> Settings object

The following objects are directly related to the settings API.


The settings object has the following properties.

default_langstringSystem language by default.

Default: en_GB.
default_timezonestringSystem time zone by default.

Default: system - system default.

For the full list of supported time zones please refer to PHP documentation.
default_themestringDefault theme.

Possible values:
blue-theme - (default) Blue;
dark-theme - Dark;
hc-light - High-contrast light;
hc-dark - High-contrast dark.
search_limitintegerLimit for search and filter results.

Default: 1000.
max_overview_table_sizeintegerMax number of columns and rows in Data overview and Trigger overview dashboard widgets.

Default: 50.
max_in_tableintegerMax count of elements to show inside table cell.

Default: 50.
server_check_intervalintegerShow warning if Zabbix server is down.

Possible values:
0 - Do not show warning;
10 - (default) Show warning.
work_periodstringWorking time.

Default: 1-5,09:00-18:00.
show_technical_errorsintegerShow technical errors (PHP/SQL) to non-Super admin users and to users that are not part of user groups with debug mode enabled.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Do not technical errors;
1 - Show technical errors.
history_periodstringMax period to display history data in Latest data, Web, and Data overview dashboard widgets. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix.

Default: 24h.
period_defaultstringTime filter default period. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix with month and year support (30s,1m,2h,1d,1M,1y).

Default: 1h.
max_periodstringMax period for time filter. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix with month and year support (30s,1m,2h,1d,1M,1y).

Default: 2y.
severity_color_0stringColor for “Not classified” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: 97AAB3.
severity_color_1stringColor for “Information” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: 7499FF.
severity_color_2stringColor for “Warning” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: FFC859.
severity_color_3stringColor for “Average” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: FFA059.
severity_color_4stringColor for “High” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: E97659.
severity_color_5stringColor for “Disaster” severity as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: E45959.
severity_name_0stringName for “Not classified” severity.

Default: Not classified.
severity_name_1stringName for “Information” severity.

Default: Information.
severity_name_2stringName for “Warning” severity.

Default: Warning.
severity_name_3stringName for “Average” severity.

Default: Average.
severity_name_4stringName for “High” severity.

Default: High.
severity_name_5stringName for “Disaster” severity.

Default: Disaster.
custom_colorintegerUse custom event status colors.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Do not use custom event status colors;
1 - Use custom event status colors.
ok_periodstringDisplay OK triggers period. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix.

Default: 5m.
blink_periodstringOn status change triggers blink period. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix.

Default: 2m.
problem_unack_colorstringColor for unacknowledged PROBLEM events as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: CC0000.
problem_ack_colorstringColor for acknowledged PROBLEM events as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: CC0000.
ok_unack_colorstringColor for unacknowledged RESOLVED events as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: 009900.
ok_ack_colorstringColor for acknowledged RESOLVED events as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: 009900.
problem_unack_styleintegerBlinking for unacknowledged PROBLEM events.

Possible values:
0 - Do not show blinking;
1 - (default) Show blinking.
problem_ack_styleintegerBlinking for acknowledged PROBLEM events.

Possible values:
0 - Do not show blinking;
1 - (default) Show blinking.
ok_unack_styleintegerBlinking for unacknowledged RESOLVED events.

Possible values:
0 - Do not show blinking;
1 - (default) Show blinking.
ok_ack_styleintegerBlinking for acknowledged RESOLVED events.

Possible values:
0 - Do not show blinking;
1 - (default) Show blinking.
urlstringFrontend URL.
discovery_groupidintegerID of the host group to which will be automatically placed discovered hosts.
default_inventory_modeintegerDefault host inventory mode.

Possible values:
-1 - (default) Disabled;
0 - Manual;
1 - Automatic.
alert_usrgrpidintegerID of the user group to which will be sending database down alarm message. If set to empty, the alarm message will not be sent.
snmptrap_loggingintegerLog unmatched SNMP traps.

Possible values:
0 - Do not log unmatched SNMP traps;
1 - (default) Log unmatched SNMP traps.
login_attemptsintegerNumber of failed login attempts after which login form will be blocked.

Default: 5.
login_blockstringTime interval during which login form will be blocked if number of failed login attempts exceeds defined in login_attempts field. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix.

Default: 30s.
validate_uri_schemesintegerValidate URI schemes.

Possible values:
0 - Do not validate;
1 - (default) Validate.
uri_valid_schemesstringValid URI schemes.

Default: http,https,ftp,file,mailto,tel,ssh.
x_frame_optionsstringX-Frame-Options HTTP header.

iframe_sandboxing_enabledintegerUse iframe sandboxing.

Possible values:
0 - Do not use;
1 - (default) Use.
iframe_sandboxing_exceptionsstringIframe sandboxing exceptions.
connect_timeoutstringConnection timeout with Zabbix server.

Default: 3s.
socket_timeoutstringNetwork default timeout.

Default: 3s.
media_type_test_timeoutstringNetwork timeout for media type test.

Default: 65s.
item_test_timeoutstringNetwork timeout for item tests.

Default: 60s.
script_timeoutstringNetwork timeout for script execution.

Default: 60s.
report_test_timeoutstringNetwork timeout for scheduled report test.

Default: 60s.
auditlog_enabledintegerEnable audit logging.

Possible values:
0 - Disable;
1 - (default) Enable.
geomaps_tile_providerstringGeomap tile provider.

Possible values:
OpenStreetMap.Mapnik - (default) OpenStreetMap Mapnik;
OpenTopoMap - OpenTopoMap;
Stamen.TonerLite - Stamen Toner Lite;
Stamen.Terrain - Stamen Terrain;
USGS.USImagery - USGS US Imagery.

Supports empty string to specify custom values of geomaps_tile_url, geomaps_max_zoom and geomaps_attribution.
geomaps_tile_urlstringGeomap tile URL if geomaps_tile_provider is set to empty string.
geomaps_max_zoomintegerGeomap max zoom level if geomaps_tile_provider is set to empty string. Max zoom must be in the range between 0 and 30.
geomaps_attributionstringGeomap attribution text if geomaps_tile_provider is set to empty string.