Configure Channel defaults

Knative Eventing provides a default-ch-webhook ConfigMap that contains the configuration settings that govern default Channel creation.

The default default-ch-webhook ConfigMap is as follows:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: ConfigMap
  3. metadata:
  4. name: default-ch-webhook
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. labels:
  7. devel
  8. devel
  9. knative-eventing
  10. data:
  11. default-ch-config: |
  12. clusterDefault:
  13. apiVersion:
  14. kind: InMemoryChannel
  15. namespaceDefaults:
  16. some-namespace:
  17. apiVersion:
  18. kind: InMemoryChannel

By changing the data.default-ch-config property we can define the clusterDefaults and per Namespace defaults.

This configuration is used by the Channel custom resource definition (CRD) to create platform specific implementations.


The clusterDefault setting determines the global, cluster-wide default Channel type. You can configure Channel defaults for individual namespaces by using the namespaceDefaults setting.