68.3 Windows SEH

68.3.1 让我们先忘了MSVC

在Windows,SEH(Structured Exception Handling(结构化异常处理))是异常处理的一种机制。然而,它是语言无关的,不管是C++或者其它OOP语言。我们可以看到SEH(从C++和MSVC扩展)是独立实现的。



Figure 68.2: Windows XP

Figure 68.2: Windows XP

Figure 68.2: Windows XP

Figure 68.3: Windows XP

Figure 68.3: Windows XP

Figure 68.3: Windows XP

Figure 68.4: Windows 7

Figure 68.4: Windows 7

Figure 68.4: Windows 7

Figure 68.5: Windows 8.1

Figure 68.5: Windows 8.1

Figure 68.5: Windows 8.1


顺便说一句,有些开发人员会在自己的处理程序发送程序崩溃的信息。通过SetUnhandledExceptionFilter()函数注册异常处理程序,如果操作系统没有任何其它方式处理异常,则调用它。一个例子是Oracle RDBMS,它保存了CPU所有可能有用的信息和内存状态的巨大转储文件。

让我们写一个自己的primitive exception handler:

  1. #include <windows.h>
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. DWORD new_value=1234;
  4. EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION __cdecl except_handler(
  5. struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
  6. void * EstablisherFrame,
  7. struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
  8. void * DispatcherContext )
  9. {
  10. unsigned i;
  11. printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
  12. printf ("ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode=0x%p\n", ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
  13. printf ("ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags=0x%p\n", ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags);
  14. printf ("ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress=0x%p\n", ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress);
  15. if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode==0xE1223344)
  16. {
  17. printf ("That's for us\n");
  18. // yes, we "handled" the exception
  19. return ExceptionContinueExecution;
  20. }
  21. else if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
  22. {
  23. printf ("ContextRecord->Eax=0x%08X\n", ContextRecord->Eax);
  24. // will it be possible to 'fix' it?
  25. printf ("Trying to fix wrong pointer address\n");
  26. ContextRecord->Eax=(DWORD)&new_value;
  27. // yes, we "handled" the exception
  28. return ExceptionContinueExecution;
  29. }
  30. else
  31. {
  32. printf ("We do not handle this\n");
  33. // someone else's problem
  34. return ExceptionContinueSearch;
  35. };
  36. }
  37. int main()
  38. {
  39. DWORD handler = (DWORD)except_handler; // take a pointer to our handler
  40. // install exception handler
  41. __asm
  42. { // make EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION record:
  43. push handler // address of handler function
  44. push FS:[0] // address of previous handler
  45. mov FS:[0],ESP // add new EXECEPTION_REGISTRATION
  46. }
  47. RaiseException (0xE1223344, 0, 0, NULL);
  48. // now do something very bad
  49. int* ptr=NULL;
  50. int val=0;
  51. val=*ptr;
  52. printf ("val=%d\n", val);
  53. // deinstall exception handler
  54. __asm
  55. { // remove our EXECEPTION_REGISTRATION record
  56. mov eax,[ESP] // get pointer to previous record
  57. mov FS:[0], EAX // install previous record
  58. add esp, 8 // clean our EXECEPTION_REGISTRATION off stack
  59. }
  60. return 0;
  61. }


Listing 68.1: MSVC/VC/crt/src/exsup.inc

  2. prev dd ?
  3. handler dd ?


Figure 68.5: Windows 8.1

Figure 68.5: Windows 8.1



as defined in WinBase.h



S是一个基本代码: 11—error; 10—warning; 01—informational; 00—success;U表示是否是用户代码。

这就是为什么我选择了0xE1223344,0xE(1110b)意味着1)user exception(用户异常);2)error(错误)。



Listing 68.2: MSVC 2010

  1. ...
  2. xor eax, eax
  3. mov eax, DWORD PTR [eax] ; exception will occur here
  4. push eax
  5. push OFFSET msg
  6. call _printf
  7. add esp, 8
  8. ...

能否修复“on the fly”这个错误然后继续执行程序?当然,我们的异常处理程序可以修复EAX值然后让操作系统继续执行下去。这是我们该做的。printf()将打印1234,因为我们的处理程序执行后EAX不是0,而是全局变量new_value的地址。


我在这里使用MSVC 2010,当然,没有任何保证EAX将用于这个指针。

这个地址替换的技巧非常的漂亮,我经常使用它插入到SEH内部中。不过,我忘记了在哪里用它修复“on the fly”错误。


68.3.2 现在让我们回到MSVC


  1. __try
  2. {
  3. ...
  4. }
  5. __except(filter code)
  6. {
  7. handler code
  8. }

“Finally”块也许能代替handler code:

  1. __try
  2. {
  3. ...
  4. }
  5. __finally
  6. {
  7. ...
  8. }

filte code是一个表达式,告诉handler code是否对应引发的异常。如果你的filte code太大而无法使用一个表达式,可以定义一个单独的filte函数。

在Windows内核有很多这样的结构,下面是几个例子(WRK(Windows Research Kernel)):

Listing 68.3: WRK-v1.2/base/ntos/ob/obwait.c

  1. try {
  2. KeReleaseMutant( (PKMUTANT)SignalObject,
  4. FALSE,
  5. TRUE );
  6. } except((GetExceptionCode () == STATUS_ABANDONED ||
  7. GetExceptionCode () == STATUS_MUTANT_NOT_OWNED)?
  10. Status = GetExceptionCode();
  11. goto WaitExit;
  12. }

Listing 68.4: WRK-v1.2/base/ntos/cache/cachesub.c

  1. try {
  2. RtlCopyBytes( (PVOID)((PCHAR)CacheBuffer + PageOffset),
  3. UserBuffer,
  4. MorePages ?
  5. (PAGE_SIZE - PageOffset) :
  6. (ReceivedLength - PageOffset) );
  7. } except( CcCopyReadExceptionFilter( GetExceptionInformation(), Status ) ) {

这里是一个filter code的例子:

Listing 68.5: WRK-v1.2/base/ntos/cache/copysup.c

  1. LONG
  2. CcCopyReadExceptionFilter(
  3. IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointer,
  4. IN PNTSTATUS ExceptionCode
  5. )
  6. /*++
  7. Routine Description:
  8. This routine serves as a exception filter and has the special job of
  9. extracting the "real" I/O error when Mm raises STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR
  10. beneath us.
  11. Arguments:
  12. ExceptionPointer - A pointer to the exception record that contains
  13. the real Io Status.
  14. ExceptionCode - A pointer to an NTSTATUS that is to receive the real
  15. status.
  16. Return Value:
  18. --*/
  19. {
  20. *ExceptionCode = ExceptionPointer->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
  21. if ( (*ExceptionCode == STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR) &&
  22. (ExceptionPointer->ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters >= 3) ) {
  23. *ExceptionCode = (NTSTATUS) ExceptionPointer->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[2];
  24. }
  25. ASSERT( !NT_SUCCESS(*ExceptionCode) );
  27. }

在内部,SEH是操作系统支持的异常扩展。但是处理函数是_except_handler3(对于SEH3)或_except_handler4(对于SEH4)。 这个处理函数的代码是与MSVC相关的,它位于它的库或在msvcr*.dll文件。其他的Win32编译器可以提供与之完全不同的机制。


SEH3有一个_except_handler3处理函数,而且扩展了_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION表,并添加了一个指向scope table和previous try level变量。SEH4扩展了scope table缓冲溢出保护。

scope table是一个表,包含了指向filter和handler code的块和每个try/except嵌套。



再者,操作系统只关心prev/handle字段。excepthandler3函数的工作是读取其他字段和scope table,并决定由哪些处理程序来执行。



执行期间,栈中的previous try level变量发生变化,所以_except_handler3可以获取当前嵌套级的信息,才知道要使用scope table哪一表项。

SEH3: 一个try/except块例子

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <windows.h>
  3. #include <excpt.h>
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6. int* p = NULL;
  7. __try
  8. {
  9. printf("hello #1!\n");
  10. *p = 13; // causes an access violation exception;
  11. printf("hello #2!\n");
  12. }
  13. __except(GetExceptionCode()==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ?
  15. {
  16. printf("access violation, can't recover\n");
  17. }
  18. }

Listing 68.6: MSVC 2003

  1. $SG74605 DB 'hello #1!', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG74606 DB 'hello #2!', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG74608 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  5. ; scope table
  7. $T74622 DD 0ffffffffH ; previous try level
  8. DD FLAT:$L74617 ; filter
  9. DD FLAT:$L74618 ; handler
  12. $T74621 = -32 ; size = 4
  13. _p$ = -28 ; size = 4
  14. __$SEHRec$ = -24 ; size = 24
  15. _main PROC NEAR
  16. push ebp
  17. mov ebp, esp
  18. push -1 ; previous try level
  19. push OFFSET FLAT:$T74622 ; scope table
  20. push OFFSET FLAT:__except_handler3 ; handler
  21. mov eax, DWORD PTR fs:__except_list
  22. push eax ; prev
  23. mov DWORD PTR fs:__except_list, esp
  24. add esp, -16
  25. push ebx ; saved 3 registers
  26. push esi ; saved 3 registers
  27. push edi ; saved 3 registers
  28. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp], esp
  29. mov DWORD PTR _p$[ebp], 0
  30. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; previous try level
  31. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74605 ; 'hello #1!'
  32. call _printf
  33. add esp, 4
  34. mov eax, DWORD PTR _p$[ebp]
  35. mov DWORD PTR [eax], 13
  36. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74606 ; 'hello #2!'
  37. call _printf
  38. add esp, 4
  39. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -1 ; previous try level
  40. jmp SHORT $L74616
  41. ; filter code
  42. $L74617:
  43. $L74627:
  44. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  45. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  46. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  47. mov DWORD PTR $T74621[ebp], eax
  48. mov eax, DWORD PTR $T74621[ebp]
  49. sub eax, -1073741819; c0000005H
  50. neg eax
  51. sbb eax, eax
  52. inc eax
  53. $L74619:
  54. $L74626:
  55. ret 0
  56. ; handler code
  57. $L74618:
  58. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  59. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74608 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  60. call _printf
  61. add esp, 4
  62. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -1 ; setting previous try level back to -1
  63. $L74616:
  64. xor eax, eax
  65. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8]
  66. mov DWORD PTR fs:__except_list, ecx
  67. pop edi
  68. pop esi
  69. pop ebx
  70. mov esp, ebp
  71. pop ebp
  72. ret 0
  73. _main ENDP
  74. _TEXT ENDS
  75. END

在这里我们可以看到SEH帧是如果在栈中构建出来的,scope table位于CONST segment-事实上,这些字段是不被改变的。一件有趣的事情是如何改变previous try level变量。它的初始化值是0xFFFFFFFF(-1)。当进入try语句块的时候,变量赋值为0。当try语句块结束的时候,写回-1。我们还能看到filter和handler code的地址。因此,我们可以很容易在函数里看到try/except是如何构造的。



  1. tracer.exe -l:2.exe --dump-seh

Listing 68.7: tracer.exe output

  1. EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 2.exe!main+0x44 (0x401054) ExceptionInformation[0]=1
  2. EAX=0x00000000 EBX=0x7efde000 ECX=0x0040cbc8 EDX=0x0008e3c8
  3. ESI=0x00001db1 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0018feac ESP=0x0018fe80
  4. EIP=0x00401054
  6. * SEH frame at 0x18fe9c prev=0x18ff78 handler=0x401204 (2.exe!_except_handler
  7. SEH3 frame. previous trylevel=0
  8. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-1, filter=0x401070 (2.exe!main+0x60) handler=0x401088 (2.exe!main+0x78)
  9. * SEH frame at 0x18ff78 prev=0x18ffc4 handler=0x401204 (2.exe!_except_handler3)
  10. SEH3 frame. previous trylevel=0
  11. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-1, filter=0x401531 (2.exe!mainCRTStartup+0x18d) handler=0x401545 (2.exe!mainCRTStartup+0x1a1)
  12. * SEH frame at 0x18ffc4 prev=0x18ffe4 handler=0x771f71f5 (ntdll.dll!__except_handler4)
  13. SEH4 frame. previous trylevel=0
  14. SEH4 header: GSCookieOffset=0xfffffffe GSCookieXOROffset=0x0
  15. EHCookieOffset=0xffffffcc EHCookieXOROffset=0x0
  16. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-2, filter=0x771f74d0 (ntdll.dll!___safe_se_handler_table+0x20) handler=0x771f90eb (ntdll.dll!_TppTerminateProcess@4+0x43)
  17. * SEH frame at 0x18ffe4 prev=0xffffffff handler=0x77247428 (ntdll.dll!_FinalExceptionHandler@16)





SEH3: 两个try/except块例子

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <windows.h>
  3. #include <excpt.h>
  4. int filter_user_exceptions (unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep)
  5. {
  6. printf("in filter. code=0x%08X\n", code);
  7. if (code == 0x112233)
  8. {
  9. printf("yes, that is our exception\n");
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. printf("not our exception\n");
  16. };
  17. }
  18. int main()
  19. {
  20. int* p = NULL;
  21. __try
  22. {
  23. __try
  24. {
  25. printf ("hello!\n");
  26. RaiseException (0x112233, 0, 0, NULL);
  27. printf ("0x112233 raised. now let's crash\n");
  28. *p = 13; // causes an access violation exception;
  29. }
  30. __except(GetExceptionCode()==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ?
  32. {
  33. printf("access violation, can't recover\n");
  34. }
  35. }
  36. __except(filter_user_exceptions(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))
  37. {
  38. // the filter_user_exceptions() function answering to the question
  39. // "is this exception belongs to this block?"
  40. // if yes, do the follow:
  41. printf("user exception caught\n");
  42. }
  43. }

现在有两个try块,所以scope table现在有两个元素,每个块占用一个。Previous try level随着try块的进入或退出而改变。

Listing 68.8: MSVC 2003

  1. $SG74606 DB 'in filter. code=0x%08X', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG74608 DB 'yes, that is our exception', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG74610 DB 'not our exception', 0aH, 00H
  4. $SG74617 DB 'hello!', 0aH, 00H
  5. $SG74619 DB '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash', 0aH, 00H
  6. $SG74621 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  7. $SG74623 DB 'user exception caught', 0aH, 00H
  8. _code$ = 8 ; size = 4
  9. _ep$ = 12 ; size = 4
  10. _filter_user_exceptions PROC NEAR
  11. push ebp
  12. mov ebp, esp
  13. mov eax, DWORD PTR _code$[ebp]
  14. push eax
  15. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74606 ; 'in filter. code=0x%08X'
  16. call _printf
  17. add esp, 8
  18. cmp DWORD PTR _code$[ebp], 1122867; 00112233H
  19. jne SHORT $L74607
  20. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74608 ; 'yes, that is our exception'
  21. call _printf
  22. add esp, 4
  23. mov eax, 1
  24. jmp SHORT $L74605
  25. $L74607:
  26. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74610 ; 'not our exception'
  27. call _printf
  28. add esp, 4
  29. xor eax, eax
  30. $L74605:
  31. pop ebp
  32. ret 0
  33. _filter_user_exceptions ENDP
  34. ; scope table
  36. $T74644 DD 0ffffffffH ; previous try level for outer block
  37. DD FLAT:$L74634 ; outer block filter
  38. DD FLAT:$L74635 ; outer block handler
  39. DD 00H ; previous try level for inner block
  40. DD FLAT:$L74638 ; inner block filter
  41. DD FLAT:$L74639 ; inner block handler
  43. $T74643 = -36 ; size = 4
  44. $T74642 = -32 ; size = 4
  45. _p$ = -28 ; size = 4
  46. __$SEHRec$ = -24 ; size = 24
  47. _main PROC NEAR
  48. push ebp
  49. mov ebp, esp
  50. push -1 ; previous try level
  51. push OFFSET FLAT:$T74644
  52. push OFFSET FLAT:__except_handler3
  53. mov eax, DWORD PTR fs:__except_list
  54. push eax
  55. mov DWORD PTR fs:__except_list, esp
  56. add esp, -20
  57. push ebx
  58. push esi
  59. push edi
  60. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp], esp
  61. mov DWORD PTR _p$[ebp], 0
  62. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; outer try block entered. set previous try level to 0
  63. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 1 ; inner try block entered. set previous try level to 1
  64. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74617 ; 'hello!'
  65. call _printf
  66. add esp, 4
  67. push 0
  68. push 0
  69. push 0
  70. push 1122867 ; 00112233H
  71. call DWORD PTR __imp__RaiseException@16
  72. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74619 ; '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash'
  73. call _printf
  74. add esp, 4
  75. mov eax, DWORD PTR _p$[ebp]
  76. mov DWORD PTR [eax], 13
  77. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; inner try block exited. set previous try level back to 0
  78. jmp SHORT $L74615
  79. ; inner block filter
  80. $L74638:
  81. $L74650:
  82. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  83. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  84. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  85. mov DWORD PTR $T74643[ebp], eax
  86. mov eax, DWORD PTR $T74643[ebp]
  87. sub eax, -1073741819; c0000005H
  88. neg eax
  89. sbb eax, eax
  90. inc eax
  91. $L74640:
  92. $L74648:
  93. ret 0
  94. ; inner block handler
  95. $L74639:
  96. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  97. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74621 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  98. call _printf
  99. add esp, 4
  100. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; inner try block exited. set previous try level back to 0
  101. $L74615:
  102. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -1 ; outer try block exited, set previous try level back to -1
  103. jmp SHORT $L74633
  104. ; outer block filter
  105. $L74634:
  106. $L74651:
  107. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  108. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  109. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  110. mov DWORD PTR $T74642[ebp], eax
  111. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  112. push ecx
  113. mov edx, DWORD PTR $T74642[ebp]
  114. push edx
  115. call _filter_user_exceptions
  116. add esp, 8
  117. $L74636:
  118. $L74649:
  119. ret 0
  120. ; outer block handler
  121. $L74635:
  122. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  123. push OFFSET FLAT:$SG74623 ; 'user exception caught'
  124. call _printf
  125. add esp, 4
  126. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -1 ; both try blocks exited. set previous try level back to -1
  127. $L74633:
  128. xor eax, eax
  129. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8]
  130. mov DWORD PTR fs:__except_list, ecx
  131. pop edi
  132. pop esi
  133. pop ebx
  134. mov esp, ebp
  135. pop ebp
  136. ret 0
  137. _main ENDP

如果我们在handler中调用的printf()函数设置一个断点,可以看到另一个SEH handler如何被添加。同样,我们还可以看到scope table包含两个元素。

  1. tracer.exe -l:3.exe bpx=3.exe!printf --dump-seh

Listing 68.9: tracer.exe output

  1. (0) 3.exe!printf
  2. EAX=0x0000001b EBX=0x00000000 ECX=0x0040cc58 EDX=0x0008e3c8
  3. ESI=0x00000000 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0018f840 ESP=0x0018f838
  4. EIP=0x004011b6
  6. * SEH frame at 0x18f88c prev=0x18fe9c handler=0x771db4ad (ntdll.dll!ExecuteHandler2@20+0x3a)
  7. * SEH frame at 0x18fe9c prev=0x18ff78 handler=0x4012e0 (3.exe!_except_handler3)
  8. SEH3 frame. previous trylevel=1
  9. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-1, filter=0x401120 (3.exe!main+0xb0) handler=0x40113b (3.exe!main+0xcb)
  10. scopetable entry[1]. previous try level=0, filter=0x4010e8 (3.exe!main+0x78) handler=0x401100 (3.exe!main+0x90)
  11. * SEH frame at 0x18ff78 prev=0x18ffc4 handler=0x4012e0 (3.exe!_except_handler3)
  12. SEH3 frame. previous trylevel=0
  13. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-1, filter=0x40160d (3.exe!mainCRTStartup+0x18d) handler=0x401621 (3.exe!mainCRTStartup+0x1a1
  14. * SEH frame at 0x18ffc4 prev=0x18ffe4 handler=0x771f71f5 (ntdll.dll!__except_handler4)
  15. SEH4 frame. previous trylevel=0
  16. SEH4 header: GSCookieOffset=0xfffffffe GSCookieXOROffset=0x0
  17. EHCookieOffset=0xffffffcc EHCookieXOROffset=0x0
  18. scopetable entry[0]. previous try level=-2, filter=0x771f74d0 (ntdll.dll!___safe_se_handler_table+0x20) handler=0x771f90eb (ntdll.dll!_TppTerminateProcess@4+0x43)
  19. * SEH frame at 0x18ffe4 prev=0xffffffff handler=0x77247428 (ntdll.dll!_FinalExceptionHandler@16)


在缓冲区攻击期间(18.2章),scope table的地址可以被重写。所以从MSVC 2005开始,SEH3升级到SEH4后有了缓冲区溢出保护。现在scope table指针与一个security cookie(一个随机值)做异或运算。scope table扩展了包含两个指向security cookie指针的头部。每个元素都有另一个栈内偏移值:栈帧的地址(EBP)与security_cookie异或。该值将在异常处理过程中读取并检查其正确性。栈中的security cookie每次都是随机的,所以远程攻击者无法预测到它。

SEH4的previous try level初始化值是-2而不是-1。




Listing 68.10: MSVC 2012: one try block example

  1. $SG85485 DB 'hello #1!', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG85486 DB 'hello #2!', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG85488 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  4. ; scope table:
  5. xdata$x SEGMENT
  6. __sehtable$_main DD 0fffffffeH ; GS Cookie Offset
  7. DD 00H ; GS Cookie XOR Offset
  8. DD 0ffffffccH ; EH Cookie Offset
  9. DD 00H ; EH Cookie XOR Offset
  10. DD 0fffffffeH ; previous try level
  11. DD FLAT:$LN12@main ; filter
  12. DD FLAT:$LN8@main ; handler
  13. xdata$x ENDS
  14. $T2 = -36 ; size = 4
  15. _p$ = -32 ; size = 4
  16. tv68 = -28 ; size = 4
  17. __$SEHRec$ = -24 ; size = 24
  18. _main PROC
  19. push ebp
  20. mov ebp, esp
  21. push -2
  22. push OFFSET __sehtable$_main
  23. push OFFSET __except_handler4
  24. mov eax, DWORD PTR fs:0
  25. push eax
  26. add esp, -20
  27. push ebx
  28. push esi
  29. push edi
  30. mov eax, DWORD PTR ___security_cookie
  31. xor DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+16], eax ; xored pointer to scope table
  32. xor eax, ebp
  33. push eax ; ebp ^ security_cookie
  34. lea eax, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8] ; pointer to VC_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
  35. mov DWORD PTR fs:0, eax
  36. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp], esp
  37. mov DWORD PTR _p$[ebp], 0
  38. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; previous try level
  39. push OFFSET $SG85485 ; 'hello #1!'
  40. call _printf
  41. add esp, 4
  42. mov eax, DWORD PTR _p$[ebp]
  43. mov DWORD PTR [eax], 13
  44. push OFFSET $SG85486 ; 'hello #2!'
  45. call _printf
  46. add esp, 4
  47. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -2 ; previous try level
  48. jmp SHORT $LN6@main
  49. ; filter:
  50. $LN7@main:
  51. $LN12@main:
  52. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  53. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  54. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  55. mov DWORD PTR $T2[ebp], eax
  56. cmp DWORD PTR $T2[ebp], -1073741819 ; c0000005H
  57. jne SHORT $LN4@main
  58. mov DWORD PTR tv68[ebp], 1
  59. jmp SHORT $LN5@main
  60. $LN4@main:
  61. mov DWORD PTR tv68[ebp], 0
  62. $LN5@main:
  63. mov eax, DWORD PTR tv68[ebp]
  64. $LN9@main:
  65. $LN11@main:
  66. ret 0
  67. ; handler:
  68. $LN8@main:
  69. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  70. push OFFSET $SG85488 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  71. call _printf
  72. add esp, 4
  73. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -2 ; previous try level
  74. $LN6@main:
  75. xor eax, eax
  76. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8]
  77. mov DWORD PTR fs:0, ecx
  78. pop ecx
  79. pop edi
  80. pop esi
  81. pop ebx
  82. mov esp, ebp
  83. pop ebp
  84. ret 0
  85. _main ENDP

Listing 68.11: MSVC 2012: two try blocks example

  1. $SG85486 DB 'in filter. code=0x%08X', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG85488 DB 'yes, that is our exception', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG85490 DB 'not our exception', 0aH, 00H
  4. $SG85497 DB 'hello!', 0aH, 00H
  5. $SG85499 DB '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash', 0aH, 00H
  6. $SG85501 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  7. $SG85503 DB 'user exception caught', 0aH, 00H
  8. xdata$x SEGMENT
  9. __sehtable$_main DD 0fffffffeH ; GS Cookie Offset
  10. DD 00H ; GS Cookie XOR Offset
  11. DD 0ffffffc8H ; EH Cookie Offset
  12. DD 00H ; EH Cookie Offset
  13. DD 0fffffffeH ; previous try level for outer block
  14. DD FLAT:$LN19@main ; outer block filter
  15. DD FLAT:$LN9@main ; outer block handler
  16. DD 00H ; previous try level for inner block
  17. DD FLAT:$LN18@main ; inner block filter
  18. DD FLAT:$LN13@main ; inner block handler
  19. xdata$x ENDS
  20. $T2 = -40 ; size = 4
  21. $T3 = -36 ; size = 4
  22. _p$ = -32 ; size = 4
  23. tv72 = -28 ; size = 4
  24. __$SEHRec$ = -24 ; size = 24
  25. _main PROC
  26. push ebp
  27. mov ebp, esp
  28. push -2 ; initial previous try level
  29. push OFFSET __sehtable$_main
  30. push OFFSET __except_handler4
  31. mov eax, DWORD PTR fs:0
  32. push eax ; prev
  33. add esp, -24
  34. push ebx
  35. push esi
  36. push edi
  37. mov eax, DWORD PTR ___security_cookie
  38. xor DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+16], eax ; xored pointer to scope table
  39. xor eax, ebp ; ebp ^ security_cookie
  40. push eax
  41. lea eax, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8] ; pointer to VC_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
  42. mov DWORD PTR fs:0, eax
  43. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp], esp
  44. mov DWORD PTR _p$[ebp], 0
  45. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; entering outer try block, setting previous try level=0
  46. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 1 ; entering inner try block, setting previous try level=1
  47. push OFFSET $SG85497 ; 'hello!'
  48. call _printf
  49. add esp, 4
  50. push 0
  51. push 0
  52. push 0
  53. push 1122867 ; 00112233H
  54. call DWORD PTR __imp__RaiseException@16
  55. push OFFSET $SG85499 ; '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash'
  56. call _printf
  57. add esp, 4
  58. mov eax, DWORD PTR _p$[ebp]
  59. mov DWORD PTR [eax], 13
  60. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; exiting inner try block, set previous try level back to 0
  61. jmp SHORT $LN2@main
  62. ; inner block filter:
  63. $LN12@main:
  64. $LN18@main:
  65. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  66. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  67. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  68. mov DWORD PTR $T3[ebp], eax
  69. cmp DWORD PTR $T3[ebp], -1073741819 ; c0000005H
  70. jne SHORT $LN5@main
  71. mov DWORD PTR tv72[ebp], 1
  72. jmp SHORT $LN6@main
  73. $LN5@main:
  74. mov DWORD PTR tv72[ebp], 0
  75. $LN6@main:
  76. mov eax, DWORD PTR tv72[ebp]
  77. $LN14@main:
  78. $LN16@main:
  79. ret 0
  80. ; inner block handler:
  81. $LN13@main:
  82. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  83. push OFFSET $SG85501 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  84. call _printf
  85. add esp, 4
  86. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], 0 ; exiting inner try block, setting previous try level back to 0
  87. $LN2@main:
  88. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -2 ; exiting both blocks, setting previous try level back to -2
  89. jmp SHORT $LN7@main
  90. ; outer block filter:
  91. $LN8@main:
  92. $LN19@main:
  93. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  94. mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  95. mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
  96. mov DWORD PTR $T2[ebp], eax
  97. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+4]
  98. push ecx
  99. mov edx, DWORD PTR $T2[ebp]
  100. push edx
  101. call _filter_user_exceptions
  102. add esp, 8
  103. $LN10@main:
  104. $LN17@main:
  105. ret 0
  106. ; outer block handler:
  107. $LN9@main:
  108. mov esp, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp]
  109. push OFFSET $SG85503 ; 'user exception caught'
  110. call _printf
  111. add esp, 4
  112. mov DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+20], -2 ; exiting both blocks, setting previous try level back to -2
  113. $LN7@main:
  114. xor eax, eax
  115. mov ecx, DWORD PTR __$SEHRec$[ebp+8]
  116. mov DWORD PTR fs:0, ecx
  117. pop ecx
  118. pop edi
  119. pop esi
  120. pop ebx
  121. mov esp, ebp
  122. pop ebp
  123. ret 0
  124. _main ENDP
  125. _code$ = 8 ; size = 4
  126. _ep$ = 12 ; size = 4
  127. _filter_user_exceptions PROC
  128. push ebp
  129. mov ebp, esp
  130. mov eax, DWORD PTR _code$[ebp]
  131. push eax
  132. push OFFSET $SG85486 ; 'in filter. code=0x%08X'
  133. call _printf
  134. add esp, 8
  135. cmp DWORD PTR _code$[ebp], 1122867 ; 00112233H
  136. jne SHORT $LN2@filter_use
  137. push OFFSET $SG85488 ; 'yes, that is our exception'
  138. call _printf
  139. add esp, 4
  140. mov eax, 1
  141. jmp SHORT $LN3@filter_use
  142. jmp SHORT $LN3@filter_use
  143. $LN2@filter_use:
  144. push OFFSET $SG85490 ; 'not our exception'
  145. call _printf
  146. add esp, 4
  147. xor eax, eax
  148. $LN3@filter_use:
  149. pop ebp
  150. ret 0
  151. _filter_user_exceptions ENDP

这里是cookie的含义:Cookie Offset用于区分栈中saved_EBP的地址和EBP⊕security_cookie。附加的Cookie XOR Offset用于区分EBP⊕security_cookie是否保存在栈中。如果这个等式不为true,会由于栈受到破坏而停止这个过程。

security_cookie⊕(Cookie XOR Offset+address_of_saved_EBP) == stack[address_of_saved_EBP + CookieOffset]

如果Cookie Offset为-2,这意味着它不存在。


MSVC 2005之后的编译器开启/GS选项仍可能会回滚到SEH3。不过,CRT的代码总是使用SEH4。

68.3.3 Windows x64

正如你所认为的,每个函数序言在设置SEH帧效率不高。另一个性能问题是,函数执行期间多次尝试改变previous try level。这种情况在x64完全改变了:现在所有指向try块,filter和handler函数都保存在PE文件的.pdata段,由它提供给操作系统异常处理所需信息。


Listing 68.12: MSVC 2012

  1. $SG86276 DB 'hello #1!', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG86277 DB 'hello #2!', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG86279 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  4. pdata SEGMENT
  5. $pdata$main DD imagerel $LN9
  6. DD imagerel $LN9+61
  7. DD imagerel $unwind$main
  8. pdata ENDS
  9. pdata SEGMENT
  10. $pdata$main$filt$0 DD imagerel main$filt$0
  11. DD imagerel main$filt$0+32
  12. DD imagerel $unwind$main$filt$0
  13. pdata ENDS
  14. xdata SEGMENT
  15. $unwind$main DD 020609H
  16. DD 030023206H
  17. DD imagerel __C_specific_handler
  18. DD 01H
  19. DD imagerel $LN9+8
  20. DD imagerel $LN9+40
  21. DD imagerel main$filt$0
  22. DD imagerel $LN9+40
  23. $unwind$main$filt$0 DD 020601H
  24. DD 050023206H
  25. xdata ENDS
  27. main PROC
  28. $LN9:
  29. push rbx
  30. sub rsp, 32
  31. xor ebx, ebx
  32. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86276 ; 'hello #1!'
  33. call printf
  34. mov DWORD PTR [rbx], 13
  35. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86277 ; 'hello #2!'
  36. call printf
  37. jmp SHORT $LN8@main
  38. $LN6@main:
  39. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86279 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  40. call printf
  41. npad 1 ; align next label
  42. $LN8@main:
  43. xor eax, eax
  44. add rsp, 32
  45. pop rbx
  46. ret 0
  47. main ENDP
  48. _TEXT ENDS
  49. text$x SEGMENT
  50. main$filt$0 PROC
  51. push rbp
  52. sub rsp, 32
  53. mov rbp, rdx
  54. $LN5@main$filt$:
  55. mov rax, QWORD PTR [rcx]
  56. xor ecx, ecx
  57. cmp DWORD PTR [rax], -1073741819; c0000005H
  58. sete cl
  59. mov eax, ecx
  60. $LN7@main$filt$:
  61. add rsp, 32
  62. pop rbp
  63. ret 0
  64. int 3
  65. main$filt$0 ENDP
  66. text$x ENDS

Listing 68.13: MSVC 2012

  1. $SG86277 DB 'in filter. code=0x%08X', 0aH, 00H
  2. $SG86279 DB 'yes, that is our exception', 0aH, 00H
  3. $SG86281 DB 'not our exception', 0aH, 00H
  4. $SG86288 DB 'hello!', 0aH, 00H
  5. $SG86290 DB '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash', 0aH, 00H
  6. $SG86292 DB 'access violation, can''t recover', 0aH, 00H
  7. $SG86294 DB 'user exception caught', 0aH, 00H
  8. pdata SEGMENT
  9. $pdata$filter_user_exceptions DD imagerel $LN6
  10. DD imagerel $LN6+73
  11. DD imagerel $unwind$filter_user_exceptions
  12. $pdata$main DD imagerel $LN14
  13. DD imagerel $LN14+95
  14. DD imagerel $unwind$main
  15. pdata ENDS
  16. pdata SEGMENT
  17. $pdata$main$filt$0 DD imagerel main$filt$0
  18. DD imagerel main$filt$0+32
  19. DD imagerel $unwind$main$filt$0
  20. $pdata$main$filt$1 DD imagerel main$filt$1
  21. DD imagerel main$filt$1+30
  22. DD imagerel $unwind$main$filt$1
  23. pdata ENDS
  24. xdata SEGMENT
  25. $unwind$filter_user_exceptions DD 020601H
  26. DD 030023206H
  27. $unwind$main DD 020609H
  28. DD 030023206H
  29. DD imagerel __C_specific_handler
  30. DD 02H
  31. DD imagerel $LN14+8
  32. DD imagerel $LN14+59
  33. DD imagerel main$filt$0
  34. DD imagerel $LN14+59
  35. DD imagerel $LN14+8
  36. DD imagerel $LN14+74
  37. DD imagerel main$filt$1
  38. DD imagerel $LN14+74
  39. $unwind$main$filt$0 DD 020601H
  40. DD 050023206H
  41. $unwind$main$filt$1 DD 020601H
  42. DD 050023206H
  43. xdata ENDS
  45. main PROC
  46. $LN14:
  47. push rbx
  48. sub rsp, 32
  49. xor ebx, ebx
  50. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86288 ; 'hello!'
  51. call printf
  52. xor r9d, r9d
  53. xor r8d, r8d
  54. xor edx, edx
  55. mov ecx, 1122867 ; 00112233H
  56. call QWORD PTR __imp_RaiseException
  57. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86290 ; '0x112233 raised. now let''s crash'
  58. call printf
  59. mov DWORD PTR [rbx], 13
  60. jmp SHORT $LN13@main
  61. $LN11@main:
  62. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86292 ; 'access violation, can''t recover'
  63. call printf
  64. npad 1 ; align next label
  65. $LN13@main:
  66. jmp SHORT $LN9@main
  67. $LN7@main:
  68. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86294 ; 'user exception caught'
  69. call printf
  70. npad 1 ; align next label
  71. $LN9@main:
  72. xor eax, eax
  73. add rsp, 32
  74. pop rbx
  75. ret 0
  76. main ENDP
  77. text$x SEGMENT
  78. main$filt$0 PROC
  79. push rbp
  80. sub rsp, 32
  81. mov rbp, rdx
  82. $LN10@main$filt$:
  83. mov rax, QWORD PTR [rcx]
  84. xor ecx, ecx
  85. cmp DWORD PTR [rax], -1073741819; c0000005H
  86. sete cl
  87. mov eax, ecx
  88. $LN12@main$filt$:
  89. add rsp, 32
  90. pop rbp
  91. ret 0
  92. int 3
  93. main$filt$0 ENDP
  94. main$filt$1 PROC
  95. push rbp
  96. sub rsp, 32
  97. mov rbp, rdx
  98. $LN6@main$filt$:
  99. mov rax, QWORD PTR [rcx]
  100. mov rdx, rcx
  101. mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rax]
  102. call filter_user_exceptions
  103. npad 1 ; align next label
  104. $LN8@main$filt$:
  105. add rsp, 32
  106. pop rbp
  107. ret 0
  108. int 3
  109. main$filt$1 ENDP
  110. text$x ENDS
  112. code$ = 48
  113. ep$ = 56
  114. filter_user_exceptions PROC
  115. $LN6:
  116. push rbx
  117. sub rsp, 32
  118. mov ebx, ecx
  119. mov edx, ecx
  120. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86277 ; 'in filter. code=0x%08X'
  121. call printf
  122. cmp ebx, 1122867; 00112233H
  123. jne SHORT $LN2@filter_use
  124. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86279 ; 'yes, that is our exception'
  125. call printf
  126. mov eax, 1
  127. add rsp, 32
  128. pop rbx
  129. ret 0
  130. $LN2@filter_use:
  131. lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:$SG86281 ; 'not our exception'
  132. call printf
  133. xor eax, eax
  134. add rsp, 32
  135. pop rbx
  136. ret 0
  137. filter_user_exceptions ENDP
  138. _TEXT ENDS



68.3.4 更多关于SEH的信息

Matt Pietrek. “A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling”. In: MSDN magazine (). URL: http://go.yurichev.com/17293.

Igor Skochinsky. Compiler Internals: Exceptions and RTTI. Also available as http://go.yurichev.com/ 17294. 2012.