Guide applies to: modern

Ext JS npm Packages

This guide covers the Ext JS npm packages available.

Repository Dashboard

Repository Login

If you are a TRIAL customer

The Ext JS 30-day trial packages are available to install from public npm. Install the latest Ext JS version using the following command and skip to Step 2.

$ npm install -g @sencha/ext-gen

If you are an ACTIVE customer

Ext JS and all related commercial packages are hosted on Sencha’s private npm registry. Login to the registry using the following command which configures npm to download packages in the @sencha scope from Sencha’s registry.

Username Note:

The email and password used during support portal activation (after license purchase) will be used to login to Sencha’s NPM repo. The username is the same as the email used, however, the @ character is replaced with ‘..’ two periods. For example [[email protected]]( converts to username:

$ npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha

$ npm install -g @sencha/ext-gen

Repository Packages

These packages come with Ext JS 7.x. All of them use the same @sencha scope.

npm PackagesAdd-on ComponentsConfig NameProduct TierDescription
extStandardBase framework with dependencies on modern and core
ext-classicStandardAll Classic components
ext-classic-localeStandardLocale package for Classic toolkit
ext-coreCorecoreStandardAll core - layout, DOM classes
ext-modernStandardAll Modern components
ext-angular-genStandardExtAngular Application Generator
ext-angular-boilerplateStandardModern Boilerplate example
ext-angular-kitchensinkStandardKitchensink Examples
ext-angularStandardThe main ExtAngular Package
ext-angular-webpack-pluginStandardWebPack Plugin
ext-chartsChartschartsStandardThe Chart package that provide data visualization functionality
ext-amfAMFamfStandardAction Message Format (AMF) package
ext-googleGooglegoogleStandardGoogle maps and calendars
ext-soapSoapsoapStandardSimple Object Access Protocol
ext-uxUXuxStandardUX package provides components like Gauge, Ratings
ext-modern-localeStandardLocale package for Modern toolkit
Font Packages
ext-font-awesomeFont Awesomefont-awesomeStandardfont-awesome icons
ext-font-extFont-extfont-extStandardExt JS Font Package
ext-font-iosFont-iosfont-iosStandardFonts for iOS theme
ext-font-pictosFont-pictosfont-pictosStandardPictos Font Package
Theme Packages
ext-modern-theme-baseStandardBase for all the themes under modern
ext-modern-theme-materialStandardMaterial theme for the Modern toolkit
ext-modern-theme-iosStandardModern iOS Theme
ext-modern-theme-neptuneStandardModern borderless theme
ext-modern-theme-tritonStandardModern flat, borderless theme
ext-classic-theme-baseStandardThis package is the base for all the themes under classic.
ext-classic-theme-classicStandardThe classic blue Ext JS theme.
ext-classic-theme-crispStandardMinimalistic Theme.
ext-classic-theme-crisp-touchStandardCrisp-Based Touch Theme.
ext-classic-theme-graphiteStandardAccessible theme based on Triton
ext-classic-theme-grayStandardGray theme. Extends “theme-classic”
ext-classic-theme-materialStandardMaterial theme for the Classic toolkit
ext-classic-theme-neptuneStandardModern borderless theme.
ext-classic-theme-neptune-touchStandardNeptune-Based Touch Theme.
ext-classic-theme-neutralStandardThe neutral theme is a highly configurable, abstract base theme for the Ext JS classic toolkit
ext-classic-theme-tritonStandardFlat, borderless theme
Enterprise Packages
ext-modern-treegridModern Tree GridtreegridEnterpriseThis package lets you use Trees and Grids
ext-exporterExporterexporterEnterpriseExport to various file formats
ext-pivotPivot GridpivotEnterpriseRapid summarization of large sets of data
ext-pivot-d3Pivot D3pivot-d3EnterprisePivot with D3
ext-pivot-localePivot Localepivot-localeEnterpriseLocale feature on a Pivot grid
ext-d3D3 Adapterd3EnterpriseData visualization
ext-calendarCalendarcalendarEnterpriseCustom calendars
ext-froala-editorFroala Editorfroala-editorEnterpriseFroala editor


Add the Add-on Component to your Project

Step 1: Install the Add-on npm Dependency

This will add it to the add-on dependency in the package.json.


  1. npm install --save @sencha/ext-<addon-package>

Specific Example:

  1. npm install --save @sencha/ext-calendar

Step 2: Declare the Package in app.json

In the project’s app.json requires property, declare the new package dependency calendar or whatever the package config name is.

Example app.json:

  1. "requires": [
  2. "font-awesome",
  3. // Declare the add-on Component package here
  4. "calendar"
  5. ],

Step 3: Add the Add-on Component to a View

In this step, add the enterprise component to one of the applications views. In this example, the calendar package is added to the Main.js view.


  1. {
  2. title: 'Home',
  3. iconCls: 'x-fa fa-home',
  4. layout: 'fit',
  5. items: [{
  6. xtype: 'calendar'
  7. }]
  8. }

Step 4: Try it out

Start up your your web server and reload the web page. Verify the new component renders.

What’s Next

Now you’re ready to move to the next stage of using all the Ext JS Components.


For Workspaces: Declare Packages in the Workspace

In some projects with a workspace configuration, configure the packages.

In workspace.json append the dir variable under packages with new add-on package location.

  1. ${framework.dir}/../ext-<addon-package>

Example before:

  1. "packages": {
  2. "dir": "${workspace.dir}/packages”,

Example after:

  1. "packages": {
  2. "dir": "${workspace.dir}/packages,${framework.dir}/../ext-calendar",