
The rahash2 tool can be used to calculate checksums and has functions of byte streams, files, text strings.

  1. $ rahash2 -h
  2. Usage: rahash2 [-rBhLkv] [-b S] [-a A] [-c H] [-E A] [-s S] [-f O] [-t O] [file] ...
  3. -a algo comma separated list of algorithms (default is 'sha256')
  4. -b bsize specify the size of the block (instead of full file)
  5. -B show per-block hash
  6. -c hash compare with this hash
  7. -e swap endian (use little endian)
  8. -E algo encrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV
  9. -D algo decrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV
  10. -f from start hashing at given address
  11. -i num repeat hash N iterations
  12. -I iv use give initialization vector (IV) (hexa or s:string)
  13. -S seed use given seed (hexa or s:string) use ^ to prefix (key for -E)
  14. (- will slurp the key from stdin, the @ prefix points to a file
  15. -k show hash using the openssh's randomkey algorithm
  16. -q run in quiet mode (-qq to show only the hash)
  17. -L list all available algorithms (see -a)
  18. -r output radare commands
  19. -s string hash this string instead of files
  20. -t to stop hashing at given address
  21. -x hexstr hash this hexpair string instead of files
  22. -v show version information

To obtain an MD5 hash value of a text string, use the -s option:

  1. $ rahash2 -q -a md5 -s 'hello world'
  2. 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

It is possible to calculate hash values for contents of files. But do not attempt to do it for very large files because rahash2 buffers the whole input in memory before computing the hash.

To apply all algorithms known to rahash2, use all as an algorithm name:

  1. $ rahash2 -a all /bin/ls
  2. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 md5: 767f0fff116bc6584dbfc1af6fd48fc7
  3. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 sha1: 404303f3960f196f42f8c2c12970ab0d49e28971
  4. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 sha256: 74ea05150acf311484bddd19c608aa02e6bf3332a0f0805a4deb278e17396354
  5. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 sha384: c6f811287514ceeeaabe73b5b2f54545036d6fd3a192ea5d6a1fcd494d46151df4117e1c62de0884cbc174c8db008ed1
  6. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 sha512: 53e4950a150f06d7922a2ed732060e291bf0e1c2ac20bc72a41b9303e1f2837d50643761030d8b918ed05d12993d9515e1ac46676bc0d15ac94d93d8e446fa09
  7. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 md4: fdfe7c7118a57c1ff8c88a51b16fc78c
  8. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 xor: 42
  9. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 xorpair: d391
  10. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 parity: 00
  11. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 entropy: 5.95471783
  12. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 hamdist: 00
  13. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 pcprint: 22
  14. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 mod255: ef
  15. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 xxhash: 76554666
  16. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 adler32: 7704fe60
  17. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 luhn: 01
  18. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc8smbus: 8d
  19. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc15can: 1cd5
  20. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc16: d940
  21. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc16hdlc: 7847
  22. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc16usb: 17bb
  23. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc16citt: 67f7
  24. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc24: 3e7053
  25. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32: c713f78f
  26. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32c: 6cfba67c
  27. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32ecma267: b4c809d6
  28. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32bzip2: a1884a09
  29. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32d: d1a9533c
  30. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32mpeg2: 5e77b5f6
  31. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32posix: 6ba0dec3
  32. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32q: 3166085c
  33. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32jamcrc: 38ec0870
  34. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc32xfer: 7504089d
  35. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc64: b6471d3093d94241
  36. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc64ecma: b6471d3093d94241
  37. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc64we: 8fe37d44a47157bd
  38. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc64xz: ea83e12c719e0d79
  39. /bin/ls: 0x00000000-0x000268c7 crc64iso: d243106d9853221c