Guide applies to: modern

Accessing Sencha’s npm Repository

If you are a TRIAL customer

The Ext JS 30-day trial packages are available to install from public npm. Install the latest Ext JS version using the following command and skip to Step 2.

$ npm install -g @sencha/ext-gen

If you are an ACTIVE customer

Ext JS and all related commercial packages are hosted on Sencha’s private npm registry. Login to the registry using the following command which configures npm to download packages in the @sencha scope from Sencha’s registry.

Username Note:

The email and password used during support portal activation (after license purchase) will be used to login to Sencha’s NPM repo. The username is the same as the email used, however, the @ character is replaced with ‘..’ two periods. For example [[email protected]]( converts to username:

$ npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha

CI/Build Servers Login & Access

Use this step when you need to login in server enviroment.

  1. Login locally, so you can get the access token from your ~/.npmrc file.
  2. In the CI Build steps, you can login one of two ways.

Using NPM Commands

Using npm commands. Replace the $SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_VERDACCIO with the token from your ~/.npmrc file.

  1. npm config set @sencha:registry
  2. npm config set //$SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_VERDACCIO

Writing an Auth File

Create and write a ~/.npmrc file. Replace the with the token from your ~/.npmrc file.

  1. # Remove previous file
  2. rm -f ~/.npmrc
  3. # Write new ~/.npmrc
  4. echo "Writing auth tokens to ~/.npmrc"
  5. echo "@sencha:registry=" >> ~/.npmrc
  6. echo "//" >> ~/.npmrc
  7. # Debug
  8. echo "Debug contents of ~/.npmrc:"
  9. echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  10. cat ~/.npmrc
  11. echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  12. # Check login with whoami
  13. echo "Invoking NPM whoami"
  14. echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  15. npm --registry whoami
  16. echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Travis CI config

Here’s a Travis CI example configuration.

  1. env:
  2. #
  3. # gem install travis
  4. # travis login --pro --github-token replace_with_github_personal_token
  5. # cd to/repo
  6. # travis encrypt SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_VERDACCIO="replace_with_apikey"
  7. # SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_VERDACCIO - secure: "XXXX... generation removed"
  8. # early-adopter
  9. # travis encrypt SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_EARLYADOPTER="replace_with_apikey"
  10. - secure: "XXXX... generation removed"
  11. os: osx
  12. language: node_js
  13. node_js:
  14. - "lts/*"
  15. cache:
  16. npm: false
  17. before_install:
  18. # NPM Login - commercial
  19. # - npm config set @sencha:registry
  20. # - npm config set //$SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_VERDACCIO
  21. # NPM Login - early-adopter
  22. - npm config set @sencha:registry
  23. - npm config set //$SENCHA_NPM_TOKEN_EARLYADOPTER
  24. install:
  25. - cd internal-components
  26. - npm install
  27. script:
  28. - npm run build
  29. deploy:
  30. skip_cleanup: true
  31. provider: script
  32. script: bash
  33. on:
  34. branch: master
  35. # Run CLI in this repo
  36. # Delete Cache
  37. # travis cache
  38. # travis cache --delete

Note: Existing customers use your support portal credentials. But switch the username, @ character with '..' two periods, so the username would look something like this after it’s converted:

Creating your own Copy of Sencha repo

Sometimes, especially for continuous integration, you may desire a scenario where you do not want to worry about access credentials or authentication to obtain content from our NPM repository.

This section outlines the way in which you can download all the Sencha node packages from our repo, saving them locally, without the need for constant authentication.

In this guide, we will use a target local directory of ‘./vendor’ to contain all the Sencha node packages. This can be named anything of meaning to you. The following steps assume you are in your application’s root directory.

  1. 1. Login to Senchas NPM repository to authenticate yourself so you may access all Sencha packages.
  2. > npm set @sencha:registry=
  3. > npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha
  4. 2. While authenticated, install all Sencha packages required by your application except @sencha/ext-webpack-plugin.
  5. 3. After all packages are installed, copy the contents of ./node_modules/@sencha to ./vendor/@sencha. Ensure that any source control application you use has the ‘./vendor directory added to it so that these packages are available in any target system that will checkout your application.
  6. 4. Update your package.json to link all required packages to their new location in the ./vendor folder. For example:
  7. dependencies”: {
  8. @sencha/ext”: file:vendor/@sencha/ext
  9. }
  10. 5. Next, update the package.json file for each individual Sencha package found in the vendor directory (e.g. vendor/@sencha/ext/package.json). You will want to
  11. a. Remove any/all scripts definitions in the file. For example:
  12. scripts”: {
  13. install”: node authorize.js
  14. }
  15. b. Update dependency references to reflect that other packages are now locally found in the vendor folder. For example:
  16. @dependencies”: {
  17. @sencha/ext-core”: file:../ext-core
  18. }
  19. c. Finally, remove any _activatedby property which may exist in the package.json (it should be located at the bottom). These properties are part of npm authentication and may cause issues if retained.
  20. 6. As you will no longer be using Sencha NPM server, unregister the packages locally from the server by editing your .npmrc file and commenting out the following line (if present) by placing a hash symbol at the start:
  21. # @sencha:registry = “”
  22. 7. Delete your ./node modules directory along with the package-lock.json file.
  23. 8. Edit package.json and remove @sencha/ext-webpack-plugin from the devDependencies block (if one exists).
  24. 9. Run npm install to re-populate the node_modules required for your application. This will also populate the node_modules/@sencha directory with links to your vendor directory locations, rather than downloading the source from our repository.
  25. 10. Run npm install @sencha/ext-webpack-plugin --save-dev. NPM will install this package and its @sencha/cmd dependency from the public npm registry.
  26. 11. If you previously have a build server configured with any Sencha authentication, you may remove this authentication from any buildspec files. As you will be using your own local copy of our packages, Sencha npm repo authentication is no longer necessary.
  27. 12. Finally, commit these changes to any CVS and review CI/CD pipelines as necessary to ensure builds run correctly and without incident.

Please refer to the following GIFs to see the process.

Demo 1:

npm Repository Access - 图1

Demo 2:

npm Repository Access - 图2


For troubleshooting your authentication to Sencha’s repositories, refer to Npm Troubleshooting