
Resources to include.

Each entry in this list must be a path to a file, or a path (or URL) referring to another kustomization directory, e.g.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Kustomization
  3. resources:
  4. - myNamespace.yaml
  5. - sub-dir/some-deployment.yaml
  6. - ../../commonbase
  7. -
  8. - deployment.yaml
  9. -

Resources will be read and processed in depth-first order.

Files should contain k8s resources in YAML form. A file may contain multiple resources separated by the document marker `. File paths should be specified *relative* to the directory holding the kustomization file containing theresources` field.

Directory specification can be relative, absolute, or part of a URL. URL specifications should follow the hashicorp URL format. The directory must contain a kustomization.yaml file.