INSERT keyword
INSERT SQL keyword reference documentation.

Inserts data into a database table.


Flow chart showing the syntax of the INSERT keyword


Two parameters may be provided to optimize INSERT AS SELECT queries when inserting out-of-order records into an ordered dataset:

  • batch expects a batchCount (integer) value how many records to process at any one time
  • lag expects a lagAmount (integer) value in microseconds which specifies the expected lateness of out-of-order records


  1. INSERT INTO trades
  2. VALUES(
  3. to_timestamp('2019-10-17T00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'),
  4. 'AAPL',
  5. 255,
  6. 123.33,
  7. 'B');
  1. INSERT INTO trades (timestamp, symbol, quantity, price, side)
  2. VALUES(
  3. to_timestamp('2019-10-17T00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'),
  4. 'AAPL',
  5. 255,
  6. 123.33,
  7. 'B');


Columns can be omitted during INSERT in which case value will be NULL


  1. INSERT INTO trades (timestamp, symbol, price)
  2. VALUES(to_timestamp('2019-10-17T00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'),'AAPL','B');

Inserting query results

This method allows you to insert as many rows as your query returns at once.

  1. INSERT INTO confirmed_trades
  2. SELECT timestamp, instrument, quantity, price, side
  3. FROM unconfirmed_trades
  4. WHERE trade_id = '47219345234';

Inserting out-of-order data into an ordered dataset may be optimized using batch and lag parameters:

  1. INSERT batch 100000 lag 180000000 INTO trades
  2. SELECT ts, instrument, quantity, price
  3. FROM unordered_trades


Hints and an example workflow using INSERT AS SELECT for bulk CSV import of out-of-order data can be found on the importing data via CSV documentation.
