How to create a Samba share

Table of Contents

Samba allows for Windows and other clients to connect to file share directories on Linux hosts. It implements the server message block (SMB) protocol. This guide covers creating a shared file location on a Fedora machine that can be accessed by other computers on the local network.

Install and enable Samba

The following commands install Samba and set it to run via systemctl. This also sets the firewall to allow access to Samba from other computers.

  1. sudo dnf install samba
  2. sudo systemctl enable smb --now
  3. firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  4. sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraWorkstation --add-service=samba
  5. sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Sharing a directory inside /home

In this example you will share a directory inside your home directory, accessible only by your user.

Samba does not use the operating system users for authentication, so your user account must be duplicated in Samba. So if your account is jane on the host, the user jane must also be added to Samba. While the usernames must match, the passwords can be different.

Create a user called jane in Samba:

  1. sudo smbpasswd -a jane

Create a directory to be the share for jane, and set the correct SELinux context:

  1. mkdir /home/jane/share
  2. sudo semanage fcontext --add --type "samba_share_t" ~/share
  3. sudo restorecon -R ~/share

Samba configuration lives in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. Adding the following section at the end of the file will instruct Samba to set up a share for jane called “share” at the /home/jane/share directory just created.

  1. [share]
  2. comment = My Share
  3. path = /home/jane/share
  4. writeable = yes
  5. browseable = yes
  6. public = yes
  7. create mask = 0644
  8. directory mask = 0755
  9. write list = user

Restart Samba for the changes to take effect:

  1. sudo systemctl restart smb

Sharing a directory for many users

In this example, you will share a directory (outside your home directory) and create a group of users with the ability to read and write to the share.

Remember that a Samba user must also be a system user, in order to respect filesystem permissions. This example creates a system group myfamily for two new users jack and maria.

  1. sudo groupadd myfamily
  2. sudo useradd -G myfamily jack
  3. sudo useradd -G myfamily maria

You could create these users without a system password. This would prevent access to the system via SSH or local login.

Add jack and maria to Samba and create their passwords:

  1. sudo smbpasswd -a jack
  2. sudo smbpasswd -a maria

Setting up the shared folder:

  1. sudo mkdir /home/share
  2. sudo chgrp myfamily /home/share
  3. sudo chmod 770 /home/share
  4. sudo semanage fcontext --add --type "samba_share_t" /home/share
  5. sudo restorecon -R /home/share

Each share is described by its own section in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. Add this section to the bottom of the file:

  1. [family]
  2. comment = Family Share
  3. path = /home/share
  4. writeable = yes
  5. browseable = yes
  6. public = yes
  7. valid users = @myfamily
  8. create mask = 0660
  9. directory mask = 0770
  10. force group = +myfamily

Explanation of the above:

  • valid users: only users of the group family have access rights. The @ denotes a group name.

  • force group = +myfamily: files and directories are created with this group, instead of the user group.

  • create mask = 0660: files in the share are created with permissions to allow all group users to read and write files created by other users.

  • directory mask = 0770: as before, but for directories.

Restart Samba for the changes to take effect:

  1. sudo systemctl restart smb

Managing Samba Users

Change a samba user password

Remember: the system user and Samba user passwords can be different. The system user is needed in order to handle filesystem permissions.

  1. sudo smbpasswd maria

Remove a samba user

  1. sudo smbpasswd -x maria

If you don’t need the system user, remove it as well:

  1. sudo userdel -r maria

Troubleshooting and logs

Samba log files are located in /var/log/samba/

  1. tail -f /var/log/samba/log.smbd

You can increase the verbosity by adding this to the [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf:

  1. [global]
  2. loglevel = 5

To validate the syntax of the configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf use the command testparm. Example output:

  1. Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
  2. Loaded services file OK.
  3. Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE

To display current samba connections, use the smbstatus command. Example output:

  1. Samba version 4.12.3
  2. PID Username Group Machine Protocol Version Encryption Signing
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 7259 jack jack (ipv4: SMB3_11 - partial(AES-128-CMAC)
  5. Service pid Machine Connected at Encryption Signing
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. family 7259 Fri May 29 14:03:26 2020 AEST - -
  8. No locked files

Trouble with accessing the share

Some things to check if you cannot access the share.

  1. Be sure that the user exists as a system user as well as a Samba user

    Find maria in the Samba database:

    1. sudo pdbedit -L | grep maria
    2. maria:1002:

    Confirm that maria also exists as a system user.

    1. cat /etc/passwd | grep maria
    2. maria:x:1002:1002::/home/maria:/bin/bash
  2. Check if the shared directory has the correct SELinux context.

    1. ls -dZ /home/share
    2. unconfined_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0 /home/share
  3. Check if the system user has access permission to the shared directory.

    1. ls -ld /home/share
    2. drwxrwx---. 2 root myfamily 4096 May 29 14:03 /home/share

    In this case, the user should be in the myfamily group.

  4. Check in the configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf that the user and group have access permission.

    1. [family]
    2. comment = Family Share
    3. path = /home/share
    4. writeable = yes
    5. browseable = yes
    6. public = yes
    7. valid users = @myfamily
    8. create mask = 0660
    9. directory mask = 0770
    10. force group = +myfamily

    In this case, the user should be in the myfamily group.

Trouble with writing in the share

  1. Check in the samba configuration file if the user/group has write permissions.

    1. [family]
    2. comment = Family Share
    3. path = /home/share
    4. writeable = yes
    5. browseable = yes
    6. public = yes
    7. valid users = @myfamily
    8. create mask = 0660
    9. directory mask = 0770
    10. force group = +myfamily

    In this example, the user should be in the myfamily group.

  2. Check the share directory permissions.

    1. ls -ld /home/share
    2. drwxrwx---. 2 root myfamily 4096 May 29 14:03 /home/share

    This example assumes the user is part of the myfamily group which has read, write, and execute permissions for the folder.