Uninstall Kubeflow

Instructions for uninstalling Kubeflow from your OpenShift cluster

Uninstall a Kubeflow Instance

To delete a Kubeflow installation please follow these steps:

  1. kfctl delete --file=./kfdef/kfctl_openshift.yaml
  2. rm -rf kfdef/kustomize/
  3. oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations admission-webhook-mutating-webhook-configuration
  4. oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations inferenceservice.serving.kubeflow.org
  5. oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations katib-mutating-webhook-config
  6. oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations mutating-webhook-configurations

Last modified 20.04.2021: Apply Docs Restructure to `v1.2-branch` = update `v1.2-branch` to current `master` v2 (#2612) (4e2602bd)