
Printing the status of the Kubernetes resources using fields


Print the fields from the JSON Path

Note: JSON Path can also be read from a file using -o custom-columns-file.

  • JSON Path template is composed of JSONPath expressions enclosed by {}. In addition to the original JSONPath syntax, several capabilities are added:
  • The $ operator is optional (the expression starts from the root object by default).
  • Use “” to quote text inside JSONPath expressions.
  • Use range operator to iterate lists.
  • Use negative slice indices to step backwards through a list. Negative indices do not “wrap around” a list. They are valid as long as -index + listLength >= 0.

JSON Path Symbols Table

textthe plain textkind is {.kind}kind is List
@the current object{@}the same as input
. or []child operator{.kind} or {[‘kind’]}List
..recursive descent{} myself e2e
wildcard. Get all objects{.items[]}[]
[start:end :step]subscript operator{.users[0].name}myself
[,]union operator{.items[][‘’, ‘status.capacity’]} map[cpu:4] map[cpu:8]
range, enditerate list{range .items[]}[{}, {.status.capacity}] {end}[, map[cpu:4]] [, map[cpu:8]]
quote interpreted string{range .items[*]}{}{’\t’} {end}

Print the JSON representation of the first Deployment in the list on a single line.

Command I

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}{"\n"}'


  1. map[apiVersion:apps/v1 kind:Deployment...replicas:1 updatedReplicas:1]]

Print the field for the first Deployment in the list.

Command II

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}{"\n"}'


  1. nginx

For each Deployment, print its field and a newline afterward.

Command III

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}'


  1. nginx
  2. nginx2

For each Deployment, print its and .status.availableReplicas.

Command IV

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.availableReplicas}{"\n"}{end}'


  1. nginx 1
  2. nginx2 1

Print the list of Deployments as single line.

Command V

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{@}{"\n"}'


  1. map[kind:List apiVersion:v1 metadata:map[selfLink: resourceVersion:] items:[map[apiVersion:apps/v1 kind:Deployment...replicas:1 updatedReplicas:1]]]]

Print each Deployment on a new line.

Command VI

  1. kubectl get deployment.v1.apps -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@}{"\n"}{end}'


  1. map[kind:Deployment...readyReplicas:1]]
  2. map[kind:Deployment...readyReplicas:1]]

Literal Syntax

On Windows, you must double quote any JSONPath template that contains spaces (not single quote as shown above for bash). This in turn means that you must use a single quote or escaped double quote around any literals in the template.

For example:

  1. C:\> kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{}{'\t'}{.status.startTime}{'\n'}{end}"