2.0.7 版本

发布日期: 2017-01-20

The Last Maintenance Release for EMQ 2.0, and support to build RPM/DEB Packages.

emq-auth-http#9: Update the priv/emq_auth_http.schema, cuttlefish:unset() if no super_req/acl_req config exists

emq-auth-mongo#31: cuttlefish:unset() if no ACL/super config exists

emq-dashboard#91: Fix the exception caused by binary payload

emq-relx#21: Improve the bin\emqttd.cmd batch script for windows

emqttd#873: Documentation: installing-from-source

emqttd#870: Documentation: The word in Documents is wrong

emqttd#864: Hook ‘client.unsubscribe’ need to handle ‘stop’

emqttd#856: Support variables in etc/emq.conf: , ,