Adding storage groups

To add storage groups, you need to redefine the config of the pool you want to extend.

Before that, you need to get the config of the desired pool. You can do this with the following command:

  1. Command {
  2. ReadStoragePool{
  3. BoxId: <box-id>
  4. // StoragePoolId: <storage-pool-id>
  5. Name: <pool name>
  6. }
  7. }

Adding storage groups - 图1

  1. kikimr -s <endpoint> admin bs config invoke --proto-file ReadStoragePool.txt

Adding storage groups - 图2

Insert the obtained pool config into the protobuf below and edit the NumGroups field value in it.

  1. Command {
  2. DefineStoragePool {
  3. <pool config>
  4. }
  5. }

Adding storage groups - 图3

  1. kikimr -s <endpoint> admin bs config invoke --proto-file DefineStoragePool.txt

Adding storage groups - 图4