Enrich policy definition

Enrich policies are defined as JSON objects like the following:

  1. {
  2. "<enrich_policy_type>": {
  3. "indices": [ "..." ],
  4. "match_field": "...",
  5. "enrich_fields": [ "..." ],
  6. "query": {... }
  7. }
  8. }



(Required, enrich policy object) The enrich policy type determines how enrich data is matched to incoming documents.

Supported enrich policy types include:


(Required, String or array of strings) Source indices used to create the enrich index.

If multiple indices are provided, they must share a common match_field, which the enrich processor can use to match incoming documents.


(Required, string) Field in the source indices used to match incoming documents.


(Required, Array of strings) Fields to add to matching incoming documents. These fields must be present in the source indices.


(Optional, Query DSL query object) Query used to filter documents in the enrich index for matching. Defaults to a match_all query.