
  26. (integer) Total number of indexing operations.
  27. `index_time`
  28. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing indexing operations.
  29. `index_time_in_millis`
  30. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing indexing operations.
  31. `index_current`
  32. (integer) Number of indexing operations currently running.
  33. `index_failed`
  34. (integer) Number of failed indexing operations.
  35. `delete_total`
  36. (integer) Total number of deletion operations.
  37. `delete_time`
  38. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing deletion operations.
  39. `delete_time_in_millis`
  40. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing deletion operations.
  41. `delete_current`
  42. (integer) Number of deletion operations currently running.
  43. `noop_update_total`
  44. (integer) Total number of noop operations.
  45. `is_throttled`
  46. (boolean) Number of times operations were throttled.
  47. `throttle_time`
  48. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent throttling operations.
  49. `throttle_time_in_millis`
  50. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent throttling operations.
  51. `get`
  52. (object) Contains statistics about get operations for the node.
  53. Properties of `get`
  54. `total`
  55. (integer) Total number of get operations.
  56. `getTime`
  57. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing get operations.
  58. `time_in_millis`
  59. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing get operations.
  60. `exists_total`
  61. (integer) Total number of successful get operations.
  62. `exists_time`
  63. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing successful get operations.
  64. `exists_time_in_millis`
  65. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing successful get operations.
  66. `missing_total`
  67. (integer) Total number of failed get operations.
  68. `missing_time`
  69. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing failed get operations.
  70. `missing_time_in_millis`
  71. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing failed get operations.
  72. `current`
  73. (integer) Number of get operations currently running.
  74. `search`
  75. (object) Contains statistics about search operations for the node.
  76. Properties of `search`
  77. `open_contexts`
  78. (integer) Number of open search contexts.
  79. `query_total`
  80. (integer) Total number of query operations.
  81. `query_time`
  82. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing query operations.
  83. `query_time_in_millis`
  84. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing query operations.
  85. `query_current`
  86. (integer) Number of query operations currently running.
  87. `fetch_total`
  88. (integer) Total number of fetch operations.
  89. `fetch_time`
  90. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing fetch operations.
  91. `fetch_time_in_millis`
  92. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing fetch operations.
  93. `fetch_current`
  94. (integer) Number of fetch operations currently running.
  95. `scroll_total`
  96. (integer) Total number of scroll operations.
  97. `scroll_time`
  98. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing scroll operations.
  99. `scroll_time_in_millis`
  100. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing scroll operations.
  101. `scroll_current`
  102. (integer) Number of scroll operations currently running.
  103. `suggest_total`
  104. (integer) Total number of suggest operations.
  105. `suggest_time`
  106. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent performing suggest operations.
  107. `suggest_time_in_millis`
  108. (integer) Time in milliseconds spent performing suggest operations.
  109. `suggest_current`
  110. (integer) Number of suggest operations currently running.
  111. `merges`
  112. (object) Contains statistics about merge operations for the node.
  113. Properties of `merges`
  114. `current`
  115. (integer) Number of merge operations currently running.
  116. `current_docs`
  117. (integer) Number of document merges currently running.
  118. `current_size`
  119. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory used performing current document merges.
  120. `current_size_in_bytes`
  121. (integer) Memory, in bytes, used performing current document merges.
  122. `total`
  123. (integer) Total number of merge operations.
  124. `total_time`
  125. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing merge operations.
  126. `total_time_in_millis`
  127. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing merge operations.
  128. `total_docs`
  129. (integer) Total number of merged documents.
  130. `total_size`
  131. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total size of document merges.
  132. `total_size_in_bytes`
  133. (integer) Total size of document merges in bytes.
  134. `total_stopped_time`
  135. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent stopping merge operations.
  136. `total_stopped_time_in_millis`
  137. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent stopping merge operations.
  138. `total_throttled_time`
  139. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent throttling merge operations.
  140. `total_throttled_time_in_millis`
  141. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent throttling merge operations.
  142. `total_auto_throttle`
  143. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of automatically throttled merge operations.
  144. `total_auto_throttle_in_bytes`
  145. (integer) Size, in bytes, of automatically throttled merge operations.
  146. `refresh`
  147. (object) Contains statistics about refresh operations for the node.
  148. Properties of `refresh`
  149. `total`
  150. (integer) Total number of refresh operations.
  151. `total_time`
  152. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing refresh operations.
  153. `total_time_in_millis`
  154. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing refresh operations.
  155. `external_total`
  156. (integer) Total number of external refresh operations.
  157. `external_total_time`
  158. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing external operations.
  159. `external_total_time_in_millis`
  160. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing external operations.
  161. `listeners`
  162. (integer) Number of refresh listeners.
  163. `flush`
  164. (object) Contains statistics about flush operations for the node.
  165. Properties of `flush`
  166. `total`
  167. (integer) Number of flush operations.
  168. `periodic`
  169. (integer) Number of flush periodic operations.
  170. `total_time`
  171. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing flush operations.
  172. `total_time_in_millis`
  173. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing flush operations.
  174. `warmer`
  175. (object) Contains statistics about index warming operations for the node.
  176. Properties of `warmer`
  177. `current`
  178. (integer) Number of active index warmers.
  179. `total`
  180. (integer) Total number of index warmers.
  181. `total_time`
  182. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent performing index warming operations.
  183. `total_time_in_millis`
  184. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent performing index warming operations.
  185. `query_cache`
  186. (object) Contains statistics about the query cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  187. Properties of `query_cache`
  188. `memory_size`
  189. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for the query cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  190. `memory_size_in_bytes`
  191. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for the query cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  192. `total_count`
  193. (integer) Total count of hits, misses, and cached queries in the query cache.
  194. `hit_count`
  195. (integer) Number of query cache hits.
  196. `miss_count`
  197. (integer) Number of query cache misses.
  198. `cache_size`
  199. (integer) Size, in bytes, of the query cache.
  200. `cache_count`
  201. (integer) Count of queries in the query cache.
  202. `evictions`
  203. (integer) Number of query cache evictions.
  204. `fielddata`
  205. (object) Contains statistics about the field data cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  206. Properties of `fielddata`
  207. `memory_size`
  208. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for the field data cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  209. `memory_size_in_bytes`
  210. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for the field data cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  211. `evictions`
  212. (integer) Number of fielddata evictions.
  213. `completion`
  214. (object) Contains statistics about completions across all shards assigned to the node.
  215. Properties of `completion`
  216. `size`
  217. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for completion across all shards assigned to the node.
  218. `size_in_bytes`
  219. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for completion across all shards assigned to the node.
  220. `segments`
  221. (object) Contains statistics about segments across all shards assigned to the node.
  222. Properties of `segments`
  223. `count`
  224. (integer) Number of segments.
  225. `memory`
  226. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for segments across all shards assigned to the node.
  227. `memory_in_bytes`
  228. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for segments across all shards assigned to the node.
  229. `terms_memory`
  230. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for terms across all shards assigned to the node.
  231. `terms_memory_in_bytes`
  232. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for terms across all shards assigned to the node.
  233. `stored_fields_memory`
  234. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for stored fields across all shards assigned to the node.
  235. `stored_fields_memory_in_bytes`
  236. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for stored fields across all shards assigned to the node.
  237. `term_vectors_memory`
  238. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for term vectors across all shards assigned to the node.
  239. `term_vectors_memory_in_bytes`
  240. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for term vectors across all shards assigned to the node.
  241. `norms_memory`
  242. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for normalization factors across all shards assigned to the node.
  243. `norms_memory_in_bytes`
  244. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for normalization factors across all shards assigned to the node.
  245. `points_memory`
  246. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for points across all shards assigned to the node.
  247. `points_memory_in_bytes`
  248. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for points across all shards assigned to the node.
  249. `doc_values_memory`
  250. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used for doc values across all shards assigned to the node.
  251. `doc_values_memory_in_bytes`
  252. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used for doc values across all shards assigned to the node.
  253. `index_writer_memory`
  254. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used by all index writers across all shards assigned to the node.
  255. `index_writer_memory_in_bytes`
  256. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by all index writers across all shards assigned to the node.
  257. `version_map_memory`
  258. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used by all version maps across all shards assigned to the node.
  259. `version_map_memory_in_bytes`
  260. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by all version maps across all shards assigned to the node.
  261. `fixed_bit_set`
  262. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of memory used by fixed bit sets across all shards assigned to the node.
  263. Fixed bit sets are used for nested object field types and type filters for [join]($ "Join field type") fields.
  264. `fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes`
  265. (integer) Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by fixed bit sets across all shards assigned to the node.
  266. Fixed bit sets are used for nested object field types and type filters for [join]($ "Join field type") fields.
  267. `max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp`
  268. (integer) Time of the most recently retried indexing request. Recorded in milliseconds since the [Unix Epoch](
  269. `file_sizes`
  270. (object) Contains statistics about the size of the segment file.
  271. Properties of `file_sizes`
  272. `size`
  273. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of the segment file.
  274. `size_in_bytes`
  275. (integer) Size, in bytes, of the segment file.
  276. `description`
  277. (string) Description of the segment file.
  278. `translog`
  279. (object) Contains statistics about transaction log operations for the node.
  280. Properties of `translog`
  281. `operations`
  282. (integer) Number of transaction log operations.
  283. `size`
  284. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of the transaction log.
  285. `size_in_bytes`
  286. (integer) Size, in bytes, of the transaction log.
  287. `uncommitted_operations`
  288. (integer) Number of uncommitted transaction log operations.
  289. `uncommitted_size`
  290. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of uncommitted transaction log operations.
  291. `uncommitted_size_in_bytes`
  292. (integer) Size, in bytes, of uncommitted transaction log operations.
  293. `earliest_last_modified_age`
  294. (integer) Earliest last modified age for the transaction log.
  295. `request_cache`
  296. (object) Contains statistics about the request cache across all shards assigned to the node.
  297. Properties of `request_cache`
  298. `memory_size`
  299. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory used by the request cache.
  300. `memory_size_in_bytes`
  301. (integer) Memory, in bytes, used by the request cache.
  302. `evictions`
  303. (integer) Number of request cache operations.
  304. `hit_count`
  305. (integer) Number of request cache hits.
  306. `miss_count`
  307. (integer) Number of request cache misses.
  308. `recovery`
  309. (object) Contains statistics about recovery operations for the node.
  310. Properties of `recovery`
  311. `current_as_source`
  312. (integer) Number of recoveries that used an index shard as a source.
  313. `current_as_target`
  314. (integer) Number of recoveries that used an index shard as a target.
  315. `throttle_time`
  316. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time by which recovery operations were delayed due to throttling.
  317. `throttle_time_in_millis`
  318. (integer) Time in milliseconds recovery operations were delayed due to throttling.
  319. - `os`
  320. (object) Contains statistics about the operating system for the node.
  321. Properties of `os`
  322. `timestamp`
  323. (integer) Last time the operating system statistics were refreshed. Recorded in milliseconds since the [Unix Epoch](
  324. `cpu`
  325. (object) Contains statistics about CPU usage for the node.
  326. Properties of `cpu`
  327. `percent`
  328. (integer) Recent CPU usage for the whole system, or `-1` if not supported.
  329. `load_average`
  330. (object) Contains statistics about load averages on the system.
  331. Properties of `load_average`
  332. `1m`
  333. (float) One-minute load average on the system (field is not present if one-minute load average is not available).
  334. `5m`
  335. (float) Five-minute load average on the system (field is not present if five-minute load average is not available).
  336. `15m`
  337. (float) Fifteen-minute load average on the system (field is not present if fifteen-minute load average is not available).
  338. `mem`
  339. (object) Contains statistics about memory usage for the node.
  340. Properties of `mem`
  341. `total`
  342. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of physical memory.
  343. `total_in_bytes`
  344. (integer) Total amount of physical memory in bytes.
  345. `free`
  346. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of free physical memory.
  347. `free_in_bytes`
  348. (integer) Amount of free physical memory in bytes.
  349. `used`
  350. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of used physical memory.
  351. `used_in_bytes`
  352. (integer) Amount of used physical memory in bytes.
  353. `free_percent`
  354. (integer) Percentage of free memory.
  355. `used_percent`
  356. (integer) Percentage of used memory.
  357. `swap`
  358. (object) Contains statistics about swap space for the node.
  359. Properties of `swap`
  360. `total`
  361. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of swap space.
  362. `total_in_bytes`
  363. (integer) Total amount of swap space in bytes.
  364. `free`
  365. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of free swap space.
  366. `free_in_bytes`
  367. (integer) Amount of free swap space in bytes.
  368. `used`
  369. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of used swap space.
  370. `used_in_bytes`
  371. (integer) Amount of used swap space in bytes.
  372. `cgroup` (Linux only)
  373. (object) Contains cgroup statistics for the node.
  374. For the cgroup stats to be visible, cgroups must be compiled into the kernel, the `cpu` and `cpuacct` cgroup subsystems must be configured and stats must be readable from `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu` and `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct`.
  375. Properties of `cgroup`
  376. `cpuacct` (Linux only)
  377. (object) Contains statistics about `cpuacct` control group for the node.
  378. Properties of `cpuacct`
  379. `control_group` (Linux only)
  380. (string) The `cpuacct` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs.
  381. `usage_nanos` (Linux only)
  382. (integer) The total CPU time (in nanoseconds) consumed by all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process.
  383. `cpu` (Linux only)
  384. (object) Contains statistics about `cpu` control group for the node.
  385. Properties of `cpu`
  386. `control_group` (Linux only)
  387. (string) The `cpu` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs.
  388. `cfs_period_micros` (Linux only)
  389. (integer) The period of time (in microseconds) for how regularly all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process should have their access to CPU resources reallocated.
  390. `cfs_quota_micros` (Linux only)
  391. (integer) The total amount of time (in microseconds) for which all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process can run during one period `cfs_period_micros`.
  392. `stat` (Linux only)
  393. (object) Contains CPU statistics for the node.
  394. Properties of `stat`
  395. `number_of_elapsed_periods` (Linux only)
  396. (integer) The number of reporting periods (as specified by `cfs_period_micros`) that have elapsed.
  397. `number_of_times_throttled` (Linux only)
  398. (integer) The number of times all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process have been throttled.
  399. `time_throttled_nanos` (Linux only)
  400. (integer) The total amount of time (in nanoseconds) for which all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process have been throttled.
  401. `memory` (Linux only)
  402. (object) Contains statistics about the `memory` control group for the node.
  403. Properties of `memory`
  404. `control_group` (Linux only)
  405. (string) The `memory` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs.
  406. `limit_in_bytes` (Linux only)
  407. (string) The maximum amount of user memory (including file cache) allowed for all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process. This value can be too big to store in a `long`, so is returned as a string so that the value returned can exactly match what the underlying operating system interface returns. Any value that is too large to parse into a `long` almost certainly means no limit has been set for the cgroup.
  408. `usage_in_bytes` (Linux only)
  409. (string) The total current memory usage by processes in the cgroup (in bytes) by all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process. This value is stored as a string for consistency with `limit_in_bytes`.
  410. - `process`
  411. (object) Contains process statistics for the node.
  412. Properties of `process`
  413. `timestamp`
  414. (integer) Last time the statistics were refreshed. Recorded in milliseconds since the [Unix Epoch](
  415. `open_file_descriptors`
  416. (integer) Number of opened file descriptors associated with the current or `-1` if not supported.
  417. `max_file_descriptors`
  418. (integer) Maximum number of file descriptors allowed on the system, or `-1` if not supported.
  419. `cpu`
  420. (object) Contains CPU statistics for the node.
  421. Properties of `cpu`
  422. `percent`
  423. (integer) CPU usage in percent, or `-1` if not known at the time the stats are computed.
  424. `total`
  425. ([time value]($ "Time units")) CPU time used by the process on which the Java virtual machine is running.
  426. `total_in_millis`
  427. (integer) CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the process on which the Java virtual machine is running, or `-1` if not supported.
  428. `mem`
  429. (object) Contains virtual memory statistics for the node.
  430. Properties of `mem`
  431. `total_virtual`
  432. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process.
  433. `total_virtual_in_bytes`
  434. (integer) Size in bytes of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process.
  435. - `jvm`
  436. (object) Contains Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics for the node.
  437. Properties of `jvm`
  438. `timestamp`
  439. (integer) Last time JVM statistics were refreshed.
  440. `uptime`
  441. ([time value]($ "Time units")) JVM uptime.
  442. `uptime_in_millis`
  443. (integer) JVM uptime in milliseconds.
  444. `mem`
  445. (object) Contains JVM memory usage statistics for the node.
  446. Properties of `mem`
  447. `heap_used`
  448. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory currently in use by the heap.
  449. `heap_used_in_bytes`
  450. (integer) Memory, in bytes, currently in use by the heap.
  451. `heap_used_percent`
  452. (integer) Percentage of memory currently in use by the heap.
  453. `heap_committed`
  454. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of memory available for use by the heap.
  455. `heap_committed_in_bytes`
  456. (integer) Amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap.
  457. `heap_max`
  458. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Maximum amount of memory available for use by the heap.
  459. `heap_max_in_bytes`
  460. (integer) Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap.
  461. `non_heap_used`
  462. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Non-heap memory used.
  463. `non_heap_used_in_bytes`
  464. (integer) Non-heap memory used, in bytes.
  465. `non_heap_committed`
  466. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Amount of non-heap memory available.
  467. `non_heap_committed_in_bytes`
  468. (integer) Amount of non-heap memory available, in bytes.
  469. `pools`
  470. (object) Contains statistics about heap memory usage for the node.
  471. Properties of `pools`
  472. `young`
  473. (object) Contains statistics about memory usage by the young generation heap for the node.
  474. Properties of `young`
  475. `used`
  476. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory used by the young generation heap.
  477. `used_in_bytes`
  478. (integer) Memory, in bytes, used by the young generation heap.
  479. `max`
  480. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Maximum amount of memory available for use by the young generation heap.
  481. `max_in_bytes`
  482. (integer) Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the young generation heap.
  483. `peak_used`
  484. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Largest amount of memory historically used by the young generation heap.
  485. `peak_used_in_bytes`
  486. (integer) Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the young generation heap.
  487. `peak_max`
  488. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Largest amount of memory historically used by the young generation heap.
  489. `peak_max_in_bytes`
  490. (integer) Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the young generation heap.
  491. `survivor`
  492. (object) Contains statistics about memory usage by the survivor space for the node.
  493. Properties of `survivor`
  494. `used`
  495. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory used by the survivor space.
  496. `used_in_bytes`
  497. (integer) Memory, in bytes, used by the survivor space.
  498. `max`
  499. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Maximum amount of memory available for use by the survivor space.
  500. `max_in_bytes`
  501. (integer) Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the survivor space.
  502. `peak_used`
  503. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Largest amount of memory historically used by the survivor space.
  504. `peak_used_in_bytes`
  505. (integer) Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the survivor space.
  506. `peak_max`
  507. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Largest amount of memory historically used by the survivor space.
  508. `peak_max_in_bytes`
  509. (integer) Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the survivor space.
  510. `old`
  511. (object) Contains statistics about memory usage by the old generation heap for the node.
  512. Properties of `old`
  513. `used`
  514. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory used by the old generation heap.
  515. `used_in_bytes`
  516. (integer) Memory, in bytes, used by the old generation heap.
  517. `max`
  518. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Maximum amount of memory available for use by the old generation heap.
  519. `max_in_bytes`
  520. (integer) Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the old generation heap.
  521. `peak_used`
  522. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Largest amount of memory historically used by the old generation heap.
  523. `peak_used_in_bytes`
  524. (integer) Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the old generation heap.
  525. `peak_max`
  526. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Highest memory limit historically available for use by the old generation heap.
  527. `peak_max_in_bytes`
  528. (integer) Highest memory limit, in bytes, historically available for use by the old generation heap.
  529. `threads`
  530. (object) Contains statistics about JVM thread usage for the node.
  531. Properties of `threads`
  532. `count`
  533. (integer) Number of active threads in use by JVM.
  534. `peak_count`
  535. (integer) Highest number of threads used by JVM.
  536. `gc`
  537. (object) Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors for the node.
  538. Properties of `gc`
  539. `collectors`
  540. (object) Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors for the node.
  541. Properties of `collectors`
  542. `young`
  543. (object) Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors that collect young generation objects for the node.
  544. Properties of `young`
  545. `collection_count`
  546. (integer) Number of JVM garbage collectors that collect young generation objects.
  547. `collection_time`
  548. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent by JVM collecting young generation objects.
  549. `collection_time_in_millis`
  550. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent by JVM collecting young generation objects.
  551. `old`
  552. (object) Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors that collect old generation objects for the node.
  553. Properties of `old`
  554. `collection_count`
  555. (integer) Number of JVM garbage collectors that collect old generation objects.
  556. `collection_time`
  557. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent by JVM collecting old generation objects.
  558. `collection_time_in_millis`
  559. (integer) Total time in milliseconds spent by JVM collecting old generation objects.
  560. `buffer_pools`
  561. (object) Contains statistics about JVM buffer pools for the node.
  562. Properties of `buffer_pools`
  563. `mapped`
  564. (object) Contains statistics about mapped JVM buffer pools for the node.
  565. Properties of `mapped`
  566. `count`
  567. (integer) Number of mapped buffer pools.
  568. `used`
  569. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of mapped buffer pools.
  570. `used_in_bytes`
  571. (integer) Size, in bytes, of mapped buffer pools.
  572. `total_capacity`
  573. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total capacity of mapped buffer pools.
  574. `total_capacity_in_bytes`
  575. (integer) Total capacity, in bytes, of mapped buffer pools.
  576. `direct`
  577. (object) Contains statistics about direct JVM buffer pools for the node.
  578. Properties of `direct`
  579. `count`
  580. (integer) Number of direct buffer pools.
  581. `used`
  582. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of direct buffer pools.
  583. `used_in_bytes`
  584. (integer) Size, in bytes, of direct buffer pools.
  585. `total_capacity`
  586. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total capacity of direct buffer pools.
  587. `total_capacity_in_bytes`
  588. (integer) Total capacity, in bytes, of direct buffer pools.
  589. `classes`
  590. (object) Contains statistics about classes loaded by JVM for the node.
  591. Properties of `classes`
  592. `current_loaded_count`
  593. (integer) Number of classes currently loaded by JVM.
  594. `total_loaded_count`
  595. (integer) Total number of classes loaded since the JVM started.
  596. `total_unloaded_count`
  597. (integer) Total number of classes unloaded since the JVM started.
  598. - `thread_pool`
  599. (object) Contains thread pool statistics for the node
  600. Properties of `thread_pool`
  601. `<thread_pool_name>`
  602. (object) Contains statistics about the thread pool for the node.
  603. Properties of `<thread_pool_name>`
  604. `threads`
  605. (integer) Number of threads in the thread pool.
  606. `queue`
  607. (integer) Number of tasks in queue for the thread pool.
  608. `active`
  609. (integer) Number of active threads in the thread pool.
  610. `rejected`
  611. (integer) Number of tasks rejected by the thread pool executor.
  612. `largest`
  613. (integer) Highest number of active threads in the thread pool.
  614. `completed`
  615. (integer) Number of tasks completed by the thread pool executor.
  616. - `fs`
  617. (object) Contains file store statistics for the node.
  618. Properties of `fs`
  619. `timestamp`
  620. (integer) Last time the file stores statistics were refreshed. Recorded in milliseconds since the [Unix Epoch](
  621. `total`
  622. (object) Contains statistics for all file stores of the node.
  623. Properties of `total`
  624. `total`
  625. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total size of all file stores.
  626. `total_in_bytes`
  627. (integer) Total size (in bytes) of all file stores.
  628. `free`
  629. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total unallocated disk space in all file stores.
  630. `free_in_bytes`
  631. (integer) Total number of unallocated bytes in all file stores.
  632. `available`
  633. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total disk space available to this Java virtual machine on all file stores. Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than `free`. This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can utilise.
  634. `available_in_bytes`
  635. (integer) Total number of bytes available to this Java virtual machine on all file stores. Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than `free_in_bytes`. This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can utilise.
  636. `least_usage_estimate`
  637. (object) Contains statistics for the file store with the least estimated usage. See [``]($ for a list of child parameters.
  638. `most_usage_estimate`
  639. (object) Contains statistics for the file store with the most estimated usage. See [``]($ for a list of child parameters.
  640. `data`
  641. (array of objects) List of all file stores.
  642. Properties of `data`
  643. `path`
  644. (string) Path to the file store.
  645. `mount`
  646. (string) Mount point of the file store (ex: /dev/sda2).
  647. This parameter is not provided for the `least_usage_estimate` or `most_usage_estimate` file stores.
  648. `type`
  649. (string) Type of the file store (ex: ext4).
  650. `total`
  651. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total size of the file store.
  652. `total_in_bytes`
  653. (integer) Total size (in bytes) of the file store.
  654. `free`
  655. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of unallocated disk space in the file store.
  656. `free_in_bytes`
  657. (integer) Total number of unallocated bytes in the file store.
  658. `available`
  659. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Total amount of disk space available to this Java virtual machine on this file store.
  660. `available_in_bytes`
  661. (integer) Total number of bytes available to this Java virtual machine on this file store.
  662. `io_stats` (Linux only)
  663. (objects) Contains I/O statistics for the node.
  664. Properties of `io_stats`
  665. `devices` (Linux only)
  666. (array) Array of disk metrics for each device that is backing an Elasticsearch data path. These disk metrics are probed periodically and averages between the last probe and the current probe are computed.
  667. Properties of `devices`
  668. `device_name` (Linux only)
  669. (string) The Linux device name.
  670. `operations` (Linux only)
  671. (integer) The total number of read and write operations for the device completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  672. `read_operations` (Linux only)
  673. (integer) The total number of read operations for the device completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  674. `write_operations` (Linux only)
  675. (integer) The total number of write operations for the device completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  676. `read_kilobytes` (Linux only)
  677. (integer) The total number of kilobytes read for the device since starting Elasticsearch.
  678. `write_kilobytes` (Linux only)
  679. (integer) The total number of kilobytes written for the device since starting Elasticsearch.
  680. `operations` (Linux only)
  681. (integer) The total number of read and write operations across all devices used by Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  682. `read_operations` (Linux only)
  683. (integer) The total number of read operations for across all devices used by Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  684. `write_operations` (Linux only)
  685. (integer) The total number of write operations across all devices used by Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
  686. `read_kilobytes` (Linux only)
  687. (integer) The total number of kilobytes read across all devices used by Elasticsearch since starting Elasticsearch.
  688. `write_kilobytes` (Linux only)
  689. (integer) The total number of kilobytes written across all devices used by Elasticsearch since starting Elasticsearch.
  690. - `transport`
  691. (object) Contains transport statistics for the node.
  692. Properties of `transport`
  693. `server_open`
  694. (integer) Number of open TCP connections used for internal communication between nodes.
  695. `rx_count`
  696. (integer) Total number of RX (receive) packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.
  697. `rx_size`
  698. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.
  699. `rx_size_in_bytes`
  700. (integer) Size, in bytes, of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.
  701. `tx_count`
  702. (integer) Total number of TX (transmit) packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.
  703. `tx_size`
  704. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Size of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.
  705. `tx_size_in_bytes`
  706. (integer) Size, in bytes, of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.
  707. - `http`
  708. (object) Contains http statistics for the node.
  709. Properties of `http`
  710. `current_open`
  711. (integer) Current number of open HTTP connections for the node.
  712. `total_opened`
  713. (integer) Total number of HTTP connections opened for the node.
  714. - `breakers`
  715. (object) Contains circuit breaker statistics for the node.
  716. Properties of `breakers`
  717. `<circuit_breaker_name>`
  718. (object) Contains statistics for the circuit breaker.
  719. Properties of `<circuit_breaker_name>`
  720. `limit_size_in_bytes`
  721. (integer) Memory limit, in bytes, for the circuit breaker.
  722. `limit_size`
  723. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory limit for the circuit breaker.
  724. `estimated_size_in_bytes`
  725. (integer) Estimated memory used, in bytes, for the operation.
  726. `estimated_size`
  727. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Estimated memory used for the operation.
  728. `overhead`
  729. (float) A constant that all estimates for the circuit breaker are multiplied with to calculate a final estimate.
  730. `tripped`
  731. (integer) Total number of times the circuit breaker has been triggered and prevented an out of memory error.
  732. - `script`
  733. (object) Contains script statistics for the node.
  734. Properties of `script`
  735. `compilations`
  736. (integer) Total number of inline script compilations performed by the node.
  737. `cache_evictions`
  738. (integer) Total number of times the script cache has evicted old data.
  739. `compilation_limit_triggered`
  740. (integer) Total number of times the [script compilation]($ "Script compilation circuit breaker") circuit breaker has limited inline script compilations.
  741. - `discovery`
  742. (object) Contains node discovery statistics for the node.
  743. Properties of `discovery`
  744. `cluster_state_queue`
  745. (object) Contains statistics for the cluster state queue of the node.
  746. Properties of `cluster_state_queue`
  747. `total`
  748. (integer) Total number of cluster states in queue.
  749. `pending`
  750. (integer) Number of pending cluster states in queue.
  751. `committed`
  752. (integer) Number of committed cluster states in queue.
  753. `published_cluster_states`
  754. (object) Contains statistics for the published cluster states of the node.
  755. Properties of `published_cluster_states`
  756. `full_states`
  757. (integer) Number of published cluster states.
  758. `incompatible_diffs`
  759. (integer) Number of incompatible differences between published cluster states.
  760. `compatible_diffs`
  761. (integer) Number of compatible differences between published cluster states.
  762. - `ingest`
  763. (object) Contains ingest statistics for the node.
  764. Properties of `ingest`
  765. `total`
  766. (object) Contains statistics about ingest operations for the node.
  767. Properties of `total`
  768. `count`
  769. (integer) Total number of documents ingested during the lifetime of this node.
  770. `time`
  771. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent preprocessing ingest documents during the lifetime of this node.
  772. `time_in_millis`
  773. (integer) Total time, in milliseconds, spent preprocessing ingest documents during the lifetime of this node.
  774. `current`
  775. (integer) Total number of documents currently being ingested.
  776. `failed`
  777. (integer) Total number of failed ingest operations during the lifetime of this node.
  778. `pipelines`
  779. (object) Contains statistics about ingest pipelines for the node.
  780. Properties of `pipelines`
  781. `<pipeline_id>`
  782. (object) Contains statistics about the ingest pipeline.
  783. Properties of `<pipeline_id>`
  784. `count`
  785. (integer) Number of documents preprocessed by the ingest pipeline.
  786. `time`
  787. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Total time spent preprocessing documents in the ingest pipeline.
  788. `time_in_millis`
  789. (integer) Total time, in milliseconds, spent preprocessing documents in the ingest pipeline.
  790. `failed`
  791. (integer) Total number of failed operations for the ingest pipeline.
  792. `processors`
  793. (array of objects) Contains statistics for the ingest processors for the ingest pipeline.
  794. Properties of `processors`
  795. `<processor>`
  796. (object) Contains statistics for the ingest processor.
  797. Properties of `<processor>`
  798. `count`
  799. (integer) Number of documents transformed by the processor.
  800. `time`
  801. ([time value]($ "Time units")) Time spent by the processor transforming documents.
  802. `time_in_millis`
  803. (integer) Time, in milliseconds, spent by the processor transforming documents.
  804. `current`
  805. (integer) Number of documents currently being transformed by the processor.
  806. `failed`
  807. (integer) Number of failed operations for the processor.
  808. - `indexing_pressure`
  809. (object) Contains [indexing pressure]($ "Indexing pressure") statistics for the node.
  810. Properties of `indexing_pressure`
  811. `memory`
  812. (object) Contains statistics for memory consumption from indexing load.
  813. Properties of `<memory>`
  814. `current`
  815. (object) Contains statistics for current indexing load.
  816. Properties of `<current>`
  817. `combined_coordinating_and_primary`
  818. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating or primary stage. This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally.
  819. `combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes`
  820. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating or primary stage. This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally.
  821. `coordinating`
  822. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating stage.
  823. `coordinating_in_bytes`
  824. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating stage.
  825. `primary`
  826. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the primary stage.
  827. `primary_in_bytes`
  828. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the primary stage.
  829. `replica`
  830. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the replica stage.
  831. `replica_in_bytes`
  832. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the replica stage.
  833. `all`
  834. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, or replica stage.
  835. `all_in_bytes`
  836. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, or replica stage.
  837. `total`
  838. (object) Contains statistics for the cumulative indexing load since the node started.
  839. Properties of `<total>`
  840. `combined_coordinating_and_primary`
  841. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating or primary stage. This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally.
  842. `combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes`
  843. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating or primary stage. This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally.
  844. `coordinating`
  845. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating stage.
  846. `coordinating_in_bytes`
  847. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating stage.
  848. `primary`
  849. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the primary stage.
  850. `primary_in_bytes`
  851. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the primary stage.
  852. `replica`
  853. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the replica stage.
  854. `replica_in_bytes`
  855. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the replica stage.
  856. `all`
  857. ([byte value]($ "Byte size units")) Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, or replica stage.
  858. `all_in_bytes`
  859. (integer) Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, or replica stage.
  860. `coordinating_rejections`
  861. (integer) Number of indexing requests rejected in the coordinating stage.
  862. `primary_rejections`
  863. (integer) Number of indexing requests rejected in the primary stage.
  864. `replica_rejections`
  865. (integer) Number of indexing requests rejected in the replica stage.
  866. - `adaptive_selection`
  867. (object) Contains adaptive selection statistics for the node.
  868. Properties of `adaptive_selection`
  869. `outgoing_searches`
  870. (integer) The number of outstanding search requests from the node these stats are for to the keyed node.
  871. `avg_queue_size`
  872. (integer) The exponentially weighted moving average queue size of search requests on the keyed node.
  873. `avg_service_time`
  874. ([time value]($ "Time units")) The exponentially weighted moving average service time of search requests on the keyed node.
  875. `avg_service_time_ns`
  876. (integer) The exponentially weighted moving average service time, in nanoseconds, of search requests on the keyed node.
  877. `avg_response_time`
  878. ([time value]($ "Time units")) The exponentially weighted moving average response time of search requests on the keyed node.
  879. `avg_response_time_ns`
  880. (integer) The exponentially weighted moving average response time, in nanoseconds, of search requests on the keyed node.
  881. `rank`
  882. (string) The rank of this node; used for shard selection when routing search requests.


  1. # return just indices
  2. GET /_nodes/stats/indices
  3. # return just os and process
  4. GET /_nodes/stats/os,process
  5. # return just process for node with IP address
  6. GET /_nodes/

All stats can be explicitly requested via /_nodes/stats/_all or /_nodes/stats?metric=_all.

You can get information about indices stats on node, indices, or shards level.

  1. # Fielddata summarized by node
  2. GET /_nodes/stats/indices/fielddata?fields=field1,field2
  3. # Fielddata summarized by node and index
  4. GET /_nodes/stats/indices/fielddata?level=indices&fields=field1,field2
  5. # Fielddata summarized by node, index, and shard
  6. GET /_nodes/stats/indices/fielddata?level=shards&fields=field1,field2
  7. # You can use wildcards for field names
  8. GET /_nodes/stats/indices/fielddata?fields=field*

You can get statistics about search groups for searches executed on this node.

  1. # All groups with all stats
  2. GET /_nodes/stats?groups=_all
  3. # Some groups from just the indices stats
  4. GET /_nodes/stats/indices?groups=foo,bar

Retrieve ingest statistics only

To return only ingest-related node statistics, set the <metric> path parameter to ingest and use the filter_path query parameter.

  1. GET /_nodes/stats/ingest?filter_path=nodes.*.ingest

You can use the metric and filter_path query parameters to get the same response.

  1. GET /_nodes/stats?metric=ingest&filter_path=nodes.*.ingest

To further refine the response, change the filter_path value. For example, the following request only returns ingest pipeline statistics.

  1. GET /_nodes/stats?metric=ingest&filter_path=nodes.*.ingest.pipelines