Create Command Flags

The create-* commands will generate a basic Micronaut project, with optional flags to specify features, language, test framework, and build tool. All projects except functions will include a default Application class for starting the application.

Table 2. Flags

-l, —lang

Language to use for the project (one of java, groovy, kotlin - default is java)

—lang groovy

-t, —test

Test framework to use for the project (one of junit, spock - default is junit)

—test spock

-b, —build

Build tool (one of gradle, gradle_kotlin, maven - default is gradle for the languages java and groovy; default is gradle_kotlin for language kotlin)

—build maven

-f, —features

Features to use for the project, comma-separated

  1. features security-jwt,mongo-gorm


  1. -f security-jwt -f mongo-gorm

-i, —inplace

If present, generates the project in the current directory (project name is optional if this flag is set)


Once created, the application can be started using the Application class, or the appropriate build tool task.

Starting a Gradle project

  1. $ ./gradlew run

Starting a Maven project

  1. $ ./mvnw mn:run

Language/Test Features

By default, the create commands will generate a Java application, with JUnit configured as the test framework. All of the options chosen and features applied are stored as properties in the micronaut-cli.yml file, as shown below:


  1. applicationType: default
  2. defaultPackage: com.example
  3. testFramework: junit
  4. sourceLanguage: java
  5. buildTool: gradle
  6. features: [annotation-api, app-name, application, gradle, http-client, java, junit, logback, netty-server, shade, yaml]

Some commands rely on the data in this file in order to determine if they should be executable. For example, the create-kafka-listener command requires kafka to be one of the features in the list.

The values in micronaut-cli.yml are used by the CLI for code generation purposes. After a project has been generated, you can edit these values to change the project defaults, however you will still need to supply the required dependencies and/or configuration in order to use your chosen language/framework. E.g, you could edit the testFramework property to spock to cause the CLI to generate Spock tests when running commands (such as create-controller), but you will still need to add the Spock dependency to your project.


To create an app with Groovy support (which comes with Spock by default), supply the appropriate language via the lang flag:

  1. $ mn create-app my-groovy-app --lang groovy

This will include the Groovy & Spock dependencies in your project, and write the appropriates values in micronaut-cli.yml.


To create an app with Kotlin support (which comes with Kotlintest by default), supply the appropriate language via the lang flag:

  1. $ mn create-app my-kotlin-app --lang kotlin

This will include the Kotlin & Kotlintest dependencies in your project, and write the appropriates values in micronaut-cli.yml.

Build Tool

By default create-app will create a Gradle project, with a build.gradle file at the root of the project directory. To create an app using the Maven build tool, supply the appropriate option via the build flag:

  1. $ mn create-app my-maven-app --build maven