Main top menu

File menu

File menu

NewClose current schematic and start a new one (only in standalone mode).


Load a schematic project (only in standalone mode).

Open Recent

Open a schematic project from the list of recently opened files (only in standalone mode).

Append Schematic Sheet

Insert the contents of another sheet into the current one.

Import Non-Kicad Schematic File

Imports a schematic project saved in another file format.


Save current sheet and all its subsheets.

Save Current Sheet

Save only the current sheet, but not others in the project.

Save Current Sheet As…​

Save the current sheet under a new name.

Page Settings

Configure page dimensions and title block.


Print schematic project (See also chapter Plot and Print).


Export to PDF, PostScript, HPGL or SVG format (See chapter Plot and Print).


Terminate the application.

Preferences menu

Preferences menu

Manage Symbol Library Tables

Add/remove symbol libraries.

Configure Paths

Set the default search paths.

General Options

Preferences (units, grid size, field names, etc.).

Set Language

Select interface language.

Icons Options

Icons visibility settings.

Import and Export

Transfer preferences to/from file.

Manage Symbol Library Tables

Symbol Library Tables

Eeschema uses two library tables to store the list of available symbol libraries, which differ by the scope:

  • Global Libraries

Libraries listed in the Global Libraries table are available to every project. They are saved in sym-lib-table in your home directory (exact path is dependent on the operating system; check the path above the table).

  • Project Specific Libraries

Libraries listed in Project Specific Libraries table are available to the currently opened project. They are saved in sym-lib-table file in the project directory (check the path above the table).

You can view either list by clicking on “Global Libraries” or “Project Specific Libraries” tab below the library table.

Add a new library

Add a library either by clicking Browse Libraries…​ button and selecting a file or clicking “Append Library” and typing a path to a library file. The selected library will be added to the currently opened library table (Global/Project Specific).

Remove a library

Remove a library by selecting one or more libraries and clicking Remove Library button.

Library properties

Each row in the table stores several fields describing a library:


Enables/disables the library. It is useful to temporarily reduce the loaded library set.


Nickname is a short, unique identifier used for assigning symbols to components. Symbols are represented by ‘<Library Nickname>:<Symbol Name>’ strings.

Library Path

Path points to the library location.

Plugin Type

Determines the library file format.


Stores library specific options, if used by plugin.


Briefly characterizes the library contents.

General Options


Display settings

Grid Size

Grid size selection.

It is recommended to work with normal grid (0.050 inches or 1,27 mm). Smaller grids are used for component building.

Bus thickness

Pen size used to draw buses.

Line thickness

Pen size used to draw objects that do not have a specified pen size.

Part ID notation

Style of suffix that is used to denote symbol units (U1A, U1.A, U1-1, etc.)

Icon scale

Adjust toolbar icons size.

Show Grid

Grid visibility setting.

Restrict buses and wires to H and V orientation

If checked, buses and wires are drawn only with vertical or horizontal lines. Otherwise buses and wires can be placed at any orientation.

Show hidden pins:

Display invisible (or hidden) pins, typically power pins.

Show page limits

If checked, shows the page boundaries on screen.

Footprint previews in symbol chooser

Displays a footprint preview frame and footprint selector when placing a new symbol.

Note: it may cause problems or delays, use at your own risk.


Editing settings

Measurement units

Select the display and the cursor coordinate units (inches or millimeters).

Horizontal pitch of repeated items

Increment on X axis during element duplication (default: 0) (after placing an item like a symbol, label or wire, a duplication is made by the Insert key)

Vertical pitch of repeated items

Increment on Y axis during element duplication (default: 0.100 inches or 2,54 mm).

Increment of repeated labels

Increment of label value during duplication of texts ending in a number, such as bus members (usual value 1 or -1).

Default text size

Text size used when creating new text items or labels.

Auto-save time interval

Time in minutes between saving backups.

Automatically place symbol fields

If checked, symbol fields (e.g. value and reference) in newly placed symbols might be moved to avoid collisions with other items.

Allow field autoplace to change justification

Extension of ‘Automatically place symbol fields’ option. Enable text justification adjustment for symbol fields when placing a new part.

Always align autoplaced fields to the 50 mil grid

Extension of ‘Automatically place symbol fields’ option. If checked, fields are autoplaced using 50 mils grid, otherwise they are placed freely.


Redefine hotkeys and set up the user interface behavior.

Controls settings

Select a new hotkey by double clicking an action or right click on an action to show a popup menu:


Define a new hotkey for the action (same as double click).

Undo Changes

Reverts the recent hotkey changes for the action.

Restore Default

Sets the action hotkey to its default value.

Undo All Changes

Reverts all recent hotkey changes for the action.

Restore All to Default

Sets all action hotkeys to their default values.

Options description:

Center and warp cursor on zoom

If checked, the pointed location is warped to the screen center when zooming in/out.

Use touchpad to pan

When enabled, view is panned using scroll wheels (or touchpad gestures) and to zoom one needs to hold Ctrl. Otherwise scroll wheels zoom in/out and Ctrl/Shift are the panning modifiers.

Pan while moving object

If checked, automatically pans the window if the cursor leaves the window during drawing or moving.


Color scheme for various graphic elements. Click on any of the color swatches to select a new color for a particular element.

Color settings

Default Fields

Define additional custom fields and corresponding values that will appear in newly placed symbols.

Default Fields settings

Help menu

Access to on-line help (this document) for an extensive tutorial about KiCad.

Use ``Copy Version Information’’ when submitting bug reports to identify your build and system.