11.41. Release 0.189

General Changes

  • Fix query failure while logging the query plan.
  • Fix a bug that causes clients to hang when executing LIMIT queries whenoptimizer.force-single-node-output is disabled.
  • Fix a bug in the bing_tile_at() and bing_tile_polygon() functionswhere incorrect results were produced for points close to tile edges.
  • Fix variable resolution when lambda argument has the same name as a table column.
  • Improve error message when running SHOW TABLES on a catalog that does not exist.
  • Improve performance for queries with highly selective filters.
  • Execute USE on the server rather than in the CLI, allowing itto be supported by any client. This requires clients to add support forthe protocol changes (otherwise the statement will be silently ignored).
  • Allow casting JSON to ROW even if the JSON does not contain everyfield in the ROW.
  • Add support for dereferencing row fields in lambda expressions.

Security Changes

  • Support configuring multiple authentication types, which allows supportingclients that have different authentication requirements or gracefullymigrating between authentication types without needing to update all clientsat once. Specify multiple values for http-server.authentication.type,separated with commas.
  • Add support for TLS client certificates as an authentication mechanism byspecifying CERTIFICATE for http-server.authentication.type.The distinguished name from the validated certificate will be provided as ajavax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal. The certificate authority (CA)used to sign client certificates will be need to be added to the HTTP serverKeyStore (should technically be a TrustStore but separating them out is notyet supported).
  • Skip sending final leg of SPNEGO authentication when using Kerberos.

JDBC Driver Changes

  • Per the JDBC specification, close the ResultSet when Statement is closed.
  • Add support for TLS client certificate authentication by configuring theSSLKeyStorePath and SSLKeyStorePassword parameters.
  • Add support for transactions using SQL statements or the standard JDBC mechanism.
  • Allow executing the USE statement. Note that this is primarily useful whenrunning arbitrary SQL on behalf of users. For programmatic use, continuingto use setCatalog() and setSchema() on Connection is recommended.
  • Allow executing SET SESSION and RESET SESSION.

Resource Group Changes

  • Add WEIGHTED_FAIR resource group scheduling policy.

Hive Changes

  • Do not require setting hive.metastore.uri when using the file metastore.
  • Reduce memory usage when reading string columns from ORC or DWRF files.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, and SQL Server Changes

  • Change mapping for columns with DECIMAL(p,s) data type from Presto DOUBLEtype to the corresponding Presto DECIMAL type.

Kafka Changes

  • Fix documentation for raw decoder.

Thrift Connector Changes

  • Add support for index joins.

SPI Changes

  • Deprecate SliceArrayBlock.
  • Add SessionPropertyConfigurationManager plugin to enable overriding defaultsession properties dynamically.