

Dart 分析器

在运行应用程序前,请运行flutter analyze测试你的代码。这个工具(它是dartanalyzer工具的一个包装)将分析你的代码并帮助你发现可能的错误。 如果你使用IntelliJ的Flutter插件,那么已经自动启用了。


Dart Observatory (语句级的单步调试和分析器)

如果您使用flutter run启动应用程序,那么当它运行时,您可以打开Observatory URL的Web页面(例如Observatory监听http://, 直接使用语句级单步调试器连接到您的应用程序。如果您使用的是IntelliJ,则还可以使用其内置的调试器来调试您的应用程序。

Observatory 同时支持分析、检查堆等。有关Observatory的更多信息请参考Observatory 文档.

如果您使用Observatory进行分析,请确保通过--profile选项来运行flutter run命令来运行应用程序。 否则,配置文件中将出现的主要问题将是调试断言,以验证框架的各种不变量(请参阅下面的“调试模式断言”)。

debugger() 声明

当使用Dart Observatory(或另一个Dart调试器,例如IntelliJ IDE中的调试器)时,可以使用该debugger()语句插入编程式断点。要使用这个,你必须添加import 'dart:developer';到相关文件顶部。


  1. void someFunction(double offset) {
  2. debugger(when: offset > 30.0);
  3. // ...
  4. }

printdebugPrintflutter logs

Dart print()功能将输出到系统控制台,您可以使用flutter logs了查看它(基本上是一个包装adb logcat)。

如果你一次输出太多,那么Android有时会丢弃一些日志行。为了避免这种情况,您可以使用Flutter的foundation库中的debugPrint()。 这是一个封装print,它将输出限制在一个级别,避免被Android内核丢弃。

Flutter框架中的许多类都有toString实现。按照惯例,这些输出通常包括对象的runtimeType单行输出,通常在表单中ClassName(more information about this instance…)。 树中使用的一些类也具有toStringDeep,从该点返回整个子树的多行描述。已一些具有详细信息toString的类会实现一个toStringShort,它只返回对象的类型或其他非常简短的(一个或两个单词)描述。


在开发过程中,强烈建议您使用Flutter的“调试”模式,有时也称为“checked”模式(注意:Dart2.0后“checked”被废除,可以使用“strong” mode)。 如果您使用flutter run运行程序。在这种模式下,Dart assert语句被启用,并且Flutter框架使用它来执行许多运行时检查来验证是否违反一些不可变的规则。


要关闭调试模式并使用发布模式,请使用flutter run --release运行您的应用程序。 这也关闭了Observatory调试器。一个中间模式可以关闭除Observatory之外所有调试辅助工具的,称为“profile mode”,用--profile替代--release即可。



Widget 层

要转储Widgets库的状态,请调用debugDumpApp()。 只要应用程序已经构建了至少一次(即在调用build()之后的任何时间),您可以在应用程序未处于构建阶段(即,不在build()方法内调用 )的任何时间调用此方法(在调用runApp()之后)。

如, 这个应用程序:

  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(
  4. new MaterialApp(
  5. home: new AppHome(),
  6. ),
  7. );
  8. }
  9. class AppHome extends StatelessWidget {
  10. @override
  11. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  12. return new Material(
  13. child: new Center(
  14. child: new FlatButton(
  15. onPressed: () {
  16. debugDumpApp();
  17. },
  18. child: new Text('Dump App'),
  19. ),
  20. ),
  21. );
  22. }
  23. }


  1. I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsFlutterBinding - CHECKED MODE
  2. I/flutter ( 6559): RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<RenderBox>([GlobalObjectKey RenderView(497039273)]; renderObject: RenderView)
  3. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialApp(state: _MaterialAppState(1009803148))
  4. I/flutter ( 6559): ScrollConfiguration()
  5. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedTheme(duration: 200ms; state: _AnimatedThemeState(543295893; ticker inactive; ThemeDataTween(ThemeData(Brightness.light Color(0xff2196f3) etc...) null)))
  6. I/flutter ( 6559): Theme(ThemeData(Brightness.light Color(0xff2196f3) etc...))
  7. I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsApp([GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)]; state: _WidgetsAppState(552902158))
  8. I/flutter ( 6559): CheckedModeBanner()
  9. I/flutter ( 6559): Banner()
  10. I/flutter ( 6559): CustomPaint(renderObject: RenderCustomPaint)
  11. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle(inherit: true; color: Color(0xd0ff0000); family: "monospace"; size: 48.0; weight: 900; decoration: double Color(0xffffff00) TextDecoration.underline)
  12. I/flutter ( 6559): MediaQuery(MediaQueryData(size: Size(411.4, 683.4), devicePixelRatio: 2.625, textScaleFactor: 1.0, padding: EdgeInsets(0.0, 24.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
  13. I/flutter ( 6559): LocaleQuery(null)
  14. I/flutter ( 6559): Title(color: Color(0xff2196f3))
  15. I/flutter ( 6559): Navigator([GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState> _WidgetsAppState(552902158)]; state: NavigatorState(240327618; tracking 1 ticker))
  16. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener(listeners: down, up, cancel; behavior: defer-to-child; renderObject: RenderPointerListener)
  17. I/flutter ( 6559): AbsorbPointer(renderObject: RenderAbsorbPointer)
  18. I/flutter ( 6559): Focus([GlobalKey 489139594]; state: _FocusState(739584448))
  19. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
  20. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope(this scope has focus; focused subscope: [GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)])
  21. I/flutter ( 6559): Overlay([GlobalKey 199833992]; state: OverlayState(619367313; entries: [OverlayEntry@248818791(opaque: false; maintainState: false), OverlayEntry@837336156(opaque: false; maintainState: true)]))
  22. I/flutter ( 6559): _Theatre(renderObject: _RenderTheatre)
  23. I/flutter ( 6559): Stack(renderObject: RenderStack)
  24. I/flutter ( 6559): _OverlayEntry([GlobalKey 612888877]; state: _OverlayEntryState(739137453))
  25. I/flutter ( 6559): │└IgnorePointer(ignoring: false; renderObject: RenderIgnorePointer)
  26. I/flutter ( 6559): ModalBarrier()
  27. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
  28. I/flutter ( 6559): GestureDetector()
  29. I/flutter ( 6559): RawGestureDetector(state: RawGestureDetectorState(39068508; gestures: tap; behavior: opaque))
  30. I/flutter ( 6559): _GestureSemantics(renderObject: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler)
  31. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener(listeners: down; behavior: opaque; renderObject: RenderPointerListener)
  32. I/flutter ( 6559): ConstrainedBox(BoxConstraints(biggest); renderObject: RenderConstrainedBox)
  33. I/flutter ( 6559): _OverlayEntry([GlobalKey 727622716]; state: _OverlayEntryState(279971240))
  34. I/flutter ( 6559): _ModalScope([GlobalKey 816151164]; state: _ModalScopeState(875510645))
  35. I/flutter ( 6559): Focus([GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)]; state: _FocusState(331487674))
  36. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
  37. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope(this scope has focus)
  38. I/flutter ( 6559): Offstage(offstage: false; renderObject: RenderOffstage)
  39. I/flutter ( 6559): IgnorePointer(ignoring: false; renderObject: RenderIgnorePointer)
  40. I/flutter ( 6559): _MountainViewPageTransition(animation: AnimationController(⏭ 1.000; paused; for MaterialPageRoute<Null>(/))➩ProxyAnimationCubic(0.40, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00)➩Tween<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 1.0) Offset(0.0, 0.0))➩Offset(0.0, 0.0); state: _AnimatedState(552160732))
  41. I/flutter ( 6559): SlideTransition(animation: AnimationController(⏭ 1.000; paused; for MaterialPageRoute<Null>(/))➩ProxyAnimationCubic(0.40, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00)➩Tween<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 1.0) Offset(0.0, 0.0))➩Offset(0.0, 0.0); state: _AnimatedState(714726495))
  42. I/flutter ( 6559): FractionalTranslation(renderObject: RenderFractionalTranslation)
  43. I/flutter ( 6559): RepaintBoundary(renderObject: RenderRepaintBoundary)
  44. I/flutter ( 6559): PageStorage([GlobalKey 619728754])
  45. I/flutter ( 6559): _ModalScopeStatus(active)
  46. I/flutter ( 6559): AppHome()
  47. I/flutter ( 6559): Material(MaterialType.canvas; elevation: 0; state: _MaterialState(780114997))
  48. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedContainer(duration: 200ms; has background; state: _AnimatedContainerState(616063822; ticker inactive; has background))
  49. I/flutter ( 6559): Container(bg: BoxDecoration())
  50. I/flutter ( 6559): DecoratedBox(renderObject: RenderDecoratedBox)
  51. I/flutter ( 6559): Container(bg: BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: Color(0xfffafafa)))
  52. I/flutter ( 6559): DecoratedBox(renderObject: RenderDecoratedBox)
  53. I/flutter ( 6559): NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification>()
  54. I/flutter ( 6559): _InkFeature([GlobalKey ink renderer]; renderObject: _RenderInkFeatures)
  55. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(duration: 200ms; inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 400; baseline: alphabetic; state: _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(427742350; ticker inactive))
  56. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle(inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 400; baseline: alphabetic)
  57. I/flutter ( 6559): Center(alignment: Alignment.center; renderObject: RenderPositionedBox)
  58. I/flutter ( 6559): FlatButton()
  59. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialButton(state: _MaterialButtonState(398724090))
  60. I/flutter ( 6559): ConstrainedBox(BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=Infinity, h=36.0); renderObject: RenderConstrainedBox relayoutBoundary=up1)
  61. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(duration: 200ms; inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 500; baseline: alphabetic; state: _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(315134664; ticker inactive))
  62. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle(inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 500; baseline: alphabetic)
  63. I/flutter ( 6559): IconTheme(color: Color(0xdd000000))
  64. I/flutter ( 6559): InkWell(state: _InkResponseState<InkResponse>(369160267))
  65. I/flutter ( 6559): GestureDetector()
  66. I/flutter ( 6559): RawGestureDetector(state: RawGestureDetectorState(175370983; gestures: tap; behavior: opaque))
  67. I/flutter ( 6559): _GestureSemantics(renderObject: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler relayoutBoundary=up2)
  68. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener(listeners: down; behavior: opaque; renderObject: RenderPointerListener relayoutBoundary=up3)
  69. I/flutter ( 6559): Container(padding: EdgeInsets(16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0))
  70. I/flutter ( 6559): Padding(renderObject: RenderPadding relayoutBoundary=up4)
  71. I/flutter ( 6559): Center(alignment: Alignment.center; widthFactor: 1.0; renderObject: RenderPositionedBox relayoutBoundary=up5)
  72. I/flutter ( 6559): Text("Dump App")
  73. I/flutter ( 6559): RichText(renderObject: RenderParagraph relayoutBoundary=up6)

这是一个“扁平化”的树,显示了通过各种构建函数投影的所有widget(如果你在widget树的根中调用toStringDeepwidget,这是你获得的树)。 你会看到很多在你的应用源代码中没有出现的widget,因为它们被框架的widget的build()函数插入的。例如,InkFeature是Material widget的一个实现细节 。

由于debugDumpApp()当按钮从被按下变为被释放时被调用,FlatButton对象同时调用setState(),所以并因此将自己标记为脏。 这就是为什么如果你看转储,你会看到特定的对象标记为“dirty”。您还可以查看已注册了哪些手势监听器; 在这种情况下,一个单一的GestureDetector被列出,并且监听“tap”手势(“tap”是TapGestureDetectortoStringShort函数输出的)

如果您编写自己的widget,则可以通过覆盖debugFillProperties()来添加信息。 将DiagnosticsProperty对象作为方法参数,并调用父类方法。 该函数是该toString方法用来填充小部件描述信息的。


如果您尝试调试布局问题,那么Widgets层的树可能不够详细。在这种情况下,您可以通过调用debugDumpRenderTree()转储渲染树。 正如debugDumpApp(),除布局或绘制阶段外,您可以随时调用此函数。作为一般规则,从frame 回调 或事件处理器中调用它是最佳解决方案。



  1. I/flutter ( 6559): RenderView
  2. I/flutter ( 6559): debug mode enabled - android
  3. I/flutter ( 6559): window size: Size(1080.0, 1794.0) (in physical pixels)
  4. I/flutter ( 6559): device pixel ratio: 2.625 (physical pixels per logical pixel)
  5. I/flutter ( 6559): configuration: Size(411.4, 683.4) at 2.625x (in logical pixels)
  6. I/flutter ( 6559):
  7. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderCustomPaint
  8. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: CustomPaint Banner CheckedModeBanner
  9. I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)]
  10. I/flutter ( 6559): Theme AnimatedTheme ScrollConfiguration MaterialApp
  11. I/flutter ( 6559): [root]
  12. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  13. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  14. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  15. I/flutter ( 6559):
  16. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPointerListener
  17. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Listener Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  18. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title LocaleQuery MediaQuery
  19. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle CustomPaint Banner CheckedModeBanner
  20. I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)]
  21. I/flutter ( 6559): Theme AnimatedTheme
  22. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  23. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  24. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  25. I/flutter ( 6559): behavior: defer-to-child
  26. I/flutter ( 6559): listeners: down, up, cancel
  27. I/flutter ( 6559):
  28. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderAbsorbPointer
  29. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: AbsorbPointer Listener
  30. I/flutter ( 6559): Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  31. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title LocaleQuery MediaQuery
  32. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle CustomPaint Banner CheckedModeBanner
  33. I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)]
  34. I/flutter ( 6559): Theme
  35. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  36. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  37. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  38. I/flutter ( 6559): absorbing: false
  39. I/flutter ( 6559):
  40. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
  41. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] AbsorbPointer
  42. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  43. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title LocaleQuery MediaQuery
  44. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle CustomPaint Banner CheckedModeBanner
  45. I/flutter ( 6559):
  46. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  47. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  48. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  49. I/flutter ( 6559):
  50. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: _RenderTheatre
  51. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope
  52. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] AbsorbPointer
  53. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  54. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title LocaleQuery MediaQuery
  55. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle
  56. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  57. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  58. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  59. I/flutter ( 6559):
  60. I/flutter ( 6559): ├─onstage: RenderStack
  61. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Stack _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992]
  62. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594]
  63. I/flutter ( 6559): AbsorbPointer Listener
  64. I/flutter ( 6559): Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  65. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title LocaleQuery MediaQuery
  66. I/flutter ( 6559):
  67. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  68. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  69. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  70. I/flutter ( 6559):
  71. I/flutter ( 6559): ├─child 1: RenderIgnorePointer
  72. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: IgnorePointer _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877]
  73. I/flutter ( 6559): Stack _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope
  74. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] AbsorbPointer
  75. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
  76. I/flutter ( 6559): _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] Title
  77. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  78. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  79. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  80. I/flutter ( 6559): ignoring: false
  81. I/flutter ( 6559): ignoringSemantics: implicitly false
  82. I/flutter ( 6559):
  83. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
  84. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Semantics ModalBarrier IgnorePointer
  85. I/flutter ( 6559): _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] Stack _Theatre
  86. I/flutter ( 6559): Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope Semantics
  87. I/flutter ( 6559): Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] AbsorbPointer Listener
  88. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  89. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  90. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  91. I/flutter ( 6559):
  92. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler
  93. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector GestureDetector
  94. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics ModalBarrier IgnorePointer
  95. I/flutter ( 6559): _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] Stack _Theatre
  96. I/flutter ( 6559): Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope Semantics
  97. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  98. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  99. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  100. I/flutter ( 6559):
  101. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPointerListener
  102. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Listener _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector
  103. I/flutter ( 6559): GestureDetector Semantics ModalBarrier IgnorePointer
  104. I/flutter ( 6559): _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] Stack _Theatre
  105. I/flutter ( 6559): Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope
  106. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  107. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  108. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  109. I/flutter ( 6559): behavior: opaque
  110. I/flutter ( 6559): listeners: down
  111. I/flutter ( 6559):
  112. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderConstrainedBox
  113. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: ConstrainedBox Listener _GestureSemantics
  114. I/flutter ( 6559): RawGestureDetector GestureDetector Semantics ModalBarrier
  115. I/flutter ( 6559): IgnorePointer _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] Stack
  116. I/flutter ( 6559): _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992]
  117. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  118. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  119. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  120. I/flutter ( 6559): additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(biggest)
  121. I/flutter ( 6559):
  122. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child 2: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
  123. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Semantics Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
  124. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)] _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
  125. I/flutter ( 6559): 816151164] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] Stack
  126. I/flutter ( 6559): _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] _FocusScope
  127. I/flutter ( 6559): Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] AbsorbPointer
  128. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener
  129. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  130. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  131. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  132. I/flutter ( 6559):
  133. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderOffstage
  134. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Offstage _FocusScope Semantics
  135. I/flutter ( 6559): Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)]
  136. I/flutter ( 6559): _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 816151164] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey
  137. I/flutter ( 6559): 727622716] Stack _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992]
  138. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope Semantics Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594]
  139. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  140. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  141. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  142. I/flutter ( 6559): offstage: false
  143. I/flutter ( 6559):
  144. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderIgnorePointer
  145. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: IgnorePointer Offstage _FocusScope Semantics
  146. I/flutter ( 6559): Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)]
  147. I/flutter ( 6559): _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 816151164] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey
  148. I/flutter ( 6559): 727622716] Stack _Theatre Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992]
  149. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope Semantics
  150. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  151. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  152. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  153. I/flutter ( 6559): ignoring: false
  154. I/flutter ( 6559): ignoringSemantics: implicitly false
  155. I/flutter ( 6559):
  156. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderFractionalTranslation
  157. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: FractionalTranslation SlideTransition
  158. I/flutter ( 6559): _MountainViewPageTransition IgnorePointer Offstage
  159. I/flutter ( 6559): _FocusScope Semantics Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
  160. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)] _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
  161. I/flutter ( 6559): 816151164] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] Stack
  162. I/flutter ( 6559): _Theatre
  163. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  164. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  165. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  166. I/flutter ( 6559): translation: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  167. I/flutter ( 6559): transformHitTests: true
  168. I/flutter ( 6559):
  169. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderRepaintBoundary
  170. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: RepaintBoundary FractionalTranslation
  171. I/flutter ( 6559): SlideTransition _MountainViewPageTransition IgnorePointer
  172. I/flutter ( 6559): Offstage _FocusScope Semantics Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
  173. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialPageRoute<Null>(875520219)] _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
  174. I/flutter ( 6559): 816151164] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] Stack
  175. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  176. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  177. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  178. I/flutter ( 6559): metrics: 83.3% useful (1 bad vs 5 good)
  179. I/flutter ( 6559): diagnosis: this is a useful repaint boundary and should be kept
  180. I/flutter ( 6559):
  181. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderDecoratedBox
  182. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: DecoratedBox Container AnimatedContainer Material
  183. I/flutter ( 6559): AppHome _ModalScopeStatus PageStorage-[GlobalKey
  184. I/flutter ( 6559): 619728754] RepaintBoundary FractionalTranslation
  185. I/flutter ( 6559): SlideTransition _MountainViewPageTransition IgnorePointer
  186. I/flutter ( 6559):
  187. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  188. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  189. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  190. I/flutter ( 6559): decoration:
  191. I/flutter ( 6559): <no decorations specified>
  192. I/flutter ( 6559): configuration: ImageConfiguration(bundle:
  193. I/flutter ( 6559): PlatformAssetBundle@367106502(), devicePixelRatio: 2.625,
  194. I/flutter ( 6559): platform: android)
  195. I/flutter ( 6559):
  196. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderDecoratedBox
  197. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: DecoratedBox Container DecoratedBox Container
  198. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedContainer Material AppHome _ModalScopeStatus
  199. I/flutter ( 6559): PageStorage-[GlobalKey 619728754] RepaintBoundary
  200. I/flutter ( 6559): FractionalTranslation SlideTransition
  201. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  202. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  203. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  204. I/flutter ( 6559): decoration:
  205. I/flutter ( 6559): backgroundColor: Color(0xfffafafa)
  206. I/flutter ( 6559): configuration: ImageConfiguration(bundle:
  207. I/flutter ( 6559): PlatformAssetBundle@367106502(), devicePixelRatio: 2.625,
  208. I/flutter ( 6559): platform: android)
  209. I/flutter ( 6559):
  210. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: _RenderInkFeatures
  211. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer]
  212. I/flutter ( 6559): NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> DecoratedBox
  213. I/flutter ( 6559): Container DecoratedBox Container AnimatedContainer
  214. I/flutter ( 6559): Material AppHome _ModalScopeStatus PageStorage-[GlobalKey
  215. I/flutter ( 6559): 619728754] RepaintBoundary
  216. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  217. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  218. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  219. I/flutter ( 6559):
  220. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPositionedBox
  221. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Center DefaultTextStyle AnimatedDefaultTextStyle
  222. I/flutter ( 6559): _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer]
  223. I/flutter ( 6559): NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> DecoratedBox
  224. I/flutter ( 6559): Container DecoratedBox Container AnimatedContainer
  225. I/flutter ( 6559): Material AppHome
  226. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  227. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
  228. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
  229. I/flutter ( 6559): alignment: Alignment.center
  230. I/flutter ( 6559): widthFactor: expand
  231. I/flutter ( 6559): heightFactor: expand
  232. I/flutter ( 6559):
  233. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderConstrainedBox relayoutBoundary=up1
  234. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: ConstrainedBox MaterialButton FlatButton Center
  235. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle AnimatedDefaultTextStyle
  236. I/flutter ( 6559): _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer]
  237. I/flutter ( 6559): NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> DecoratedBox
  238. I/flutter ( 6559): Container DecoratedBox Container
  239. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: offset=Offset(156.7, 323.7)
  240. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=411.4, 0.0<=h<=683.4)
  241. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
  242. I/flutter ( 6559): additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=Infinity, h=36.0)
  243. I/flutter ( 6559):
  244. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler relayoutBoundary=up2
  245. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector GestureDetector
  246. I/flutter ( 6559): InkWell IconTheme DefaultTextStyle
  247. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ConstrainedBox MaterialButton
  248. I/flutter ( 6559): FlatButton Center DefaultTextStyle
  249. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  250. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
  251. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
  252. I/flutter ( 6559):
  253. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPointerListener relayoutBoundary=up3
  254. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Listener _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector
  255. I/flutter ( 6559): GestureDetector InkWell IconTheme DefaultTextStyle
  256. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ConstrainedBox MaterialButton
  257. I/flutter ( 6559): FlatButton Center
  258. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  259. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
  260. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
  261. I/flutter ( 6559): behavior: opaque
  262. I/flutter ( 6559): listeners: down
  263. I/flutter ( 6559):
  264. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPadding relayoutBoundary=up4
  265. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Padding Container Listener _GestureSemantics
  266. I/flutter ( 6559): RawGestureDetector GestureDetector InkWell IconTheme
  267. I/flutter ( 6559): DefaultTextStyle AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ConstrainedBox
  268. I/flutter ( 6559): MaterialButton
  269. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: <none>
  270. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
  271. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
  272. I/flutter ( 6559): padding: EdgeInsets(16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0)
  273. I/flutter ( 6559):
  274. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPositionedBox relayoutBoundary=up5
  275. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: Center Padding Container Listener
  276. I/flutter ( 6559): _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector GestureDetector
  277. I/flutter ( 6559): InkWell IconTheme DefaultTextStyle
  278. I/flutter ( 6559): AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ConstrainedBox
  279. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: offset=Offset(16.0, 0.0)
  280. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(56.0<=w<=379.4, h=36.0)
  281. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(66.0, 36.0)
  282. I/flutter ( 6559): alignment: Alignment.center
  283. I/flutter ( 6559): widthFactor: 1.0
  284. I/flutter ( 6559): heightFactor: expand
  285. I/flutter ( 6559):
  286. I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderParagraph relayoutBoundary=up6
  287. I/flutter ( 6559): creator: RichText Text Center Padding Container
  288. I/flutter ( 6559): Listener _GestureSemantics RawGestureDetector
  289. I/flutter ( 6559): GestureDetector InkWell IconTheme DefaultTextStyle
  290. I/flutter ( 6559): parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 10.0)
  291. I/flutter ( 6559): constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=379.4, 0.0<=h<=36.0)
  292. I/flutter ( 6559): size: Size(66.0, 16.0)
  293. I/flutter ( 6559): ╘═╦══ text ═══
  294. I/flutter ( 6559): TextSpan:
  295. I/flutter ( 6559): inherit: false
  296. I/flutter ( 6559): color: Color(0xdd000000)
  297. I/flutter ( 6559): family: "Roboto"
  298. I/flutter ( 6559): size: 14.0
  299. I/flutter ( 6559): weight: 500
  300. I/flutter ( 6559): baseline: alphabetic
  301. I/flutter ( 6559): "Dump App"
  302. I/flutter ( 6559): ╚═══════════
  303. I/flutter ( 6559):
  304. I/flutter ( 6559): └╌no offstage children



例如,在上面的转储中,您可以看到窗口大小,Size(411.4, 683.4),它用于强制RenderPositionedBox下的所有渲染框到屏幕的大小, 约束条件为 BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)。从RenderPositionedBox的转储中看到是由Center widget创建的(如creator字段所描述的), 设置其孩子的约束为:BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=411.4,0.0<=h<=683.4)。一个子widget RenderPadding进一步插入这些约束以添加填充空间,padding值为EdgeInsets(16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0),因此RenderConstrainedBox具有约束BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=395.4, 0.0<=h<=667.4)。该creator字段告诉我们的这个对象可能是其FlatButton定义的一部分,它在其内容上设置最小宽度为88像素,并且设置高度为36.0像素(这是Material Design设计规范中FlatButton类的尺寸标准)。

最内部RenderPositionedBox再次松开约束,这次是将按钮中的文本居中。 在RenderParagraph中基于它的内容来决定其大小。 如果您现在按照size链继续往下查看,您会看到文本的大小是如何影响其按钮的框的宽度的,它们都是根据孩子的尺寸自行调整大小。

另一种需要注意的是每个盒子描述的”relayoutSubtreeRoot”部分,它告诉你有多少祖先以某种方式依赖于这个元素的大小。 因此,RenderParagraph有一个relayoutSubtreeRoot=up8,这意味着当它RenderParagraph被标及为”dirty”时,它的八个祖先也必须被标记为”dirty”,因为它们可能受到新尺寸的影响。

如果您编写自己的渲染对象,则可以通过覆盖debugFillProperties()将信息添加到转储。 将DiagnosticsProperty对象作为方法的参数,并调用父类方法。


  1. I/flutter : TransformLayer
  2. I/flutter : creator: [root]
  3. I/flutter : offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  4. I/flutter : transform:
  5. I/flutter : [0] 3.5,0.0,0.0,0.0
  6. I/flutter : [1] 0.0,3.5,0.0,0.0
  7. I/flutter : [2] 0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0
  8. I/flutter : [3] 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
  9. I/flutter :
  10. I/flutter : ├─child 1: OffsetLayer
  11. I/flutter : creator: RepaintBoundary _FocusScope Semantics Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute(560156430)] _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 328026813] _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 388965355] Stack Overlay-[GlobalKey 625702218] Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(859106034)] Title
  12. I/flutter : offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
  13. I/flutter :
  14. I/flutter : └─child 1: PictureLayer
  15. I/flutter :
  16. I/flutter : └─child 2: PictureLayer


根部的变换是应用设备像素比的变换; 在这种情况下,每个逻辑像素代表3.5个设备像素。

RepaintBoundary widget在渲染树的层中创建了一个RenderRepaintBoundary。这用于减少需要重绘的需求量。


您还可以调用debugDumpSemanticsTree()获取语义树(呈现给系统可访问性API的树)的转储。 要使用此功能,必须首先启用辅助功能,例如启用系统辅助工具或SemanticsDebugger (下面讨论)。


  1. I/flutter : SemanticsNode(0; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
  2. I/flutter : SemanticsNode(1; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
  3. I/flutter : SemanticsNode(2; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4); canBeTapped)
  4. I/flutter : SemanticsNode(3; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
  5. I/flutter : SemanticsNode(4; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 82.0, 36.0); canBeTapped; "Dump App")




  1. I/flutter : ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Frame 12 30s 437.086ms ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
  2. I/flutter : Debug print: Am I performing this work more than once per frame?
  3. I/flutter : Debug print: Am I performing this work more than once per frame?
  4. I/flutter : ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀



您也可以通过设置debugPaintSizeEnabledtrue以可视方式调试布局问题。 这是来自rendering库的布尔值。它可以在任何时候启用,并在为true时影响绘制。 设置它的最简单方法是在void main()的顶部设置。

当它被启用时,所有的盒子都会得到一个明亮的深青色边框,padding(来自widget如Padding)显示为浅蓝色,子widget周围有一个深蓝色框, 对齐方式(来自widget如Center和Align)显示为黄色箭头. 空白(如没有任何子节点的Container)以灰色显示。


debugPaintPointersEnabled标志打开一个特殊模式,任何正在点击的对象都会以深青色突出显示。 这可以帮助您确定某个对象是否以某种不正确地方式进行hit测试(Flutter检测点击的位置是否有能响应用户操作的widget),例如,如果它实际上超出了其父项的范围,首先不会考虑通过hit测试。

如果您尝试调试合成图层,例如以确定是否以及在何处添加RepaintBoundary widget,则可以使用debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled 标志, 该标志用橙色或轮廓线标出每个层的边界,或者使用debugRepaintRainbowEnabled标志, 只要他们重绘时,这会使该层被一组旋转色所覆盖。

所有这些标志只能在调试模式下工作。通常,Flutter框架中以“debug...” 开头的任何内容都只能在调试模式下工作。


调试动画最简单的方法是减慢它们的速度。为此,请将timeDilation变量(在scheduler库中)设置为大于1.0的数字,例如50.0。 最好在应用程序启动时只设置一次。如果您在运行中更改它,尤其是在动画运行时将其值减小,则框架的观察时可能会倒退,这可能会导致断言并且通常会干扰您的工作。


要了解您的应用程序导致重新布局或重新绘制的原因,您可以分别设置debugPrintMarkNeedsLayoutStacksdebugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks标志。 每当渲染盒被要求重新布局和重新绘制时,这些都会将堆栈跟踪记录到控制台。如果这种方法对您有用,您可以使用services库中的debugPrintStack()方法按需打印堆栈痕迹。


要收集有关Flutter应用程序启动所需时间的详细信息,可以在运行flutter run时使用trace-startupprofile选项。

  1. $ flutter run --trace-startup --profile


  • 进入Flutter引擎时.
  • 展示应用第一帧时.
  • 初始化Flutter框架时.
  • 完成Flutter框架初始化时.

如 :

  1. {
  2. "engineEnterTimestampMicros": 96025565262,
  3. "timeToFirstFrameMicros": 2171978,
  4. "timeToFrameworkInitMicros": 514585,
  5. "timeAfterFrameworkInitMicros": 1657393
  6. }


要执行自定义性能跟踪和测量Dart任意代码段的wall/CPU时间(类似于在Android上使用systrace)。 使用dart:developerTimeline工具来包含你想测试的代码块,例如:

  1. Timeline.startSync('interesting function');
  2. // iWonderHowLongThisTakes();
  3. Timeline.finishSync();

然后打开你应用程序的Observatory timeline页面,在”Recorded Streams”中选择’Dart’复选框,并执行你想测量的功能。


请确保运行flutter run时带有--profile标志,以确保运行时性能特征与您的最终产品差异最小。

Performance Overlay

要获得应用程序性能图,请将MaterialApp构造函数的showPerformanceOverlay参数设置为true。 WidgetsApp构造函数也有类似的参数(如果你没有使用MaterialApp或者WidgetsApp,你可以通过将你的应用程序包装在一个stack中, 并将一个widget放在通过new PerformanceOverlay.allEnabled()创建的stack上来获得相同的效果)。

这将显示两个图表。第一个是GPU线程花费的时间,最后一个是CPU线程花费的时间。 图中的白线以16ms增量沿纵轴显示; 如果图中超过这三条线之一,那么您的运行频率低于60Hz。横轴代表帧。 该图仅在应用程序绘制时更新,因此如果它处于空闲状态,该图将停止移动。

这应该始终在发布模式(release mode)下测试,因为在调试模式下,故意牺牲性能来换取有助于开发调试的功能,如assert声明,这些都是非常耗时的,因此结果将会产生误导。

Material grid

在开发实现Material Design的应用程序时, 将Material Design基线网格覆盖在应用程序上可能有助于验证对齐。 为此,MaterialApp 构造函数 有一个debugShowMaterialGrid参数, 当在调试模式设置为true时,它将覆盖这样一个网格。

您也可以直接使用GridPaperwidget将这种网格覆盖在非Material应用程序上 。