CSI automatic migration

In-tree storage drivers that are traditionally shipped with OKD are being deprecated and replaced by their equivalent Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers. OKD provides automatic migration for in-tree volume plugins to their equivalent CSI drivers.


This feature automatically migrates volumes that were provisioned using in-tree storage plugins to their counterpart Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers.

This process does not perform any data migration; OKD only translates the persistent volume object in memory. As a result, the translated persistent volume object is not stored on disk, nor is its contents changed. CSI automatic migration should be seamless. This feature does not change how you use all existing API objects: for example, PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, and StorageClasses.

The following in-tree to CSI drivers are automatically migrated:

  • Azure Disk

  • OpenStack Cinder

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

  • Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk (GCP PD)

  • Azure File

  • VMware vSphere

CSI migration for these volume types is considered generally available (GA), and requires no manual intervention.

CSI automatic migration of in-tree persistent volumes (PVs) or persistent volume claims (PVCs) does not enable any new CSI driver features, such as snapshots or expansion, if the original in-tree storage plugin did not support it.

Storage class implications

For new OKD 4.13, and later, installations, the default storage class is the CSI storage class. All volumes provisioned using this storage class are CSI persistent volumes (PVs).

For clusters upgraded from 4.12, and earlier, to 4.13, and later, the CSI storage class is created, and is set as the default if no default storage class was set prior to the upgrade. In the very unlikely case that there is a storage class with the same name, the existing storage class remains unchanged. Any existing in-tree storage classes remain, and might be necessary for certain features, such as volume expansion to work for existing in-tree PVs. While storage class referencing to the in-tree storage plugin will continue working, we recommend that you switch the default storage class to the CSI storage class.

To change the default storage class, see Changing the default storage class.