Block Devices and Kubernetes

You may use Ceph Block Device images with Kubernetes v1.13 and later throughceph-csi, which dynamically provisions RBD images to back Kubernetesvolumes and maps these RBD images as block devices (optionally mountinga file system contained within the image) on worker nodes runningpods that reference an RBD-backed volume. Ceph stripes block device images asobjects across the cluster, which means that large Ceph Block Device images havebetter performance than a standalone server!

To use Ceph Block Devices with Kubernetes v1.13 and higher, you must installand configure ceph-csi within your Kubernetes environment. The followingdiagram depicts the Kubernetes/Ceph technology stack.

Kubernetes - 图1


ceph-csi uses the RBD kernel modules by default which may not support allCeph CRUSH tunables or RBD image features.

Create a Pool

By default, Ceph block devices use the rbd pool. Create a pool forKubernetes volume storage. Ensure your Ceph cluster is running, then createthe pool.

  1. $ ceph osd pool create kubernetes

See Create a Pool for details on specifying the number of placement groupsfor your pools, and Placement Groups for details on the number of placementgroups you should set for your pools.

A newly created pool must be initialized prior to use. Use the rbd toolto initialize the pool:

  1. $ rbd pool init kubernetes

Configure ceph-csi

Setup Ceph Client Authentication

Create a new user for Kubernetes and ceph-csi. Execute the following andrecord the generated key:

  1. $ ceph auth get-or-create client.kubernetes mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=kubernetes' mgr 'profile rbd pool=kubernetes'
  2. [client.kubernetes]
  3. key = AQD9o0Fd6hQRChAAt7fMaSZXduT3NWEqylNpmg==

Generate ceph-csi ConfigMap

The ceph-csi requires a ConfigMap object stored in Kubernetes to define thethe Ceph monitor addresses for the Ceph cluster. Collect both the Ceph clusterunique fsid and the monitor addresses:

  1. $ ceph mon dump
  2. <...>
  3. fsid b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8
  4. <...>
  5. 0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a
  6. 1: [v2:,v1:] mon.b
  7. 2: [v2:,v1:] mon.c


ceph-csi currently only supports the legacy V1 protocol.

Generate a csi-config-map.yaml file similar to the example below, substitutingthe fsid for “clusterID”, and the monitor addresses for “monitors”:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > csi-config-map.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapdata: config.json: |- [ { "clusterID": "b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8", "monitors": [ "", "", "" ] } ]metadata: name: ceph-csi-configEOF

Once generated, store the new ConfigMap object in Kubernetes:

  1. $ kubectl apply -f csi-config-map.yaml

Generate ceph-csi cephx Secret

ceph-csi requires the cephx credentials for communicating with the Cephcluster. Generate a csi-rbd-secret.yaml file similar to the example below,using the newly created Kubernetes user id and cephx key:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > csi-rbd-secret.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata: name: csi-rbd-secret namespace: defaultstringData: userID: kubernetes userKey: AQD9o0Fd6hQRChAAt7fMaSZXduT3NWEqylNpmg==EOF

Once generated, store the new Secret object in Kubernetes:

  1. $ kubectl apply -f csi-rbd-secret.yaml

Configure ceph-csi Plugins

Create the required ServiceAccount and RBAC ClusterRole/_ClusterRoleBinding_Kubernetes objects. These objects do not necessarily need to be customized foryour Kubernetes environment and therefore can be used as-is from the _ceph-csi_deployment YAMLs:

  1. $ kubectl apply -f
  2. $ kubectl apply -f

Finally, create the ceph-csi provisioner and node plugins. With thepossible exception of the ceph-csi container release version, these objects donot necessarily need to be customized for your Kubernetes environment andtherefore can be used as-is from the ceph-csi deployment YAMLs:

  1. $ wget
  2. $ kubectl apply -f csi-rbdplugin-provisioner.yaml
  3. $ wget
  4. $ kubectl apply -f csi-rbdplugin.yaml


The provisioner and node plugin YAMLs will, by default, pull the developmentrelease of the ceph-csi container ( YAMLs should be updated to use a release version container forproduction workloads.

Using Ceph Block Devices

Create a StorageClass

The Kubernetes StorageClass defines a class of storage. Multiple _StorageClass_objects can be created to map to different quality-of-service levels (i.e. NVMevs HDD-based pools) and features.

For example, to create a ceph-csi__StorageClass that maps to the kubernetes_pool created above, the following YAML file can be used after ensuring that the“clusterID” property matches your Ceph cluster’s _fsid:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > csi-rbd-sc.yaml

apiVersion: StorageClassmetadata: name: csi-rbd-scprovisioner: rbd.csi.ceph.comparameters: clusterID: b9127830-b0cc-4e34-aa47-9d1a2e9949a8 pool: kubernetes csi-rbd-secret default csi-rbd-secret defaultreclaimPolicy: DeletemountOptions:

  • discardEOF$ kubectl apply -f csi-rbd-sc.yaml

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim

A PersistentVolumeClaim is a request for abstract storage resources by a user.The PersistentVolumeClaim would then be associated to a Pod resource toprovision a PersistentVolume, which would be backed by a Ceph block image.An optional volumeMode can be included to select between a mounted file system(default) or raw block device-based volume.

Using ceph-csi, specifying Filesystem for volumeMode can support bothReadWriteOnce and ReadOnlyMany__accessMode claims, and specifying Block_for _volumeMode can support ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, andReadOnlyMany__accessMode claims.

For example, to create a block-based PersistentVolumeClaim that utilizesthe ceph-csi-based StorageClass created above, the following YAML can beused to request raw block storage from the csi-rbd-sc__StorageClass:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > raw-block-pvc.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata: name: raw-block-pvcspec: accessModes:

  1. - ReadWriteOnce

volumeMode: Block resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: csi-rbd-scEOF$ kubectl apply -f raw-block-pvc.yaml

The following demonstrates and example of binding the abovePersistentVolumeClaim to a Pod resource as a raw block device:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > raw-block-pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: pod-with-raw-block-volumespec: containers:

  1. - name: fc-container
  2. image: fedora:26
  3. command: [&#34;/bin/sh&#34;, &#34;-c&#34;]
  4. args: [&#34;tail -f /dev/null&#34;]
  5. volumeDevices:
  6. - name: data
  7. devicePath: /dev/xvda


  1. - name: data
  2. persistentVolumeClaim:
  3. claimName: raw-block-pvc

EOF$ kubectl apply -f raw-block-pod.yaml

To create a file-system-based PersistentVolumeClaim that utilizes theceph-csi-based StorageClass created above, the following YAML can be used torequest a mounted file system (backed by an RBD image) from the csi-rbd-sc__StorageClass:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > pvc.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata: name: rbd-pvcspec: accessModes:

  1. - ReadWriteOnce

volumeMode: Filesystem resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: csi-rbd-scEOF$ kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

The following demonstrates and example of binding the abovePersistentVolumeClaim to a Pod resource as a mounted file system:

  1. $ cat <<EOF > pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: csi-rbd-demo-podspec: containers:

  1. - name: web-server
  2. image: nginx
  3. volumeMounts:
  4. - name: mypvc
  5. mountPath: /var/lib/www/html


  1. - name: mypvc
  2. persistentVolumeClaim:
  3. claimName: rbd-pvc
  4. readOnly: false

EOF$ kubectl apply -f pod.yaml