Viewing the Current Footprint

The view footprint command

The view footprint command displays the footprint currently selected in the footprint window. A 3D model of the component can be shown if it has been created and assigned to the footprint. Below is the footprint viewer window.

Viewing a footprint

Status Bar Information

The status bar is located at the bottom of the CvPcb new main window and provides useful information to the user. The following table defines the contents of each pane in the status bar.


Component count: total, unassigned


Filter list of the selected component


Filtering mode and count of available footprints

Keyboard Commands


Zoom In


Zoom Out


Refresh Display


Move cursor to center of display window


Fit footprint into display window

Space Bar

Set relative coordinates to the current cursor position

Right Arrow

Move cursor right one grid position

Left Arrow

Move cursor left one grid position

Up Arrow

Move cursor up one grid position

Down Arrow

Move cursor down one grid position

Mouse Commands

Scroll Wheel

Zoom in and out at the current cursor position

Ctrl + Scroll Wheel

Pan right and left

Shift + Scroll Wheel

Pan up and down

Right Button Click

Open context menu

Context Menu

Displayed by right-clicking the mouse:

Context menu on selected footprint

Zoom Selection (Select Zoom)

Direct selection of the display zoom.

Grid Selection (Grid Select)

Direct selection of the grid.

Horizontal Toolbar

display options

Show display options dialog

zoom in

Zoom in

zoom out

Zoom out

zoom redraw


zoom fit in page

Fit drawing in display area

shape 3d

Open 3D model viewer

Vertical Toolbar


Show or hide the grid

polar coord

Show coordinates in polar or rectangular notation

unit inch

Display coordinates in inches

unit mm

Display coordinates in millimeters

cursor shape

Toggle pointer style

pad sketch

Toggle between drawing pads in sketch or normal mode

text sketch

Toggle between drawing text in sketch or normal mode

show mod edge

Toggle between drawing edges in sketch or normal mode

Viewing the Current 3D Model

3D-Model view

Mouse Commands

Scroll Wheel

Zoom in and out at the current cursor position

Ctrl + Scroll Wheel

Pan right and left

Shift + Scroll Wheel

Pan up and down

Horizontal Toolbar


Reload the 3D model


Copy 3D image to clipboard

read setup

Set 3D viewer options

zoom in

Zoom in

zoom out

Zoom out

zoom redraw


zoom fit in page

Fit drawing in display area

rotate neg x

Rotate backward along the X axis

rotate pos x

Rotate forward along the X axis

rotate neg y

Rotate backward along the Y axis

rotate pos y

Rotate forward along the Y axis

rotate neg z

Rotate backward along the Z axis

rotate pos z

Rotate forward along the Z axis


Pan left


Pan right


Pan up


Pan down


Toggle orthographic projection mode on and off