influx auth inactive

  • influx CLI 2.0.0+
  • InfluxDB 2.0.0+

The influx auth inactive command inactivates an API token in InfluxDB. Inactive tokens do not authorize access to InfluxDB.

To temporarily disable client access to InfluxDB, inactivate the authentication token the client is using rather than delete the token. If you delete the token, you have to generate a new token and update the client with the new token. By setting a token to inactive, you can activate the token to grant the client access without having to modify the client.


  1. influx auth inactive [flags]


FlagDescriptionInput typeMaps to ?
-c—active-configCLI configuration to use for commandstring
—configs-pathPath to influx CLI configurations (default ~/.influxdbv2/configs)stringINFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH
-h—helpHelp for the inactive command
—hide-headersHide table headers (default false)INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS
—hostHTTP address of InfluxDB (default http://localhost:8086)stringINFLUX_HOST
—http-debugInspect communication with InfluxDB servers.string
-i—id(Required) API token IDstring
—jsonOutput data as JSON (default false)INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON
—skip-verifySkip TLS certificate verificationINFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY
-t—tokenAPI tokenstringINFLUX_TOKEN


Authentication credentials

The examples below assume your InfluxDB host, organization, and token are provided by the active influx CLI configuration. If you do not have a CLI configuration set up, use the appropriate flags to provide these required credentials.

Inactivate an API token
  1. influx auth inactive --id 06c86c40a9f36000