2.3-beta.4 版本

发布日期: 2017-09-13


Released a new sexy dashboard.

Add more RESTful APIs for manangement and monitoring.

Configuring the broker through CLI or API without having to restart.


Job for emqttd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. (emqttd#1238)

Travis-CI Build Failing (emqttd#1221)

Https listener of Dashboard plugin won’t work (emqttd#1220)

Service not starting on Debian 8 Jessie (emqttd#1228)


  1. Support switching to other clustered node.
  2. Configure and reboot the plugins on the dashboard.
  3. A login page to replace the basic authentication popup window.


1.Try to clarify the relationship between coap and mqtt in EMQ. (emq-coap#54).

2.Fix crashes in coap concurrent test(gen-coap#3).