Install Kong Gateway on macOS

See the MacOS Homebrew formula

(latest version: 2.6.0)

Kong Gateway (OSS) is licensed under an Apache 2.0 license.


You have a supported system with root or root-equivalent access.

Download and install

Install Kong Gateway:

Use the Homebrew package manager to add Kong as a tap and install it:

  1. brew tap kong/kong
  2. brew install kong

Prepare your configs

Kong can run either with or without a database.

When using a database, you will use the kong.conf configuration file for setting Kong’s configuration properties at start-up and the database as storage of all configured entities, such as the Routes and Services to which Kong proxies.

When not using a database, you will use kong.conf’s configuration properties and a kong.yml file for specifying the entities as a declarative configuration.

Using a database

Configure Kong so it can connect to your database. Kong supports PostgreSQL and Cassandra as datastores, and can also run in DB-less mode

  1. If you are using Postgres, provision a database and a user before starting Kong:

  2. Run the Kong migrations:

    1. kong migrations bootstrap [-c /path/to/kong.conf]

    By default, Kong is configured to communicate with a local Postgres instance. If you are using Cassandra, or need to modify any settings, download the kong.conf.default file and adjust it as necessary.

  3. As root, add kong.conf.default to /etc:

    1. sudo mkdir -p /etc/kong
    2. sudo cp kong.conf.default /etc/kong/kong.conf

Without a database

If you are going to run Kong in DB-less mode, you should start by generating a declarative config file.

  1. Generate a kong.yml file in your current folder using the following command:

    1. kong config init

    The file contains instructions about how to populate it.

  2. Edit your kong.conf file. Set the database option to off and the declarative_config option to the path of your kong.yml file:

    1. database = off
    2. declarative_config = /path/to/kong.yml

Run Kong Gateway

  1. Start Kong Gateway:

    1. kong start [-c /path/to/kong.conf]
  2. Verify that Kong Gateway is running:

    1. curl -i http://localhost:8001/

Next steps

Check out Kong Gateway’s series of Getting Started guides to get the most out of Kong Gateway.