Guide applies to: modern


A dialog is a type of floating panel. Like any component, it has a tpl property, whose data is provided by either the data config or by running setData(), without being restricted by the comparable restrictive issues of pop-up alert windows. Take note of the show() method to make it display.

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JS Run

  1. Ext.define('MyApp.view.Dialog', {
  2. extend: 'Ext.Dialog',
  3. xtype: 'dialog',
  4. title: 'Dialog',
  5. tpl: '<h2>{message}</h2>',
  6. bodyPadding: 8,
  7. height: 300,
  8. width: 300
  9. });
  10. Ext.define('MyApp.view.Main', {
  11. extend: 'Ext.Panel',
  12. tbar: [{
  13. xtype: 'button',
  14. text: 'Create',
  15. handler: function(button)
  16. button.up('panel').add({
  17. xtype: 'dialog',
  18. data: {
  19. message: 'Hi there!'
  20. }
  21. }).show();
  22. }
  23. }]
  24. });
  25. Ext.application({
  26. name: 'MyApp',
  27. mainView: 'MyApp.view.Main'
  28. });