11.35. Release 0.195

General Changes

  • Fix histogram() for map type when type coercion is required.
  • Fix nullif for map type when type coercion is required.
  • Fix incorrect termination of queries when the coordinator to worker communication is under high load.
  • Fix race condition that causes queries with a right or full outer join to fail.
  • Change reference counting for varchar, varbinary, and complex types to be approximate. Thisapproximation reduces GC activity when computing large aggregations with these types.
  • Change communication system to be more resilient to issues such as long GC pauses or networking errors.The min/max sliding scale of for timeouts has been removed and instead only max time is used.The exchange.min-error-duration and query.remote-task.min-error-duration are now ignored and will beremoved in a future release.
  • Increase coordinator timeout for cleanup of worker tasks for failed queries. This improves the health ofthe system when workers are offline for long periods due to GC or network errors.
  • Remove the compiler.interpreter-enabled config property.

Security Changes

  • Presto now supports generic password authentication using a pluggable Password Authenticator.Enable password authentication by setting http-server.authentication.type to include PASSWORD as anauthentication type.
  • LDAP Authentication is now implemented as a password authenticationplugin. You will need to update your configuration if you are using it.

CLI and JDBC Changes

  • Provide a better error message when TLS client certificates are expired or not yet valid.

MySQL Changes

  • Fix an error that can occur while listing tables if one of the listed tables is dropped.

Hive Changes

  • Add support for LZ4 compressed ORC files.
  • Add support for reading Zstandard compressed ORC files.
  • Validate ORC compression block size when reading ORC files.
  • Set timeout of Thrift metastore client. This was accidentally removed in 0.191.

MySQL, Redis, Kafka, and MongoDB Changes

  • Fix failure when querying information_schema.columns when there is no equality predicate on table_name.