Troubleshooting hosted control planes

If you encounter issues with hosted control planes, see the following information to guide you through troubleshooting.

Hosted control planes is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Gathering information to troubleshoot hosted control planes

When you need to troubleshoot an issue with hosted control plane clusters, you can gather information by running the hypershift dump cluster command. The command generates output for the management cluster and the hosted cluster.

The output for the management cluster contains the following content:

  • Cluster-scoped resources: These resources are node definitions of the management cluster.

  • The hypershift-dump compressed file: This file is useful if you need to share the content with other people.

  • Namespaced resources: These resources include all of the objects from the relevant namespaces, such as config maps, services, events, and logs.

  • Network logs: These logs include the OVN northbound and southbound databases and the status for each one.

  • Hosted clusters: This level of output involves all of the resources inside of the hosted cluster.

The output for the hosted cluster contains the following content:

  • Cluster-scoped resources: These resources include all of the cluster-wide objects, such as nodes and CRDs.

  • Namespaced resources: These resources include all of the objects from the relevant namespaces, such as config maps, services, events, and logs.

Although the output does not contain any secret objects from the cluster, it can contain references to the names of secrets.


  • You must have cluster-admin access to the management cluster.

  • You need the name value for the HostedCluster resource and the namespace where the CR is deployed.

  • You must have the hcp command line interface installed. For more information, see Installing the hosted control planes command line interface.

  • You must have the OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.

  • You must ensure that the kubeconfig file is loaded and is pointing to the management cluster.


  • To gather output for troubleshooting, enter the following commands:

    1. $ CLUSTERNAME="samplecluster"
    1. $ CLUSTERNS="clusters"
    1. $ mkdir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}
    1. $ hypershift dump cluster \
    2. --name ${CLUSTERNAME} \
    3. --namespace ${CLUSTERNS} \
    4. --dump-guest-cluster \
    5. --artifact-dir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}

    Example output

    1. 2023-06-06T12:18:20+02:00 INFO Archiving dump {"command": "tar", "args": ["-cvzf", "hypershift-dump.tar.gz", "cluster-scoped-resources", "event-filter.html", "namespaces", "network_logs", "timestamp"]}
    2. 2023-06-06T12:18:21+02:00 INFO Successfully archived dump {"duration": "1.519376292s"}
  • To configure the command-line interface so that it impersonates all of the queries against the management cluster by using a username or service account, enter the hypershift dump cluster command with the --as flag.

    The service account must have enough permissions to query all of the objects from the namespaces, so the cluster-admin role is recommended to make sure you have enough permissions. The service account must be located in or have permissions to query the namespace of the HostedControlPlane resource.

    If your username or service account does not have enough permissions, the output contains only the objects that you have permissions to access. During that process, you might see forbidden errors.

    • To use impersonation by using a service account, enter the following commands. Replace values as necessary:

      1. $ CLUSTERNAME="samplecluster"
      1. $ CLUSTERNS="clusters"
      1. $ SA="samplesa"
      1. $ SA_NAMESPACE="default"
      1. $ mkdir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}
      1. $ hypershift dump cluster \
      2. --name ${CLUSTERNAME} \
      3. --namespace ${CLUSTERNS} \
      4. --dump-guest-cluster \
      5. --as "system:serviceaccount:${SA_NAMESPACE}:${SA}" \
      6. --artifact-dir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}
    • To use impersonation by using a username, enter the following commands. Replace values as necessary:

      1. $ CLUSTERNAME="samplecluster"
      1. $ CLUSTERNS="clusters"
      1. $ CLUSTERUSER="cloud-admin"
      1. $ mkdir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}
      1. $ hypershift dump cluster \
      2. --name ${CLUSTERNAME} \
      3. --namespace ${CLUSTERNS} \
      4. --dump-guest-cluster \
      5. --as "${CLUSTERUSER}" \
      6. --artifact-dir clusterDump-${CLUSTERNS}-${CLUSTERNAME}

Additional resources