11.19. Release 0.211

General Changes

  • Fix missing final query plan in QueryCompletedEvent. Statistics and cost estimatesare removed from the plan text because they may not be available during event generation.
  • Update the default value of the http-server.https.excluded-cipher configproperty to exclude cipher suites with a weak hash algorithm or without forward secrecy.Specifically, this means all ciphers that use the RSA key exchange are excluded by default.Consequently, TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 are no longer supported with the default configuration.The http-server.https.excluded-cipher config property can be set to empty stringto restore the old behavior.
  • Add ST_GeomFromBinary() and ST_AsBinary() functions that convertgeometries to and from Well-Known Binary format.
  • Remove the verbose_stats session property, and rename the task.verbose-statsconfiguration property to task.per-operator-cpu-timer-enabled.
  • Improve query planning performance for queries containing multiple joinsand a large number of columns (#11196).
  • Add built-in file based property managerto automate the setting of session properties based on query characteristics.
  • Allow running on a JVM from any vendor that meets the functional requirements.

Hive Connector Changes

  • Fix regression in 0.210 that causes query failure when writing ORC or DWRF filesthat occurs for specific patterns of input data. When the writer attempts to give upusing dictionary encoding for a column that is highly compressed, the process oftransitioning to use direct encoding instead can fail.
  • Fix coordinator OOM when a query scans many partitions of a Hive table (#11322).
  • Improve readability of columns, partitioning, and transactions in explain plains.

Thrift Connector Changes

  • Fix lack of retry for network errors while sending requests.

Resource Group Changes

  • Add documentation for new resource group scheduling policies.
  • Remove running and queue time limits from resource group configuration.Legacy behavior can be replicated by using thefile based property managerto set session properties.

SPI Changes

  • Clarify semantics of predicate in ConnectorTableLayout.
  • Reduce flexibility of unenforcedConstraint that a connector can return in getTableLayouts.For each column in the predicate, the connector must enforce the entire domain or none.
  • Make the null vector in ArrayBlock, MapBlock, and RowBlock optional.When it is not present, all entries in the Block are non-null.