8.6. Sobel

8.6.1. Overview

Figure 17.170. Applying example of the Sobel filter

Applying example of the Sobel filter

Original image

Applying example of the Sobel filter

Filter “Sobel” applied

Sobel’s filter detects horizontal and vertical edges separately on a scaled image. Color images are turned into RGB scaled images. As with the Laplace filter, the result is a transparent image with black lines and some rest of colors.

8.6.2. Activating the filter

You can find this filter through Filters → Edge-Detect → Sobel….

8.6.3. Options

Figure 17.171. Sobel filter options

Sobel filter options

Presets, “Input Type”, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Split view


These options are described in Section 2, “Common Features”.


Renders near horizontal edges.


Renders near vertical edges.

Keep sign

This option allows you to set how the filter will work if you have selected one direction for use only: a flat relief with bumps and hollows will be created.