ceph-post-file – post files for ceph developers


ceph-post-file [-d description] [-u *user] file or dir


ceph-post-file will upload files or directories to ceph.com forlater analysis by Ceph developers.

Each invocation uploads files or directories to a separate directorywith a unique tag. That tag can be passed to a developer orreferenced in a bug report (http://tracker.ceph.com/). Once theupload completes, the directory is marked non-readable andnon-writeable to prevent access or modification by other users.


Basic measures are taken to make posted data be visible only todevelopers with access to ceph.com infrastructure. However, usersshould think twice and/or take appropriate precautions beforeposting potentially sensitive data (for example, logs or datadirectories that contain Ceph secrets).


  • -d description, —description description
  • Add a short description for the upload. This is a good opportunityto reference a bug number. There is no default value.
  • -u user
  • Set the user metadata for the upload. This defaults to whoami@hostname -f.


To upload a single log:

  1. ceph-post-file /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.`hostname`.log

To upload several directories:

  1. ceph-post-file -d 'mon data directories' /var/log/ceph/mon/*


ceph-post-file is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer tothe Ceph documentation at http://ceph.com/docs for more information.

See also
