goctl command list

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(api service related operations)


(Generate api file)

  • Example: goctl api -o user.api


(Quickly create an api service)

  • Example: goctl api new user


(api format, vscode use)

  • -dir (Target directory)
  • -iu (Whether to automatically update goctl)
  • -stdin (Whether to read data from standard input)


(Verify that the api file is valid)

  • -api (Specify the api file source)

    • Example: goctl api validate -api user.api


(Generate doc markdown)

  • -dir (Specify the directory)

    • Example: goctl api doc -dir user


(Generate golang api service)

  • -dir (Specify the code storage directory)
  • -api (Specify the api file source)
  • -force (Whether to force overwrite existing files)
  • -style (Specify the file name naming style, gozero: lowercase, go_zero: underscore, GoZero: camel case)


(Generate access api service code-java language)

  • -dir (Specify the code storage directory)
  • -api (Specify the api file source)


(Generate access api service code-ts language)

  • -dir (Specify the code storage directory)
  • -api (Specify the api file source)
  • webapi
  • caller
  • unwrap


(Generate access api service code-dart language)

  • -dir (Specify code storage target)
  • -api (Specify the api file source)


(Generate access api service code-Kotlin language)

  • -dir (Specify code storage target)
  • -api (Specify the api file source)
  • -pkg (Specify package name)


  • -plugin Executable file
  • -dir Code storage destination folder
  • -api api source file
  • -style File name formatting


(Template operation)


(Cache api/rpc/model template)

  • Example: goctl template init



  • Example: goctl template clean


(Update template)

  • -category,c (Specify the group name that needs to be updated api|rpc|model)

    • Example: goctl template update -c api


(Restore the specified template file)

  • -category,c (Specify the group name that needs to be updated api|rpc|model)
  • -name,n (Specify the template file name)


(Configuration file generation)


(Specify the configuration file storage directory)

  • Example: goctl config -p user


(Generate Dockerfile)


(Specify the main function file)


(Specify the exposed port)

rpc (rpc service related operations)


(Quickly generate an rpc service)

  • -idea (Identifies whether the command comes from the idea plug-in and is used for the development and use of the idea plug-in. Please ignore the terminal execution [optional])
  • -style (Specify the file name naming style, gozero: lowercase, go_zero: underscore, GoZero: camel case)


(Create a proto template file)

  • -idea (Identifies whether the command comes from the idea plug-in and is used for the development and use of the idea plug-in. Please ignore the terminal execution [optional])
  • -out,o (Specify the code storage directory)


(Generate rpc service based on proto)

  • -src,s (Specify the proto file source)
  • -proto_path,I (Specify proto import to find the directory, protoc native commands, for specific usage, please refer to protoc -h to view)
  • -dir,d (Specify the code storage directory)
  • -idea (Identifies whether the command comes from the idea plug-in and is used for the development and use of the idea plug-in. Please ignore the terminal execution [optional])
  • -style (Specify the file name naming style, gozero: lowercase, go_zero: underscore, GoZero: camel case)


(Model layer code operation)

  • mysql (Generate model code from mysql)

    • ddl (Specify the data source to generate model code for the ddl file)

      • -src,s (Specify the source of the sql file containing ddl, support wildcard matching)
      • -dir,d (Specify the code storage directory)
      • -style (Specify the file name naming style, gozero: lowercase, go_zero: underscore, GoZero: camel case)
      • -cache,c (Whether the generated code has redis cache logic, bool value)
      • -idea (Identifies whether the command comes from the idea plug-in and is used for the development and use of the idea plug-in. Please ignore the terminal execution [optional])
    • datasource (Specify the data source to generate model code from the datasource)

      • -url (Specify datasource)
      • -table,t (Specify the table name, support wildcards)
      • -dir,d (Specify the code storage directory)
      • -style (Specify the file name naming style, gozero: lowercase, go_zero: underscore, GoZero: camel case)
      • -cache,c (Whether the generated code has redis cache logic, bool value)
      • -idea (Identifies whether the command comes from the idea plug-in and is used for the development and use of the idea plug-in. Please ignore the terminal execution [optional])
  • mongo (generate model code from mongo)

    -type,t (specify Go Type name) -cache,c (generate code with redis cache logic or not, bool value, default no) -dir,d (specify the code generation directory) -style (specify filename naming style, gozero:lowercase, go_zero:underscore, GoZero:hump)


Goctl updated to the latest version


Generate k8s deployment file


  • -name service name
  • -namespace k8s namespace
  • -image docker image
  • -secret Specify the k8s secret to obtain the mirror
  • -requestCpu Specify the default allocation of cpu
  • -requestMem Specify the default allocation of memory
  • -limitCpu Specify the maximum allocation of cpu
  • -limitMem Specify the maximum amount of memory allocated
  • -o deployment.yaml output directory
  • -replicas Specify the replicas
  • -revisions Specify the number of release records to keep
  • -port Specify service port
  • -nodePort Specify the service’s external exposure port
  • -minReplicas Specify the minimum number of copies
  • -maxReplicas Specify the maximum number of copies