0.8.0-alpha 版本

发布日期: 2015-05-25

[Hooks](https://github.com/emqtt/emqttd/wiki/Hooks%20Design), Modules and [Plugins](https://github.com/emqtt/emqttd/wiki/Plugin%20Design) to extend the broker Now!

Plugin: emqttd_auth_mysql - MySQL authentication plugin (issues #116, #120)

Plugin: emqttd_auth_ldap - LDAP authentication plugin

Feature: emqttd_broker to support Hooks API

Feature: issue #111 - Support ‘Forced Subscriptions’ by emqttd_mod_autosub module

Feature: issue #126 - Support ‘Rewrite rules’ by emqttd_mod_rewrite module

Improve: Support hooks, modules to extend the broker

Improve: issue #76 - dialyzer check

Improve: ‘Get Started’, ‘User Guide’, ‘Developer Guide’ Wiki

Improve: emqtt_topic to add join/1, feed_var/3, is_queue/1

Improve: emqttd_pooler to execute common tasks

Improve: add emqttd_sm_sup module, and use ‘hash’ gproc_pool to manage sessions

Tests: add more test cases for ‘emqttd’ app