Escaping special characters from LLD macro values in JSONPath

When low-level discovery macros are used in JSONPath preprocessing and their values are resolved, the following rules of escaping special characters are applied:

  • only backslash (\) and double quote (“) characters are considered for escaping;
  • if the resolved macro value contains these characters, each of them is escaped with a backslash;
  • if they are already escaped with a backslash, it is not considered as escaping and both the backslash and the following special characters are escaped once again.

For example:

JSONPathLLD macro valueAfter substitution
$.[?(@.value == “{#MACRO}”)]special “value”$.[?(@.value == “special \”value\””)]
c:\temp$.[?(@.value == “c:\temp”)]
a\b$.[?(@.value == “a\\b”)]

When used in the expression the macro that may have special characters should be enclosed in double quotes:

JSONPathLLD macro valueAfter substitutionResult
$.[?(@.value == “{#MACRO}”)]special “value”$.[?(@.value == “special \”value\””)]OK
$.[?(@.value == {#MACRO})]$.[?(@.value == special \”value\”)]Bad JSONPath expression

When used in the path the macro that may have special characters should be enclosed in square brackets and double quotes:

JSONPathLLD macro valueAfter substitutionResult
$.{#MACRO}.value$.c:\temp.valueBad JSONPath expression