Adds rows to the table. If you try to insert a row into a table with an existing primary key value, the operation fails with the PRECONDITION_FAILED error code and the Operation aborted due to constraint violation: insert_pk message returned.

INSERT INTO lets you perform the following operations:

  • Adding constant values using VALUES.

    1. INSERT INTO my_table (Key1, Key2, Value1, Value2)
    2. VALUES (345987,'ydb', 'Pied piper', 1414);
    3. COMMIT;

    INSERT - 图1

    1. INSERT INTO my_table (key, value)
    2. VALUES ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2);

    INSERT - 图2

  • Saving the SELECT result.

    1. INSERT INTO my_table
    2. SELECT Key AS Key1, "Empty" AS Key2, Value AS Value1
    3. FROM my_table1;

    INSERT - 图3