Executing a command in a container

Executing a command in a container


  • Execute a Command in a Container
  • Get a Shell in a Container

Executing Commands


Debugging Workloads by running commands within the Container. Commands may be a Shell with a tty.

Exec Command

Run a command in a Container in the cluster by specifying the Pod name.

  1. kubectl exec nginx-78f5d695bd-czm8z ls
  1. bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

Exec Shell

To get a Shell in a Container, use the -t -i options to get a tty and attach STDIN.

  1. kubectl exec -t -i nginx-78f5d695bd-czm8z bash
  1. root@nginx-78f5d695bd-czm8z:/# ls
  2. bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

Specifying the Container

For Pods running multiple Containers, the Container should be specified with -c <container-name>.