Windows Event Log

The winlog input plugin allows you to read Windows Event Log.

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:

Key Description Default
Channels A comma-separated list of channels to read from.
Interval_Sec Set the polling interval for each channel. (optional) 1
DB Set the path to save the read offsets. (optional)

Note that if you do not set db, the plugin will read channels from the beginning on each startup.

Configuration Examples

Configuration File

Here is a minimum configuration example.

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name winlog
  3. Channels Setup,Windows PowerShell
  4. Interval_Sec 1
  5. DB winlog.sqlite
  6. [OUTPUT]
  7. Name stdout
  8. Match *

Note that some Windows Event Log channels (like Security) requires an admin privilege for reading. In this case, you need to run fluent-bit as an administrator.

Command Line

If you want to do a quick test, you can run this plugin from the command line.

  1. $ fluent-bit -i winlog -p 'channels=Setup' -o stdout