Mount CephFS using FUSE


Before mounting CephFS, ensure that the client host (where CephFS has to bemounted and used) has a copy of the Ceph configuration file (i.e.ceph.conf) and a keyring of the CephX user that has CAPS for the Ceph MDS.Both of these files must be present on the host where the Ceph MON resides.

  • Generate a minimal conf for the client host. The conf file should beplaced at /etc/ceph:
  1. # on client host
  2. mkdir /etc/ceph
  3. ssh {user}@{mon-host} "sudo ceph config generate-minimal-conf" | sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

Alternatively, you may copy the conf file. But the method which generatesthe minimal config is usually sufficient. For more information, seeboostrap options in ceph-conf page.

  • Ensure that the conf has appropriate permissions:
  1. chmod 644 /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
  • Create the CephX user and get its secret key:
  1. ssh {user}@{mon-host} "sudo ceph fs authorize cephfs / rw" | sudo tee /etc/ceph/

In above command, replace cephfs with the name of your CephFS, fooby the name you want for your CephX user and / by the path within yourCephFS for which you want to allow access to the client host and rwstands for both read and write permissions. Alternatively, you may copy theCeph keyring from the MON host to client host at /etc/ceph but creatinga keyring specific to the client host is better. While creating a CephXkeyring/client, using same client name across multiple machines is perfectlyfine.


If you get 2 prompts for password while running above any of 2 abovecommand, run sudo ls (or any other trivial command with sudo)immediately before these commands.

  • Ensure that the keyring has appropriate permissions:
  1. chmod 600 /etc/ceph/


In general, the command to mount CephFS via FUSE looks like this:

  1. ceph-fuse {mountpoint} {options}

Mounting CephFS

To FUSE-mount the Ceph file system, use the ceph-fuse command:

  1. mkdir /mnt/mycephfs
  2. ceph-fuse -id foo /mnt/mycephfs

Option -id passes the name of the CephX user whose keyring we intend touse for mounting CephFS. In the above command, it’s foo. You can also use-n instead, although —id is evidently easier:

  1. ceph-fuse -n /mnt/mycephfs

In case the keyring is not present in standard locations, you may pass ittoo:

  1. ceph-fuse --id foo -k /path/to/keyring /mnt/mycephfs

You may pass the MON’s socket too, although this is not mandatory:

  1. ceph-fuse --id foo -m /mnt/mycephfs

You can also mount a specific directory within CephFS instead of mountingroot of CephFS on your local FS:

  1. ceph-fuse --id foo -r /path/to/dir /mnt/mycephfs

If you have more than one FS on your Ceph cluster, use the option—client_mds_namespace to mount the non-default FS:

  1. ceph-fuse --id foo --client_mds_namespace mycephfs2 /mnt/mycephfs2

You may also add a client_mds_namespace setting to your ceph.conf

Unmounting CephFS

Use umount to unmount CephFS like any other FS:

  1. umount /mnt/mycephfs


Ensure that you are not within the file system directories beforeexecuting this command.

Persistent Mounts

To mount CephFS in your file systems table as a file system in user space, addthe following to /etc/fstab:

  2. none /mnt/mycephfs fuse.ceph{user-ID}[,ceph.conf={path/to/conf.conf}],_netdev,defaults 0 0

For example:

  1. none /mnt/mycephfs fuse.ceph,_netdev,defaults 0 0
  2. none /mnt/mycephfs fuse.ceph,ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf,_netdev,defaults 0 0

Ensure you use the ID (e.g., admin, not client.admin). You can passany valid ceph-fuse option to the command line this way.

ceph-fuse@.service and systemd units are available.As usual, these unit files declare the default dependencies and recommendedexecution context for ceph-fuse. For example, after making the fstab entryshown above, ceph-fuse run following commands:

  1. systemctl start ceph-fuse@-mnt-mycephfs.service
  2. systemctl enable ceph-fuse@-mnt-mycephfs.service

See User Management for details on CephX user management and mount.cephmanual for more options it can take. For troubleshooting, seeKernel mount debugging.