
radare2’s dm subcommands can also display a map of the heap which is useful for those who are interested in inspecting the heap and its content. Simply execute dmh to show a map of the heap:

  1. [0x7fae46236ca6]> dmh
  2. Malloc chunk @ 0x55a7ecbce250 [size: 0x411][allocated]
  3. Top chunk @ 0x55a7ecbce660 - [brk_start: 0x55a7ecbce000, brk_end: 0x55a7ecbef000]

You can also see a graph layout of the heap:

  1. [0x7fae46236ca6]> dmhg
  2. Heap Layout
  3. .────────────────────────────────────.
  4. Malloc chunk @ 0x55a7ecbce000
  5. size: 0x251
  6. fd: 0x0, bk: 0x0
  7. `────────────────────────────────────'
  8. .───'
  9. .─────────────────────────────────────────────.
  10. │ Malloc chunk @ 0x55a7ecbce250 │
  11. │ size: 0x411 │
  12. │ fd: 0x57202c6f6c6c6548, bk: 0xa21646c726f │
  13. `─────────────────────────────────────────────'
  14. .───'
  15. .────────────────────────────────────────────────────.
  16. Top chunk @ 0x55a7ecbce660
  17. [brk_start:0x55a7ecbce000, brk_end:0x55a7ecbef000]
  18. `────────────────────────────────────────────────────'

Another heap commands can be found under dmh, check dmh? for the full list.

  1. [0x00000000]> dmh?
  2. |Usage: dmh # Memory map heap
  3. | dmh List chunks in heap segment
  4. | dmh [malloc_state] List heap chunks of a particular arena
  5. | dmha List all malloc_state instances in application
  6. | dmhb Display all parsed Double linked list of main_arena's bins instance
  7. | dmhb [bin_num|bin_num:malloc_state] Display parsed double linked list of bins instance from a particular arena
  8. | dmhbg [bin_num] Display double linked list graph of main_arena's bin [Under developemnt]
  9. | dmhc @[chunk_addr] Display malloc_chunk struct for a given malloc chunk
  10. | dmhf Display all parsed fastbins of main_arena's fastbinY instance
  11. | dmhf [fastbin_num|fastbin_num:malloc_state] Display parsed single linked list in fastbinY instance from a particular arena
  12. | dmhg Display heap graph of heap segment
  13. | dmhg [malloc_state] Display heap graph of a particular arena
  14. | dmhi @[malloc_state]Display heap_info structure/structures for a given arena
  15. | dmhm List all elements of struct malloc_state of main thread (main_arena)
  16. | dmhm [malloc_state] List all malloc_state instance of a particular arena
  17. | dmht Display all parsed thead cache bins of main_arena's tcache instance
  18. | dmh? Show map heap help

To print safe-linked lists (glibc >= 2.32) with demangled pointers, the variable dbg.glibc.demangle must be true.