Configure Cloud Providers

AttentionThis page documents an earlier version. Go to the latest (v2.1)version.

This section details how to configure cloud providers for YugabyteDB using the YugaWare Admin Console. If no cloud providers are configured in YugaWare yet, the main Dashboard page highlights the need to configure at least 1 cloud provider.

Configure Cloud Provider


Public cloud

If you plan to run YugabyteDB nodes on public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), all you need to provide on YugaWare UI is your cloud provider credentials. YugaWare will use those credentials to automatically provision and de-provision instances that run Yugabyte. An ‘instance’ for Yugabyte includes a compute instance as well as local or remote disk storage attached to the compute instance.

Private cloud or on-premises datacenters

The prerequisites for YugabyteDB Enterprise Edition data nodes are same as that of YugabyteDB Community Edition.

Configure cloud providers

YugaWare ensures that YugabyteDB nodes run inside your own AWS account and are secured by a dedicated VPC and Key Pair. To that end, YugaWare will require access to your cloud infrastructure, which it can do in one of two ways:

Once you decide which access method is right for you, it is time to consider deployment options. YugaWare currently supports 3 modes of deploying YugabyteDB nodes:

  • Use the same VPC as the YugaWare machine. This will setup a custom Security Group to be attached to the Yugabyte nodes, so communication is guaranteed to work. It will also setup a new Key Pair, to be used when spinning up EC2 instances.

  • Specify a different VPC and the region in which it lives. This will also setup a custom Security Group in the given VPC, as well as a Key Pair. Note however, that it is your responsibility to have already setup Routing Table entries in both VPCs, to ensure network traffic is properly routed!

  • Let YugaWare configure, own and manage a full cross-region deployment of custom VPCs. This will generate a custom VPC in each available region, then interconnect them, as well as the YugaWare VPC, through VPC-peering. This will also setup all the other relevant sub-components in all regions, such as Key Pairs, Subnets, Security Groups and Routing Table entries.

Note that the AWS Account Name should be unique for each instance of YugaWare integrating with a given AWS Account.

Configure AWS with Access and Secret keys

Configure AWS using IAM role

AWS Configuration in Progress

AWS Configured Successfully

Now we are ready to create a YugabyteDB universe on AWS.

Go to the Configuration nav on the left-side and then click on the GCP tab. You should seesomething like this:

GCP Configuration -- empty

Fill in the couple of pieces of data and you should get something like:

GCP Configuration -- full

Take note of the following for configuring your GCP provider:

  • Give this provider a relevant name. We recommend something that contains Google or GCP in it, especially if you will be configuring other providers as well.

  • Upload the JSON file that you obtained when you created your service account as per the Initial Setup.

  • Assuming this is a new deployment, we recommend creating a new VPC specifically for YugabyteDB nodes. You have to ensure that the YugaWare host machine is able to connect to your Google Cloud account where this new VPC will be created. Otherwise, you can choose to specify an existing VPC for YugabyteDB nodes. The 3rd option that is available only when your YugaWare host machine is also running on Google Cloud is to use the same VPC that the YugaWare host machine runs on.

  • Finally, click Save and give it a couple of minutes, as it will need to do a bit of work in the background. This includes generating a new VPC, a network, subnetworks in all available regions, as well as a new firewall rule, VPC peering for network connectivity and a custom SSH keypair for YugaWare-to-Yugabyte connectivity

Note: Choosing to use the same VPC as YugaWare is an advanced option, which currently assumes that you are in complete control over this VPC and will be responsible for setting up the networking, SSH access and firewall rules for it!

The following shows the steps involved in creating this cloud provider.

GCP Configuration -- in progress

If all went well, you should see something like:

GCP Configuration -- success

Now we are ready to create a YugabyteDB universe on GCP.

Support for Microsoft Azure in YugabyteDB Enterprise Edition is currently in the works. You are recommended to treat Microsoft Azure as an On-Premises Datacenter for now.

Documentation for deploying YugabyteDB Enterprise Edition on Kubernetes are coming soon.

Configure On-Premises Datacenter Provider

On-Premises Datacenter Provider Configuration in Progress

On-Premises Datacenter Provider Configured Successfully

Next step

You are now ready to create YugabyteDB universes as outlined in the next section.