Write data with developer tools

Write data to InfluxDB with developer tools.

Write data with third-party technologies

Write data to InfluxDB using third-party developer tools.

Write CSV data to InfluxDB

Write CSV data with the influx write command or Flux. Include annotations with the CSV data to determine how the data translates into line protocol.

Write data with client libraries

Use client libraries to write data to InfluxDB.

Scrape Prometheus metrics

Use Telegraf, InfluxDB scrapers, or the prometheus.scrape Flux function to scrape Prometheus-formatted metrics from an HTTP-accessible endpoint and store them in InfluxDB.

Write data with the influx CLI

Use the influx write command to write data to InfluxDB from the command line.

Write data with the InfluxDB API

Use the /write endpoint of the InfluxDB API to write data to InfluxDB.