Consul Commands (CLI)

Consul is controlled via a very easy to use command-line interface (CLI). Consul is only a single command-line application: consul. This application then takes a subcommand such as “agent” or “members”. The complete list of subcommands is in the navigation to the left.

The consul CLI is a well-behaved command line application. In erroneous cases, a non-zero exit status will be returned. It also responds to -h and --help as you’d most likely expect. And some commands that expect input accept “-“ as a parameter to tell Consul to read the input from stdin.

To view a list of the available commands at any time, just run consul with no arguments:

  1. $ consul
  2. Usage: consul [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
  3. Available commands are:
  4. acl Interact with Consul's ACLs
  5. agent Runs a Consul agent
  6. catalog Interact with the catalog
  7. connect Interact with Consul Connect
  8. debug Records a debugging archive for operators
  9. event Fire a new event
  10. exec Executes a command on Consul nodes
  11. force-leave Forces a member of the cluster to enter the "left" state
  12. info Provides debugging information for operators.
  13. intention Interact with Connect service intentions
  14. join Tell Consul agent to join cluster
  15. keygen Generates a new encryption key
  16. keyring Manages gossip layer encryption keys
  17. kv Interact with the key-value store
  18. leave Gracefully leaves the Consul cluster and shuts down
  19. lock Execute a command holding a lock
  20. login Login to Consul using an auth method
  21. logout Destroy a Consul token created with login
  22. maint Controls node or service maintenance mode
  23. members Lists the members of a Consul cluster
  24. monitor Stream logs from a Consul agent
  25. operator Provides cluster-level tools for Consul operators
  26. reload Triggers the agent to reload configuration files
  27. rtt Estimates network round trip time between nodes
  28. services Interact with services
  29. snapshot Saves, restores and inspects snapshots of Consul server state
  30. tls Builtin helpers for creating CAs and certificates
  31. validate Validate config files/directories
  32. version Prints the Consul version
  33. watch Watch for changes in Consul

To get help for any specific command, pass the -h flag to the relevant subcommand. For example, to see help about the join subcommand:

  1. $ consul join --help
  2. Usage: consul join [options] address ...
  3. Tells a running Consul agent (with "consul agent") to join the cluster
  4. by specifying at least one existing member.
  5. HTTP API Options
  6. -http-addr=<address>
  7. The `address` and port of the Consul HTTP agent. The value can be
  8. an IP address or DNS address, but it must also include the port.
  9. This can also be specified via the CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR environment
  10. variable. The default value is The scheme
  11. can also be set to HTTPS by setting the environment variable
  12. CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=true.
  13. -token=<value>
  14. ACL token to use in the request. This can also be specified via the
  15. CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment variable. If unspecified, the query
  16. will default to the token of the Consul agent at the HTTP address.
  17. Command Options
  18. -wan
  19. Joins a server to another server in the WAN pool.


When the ACL system is enabled the Consul CLI will require an ACL token to perform API requests.

The ACL token can be provided directly on the command line using the -token command line flag, from a file using the -token-file command line flag, or from the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment variable.


The consul command features opt-in subcommand autocompletion that you can enable for your shell with consul -autocomplete-install. After doing so, you can invoke a new shell and use the feature.

For example, assume a tab is typed at the end of each prompt line:

  1. $ consul e
  2. event exec
  3. $ consul r
  4. reload rtt
  5. $ consul operator raft
  6. list-peers remove-peer

Environment Variables

In addition to CLI flags, Consul reads environment variables for behavior defaults. CLI flags always take precedence over environment variables, but it is often helpful to use environment variables to configure the Consul agent, particularly with configuration management and init systems.

These environment variables and their purpose are described below:


This is the HTTP API address to the local Consul agent (not the remote server) specified as a URI with optional scheme:


or as a Unix socket path:

  1. CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=unix:///var/run/consul_http.sock

If the https:// scheme is used, CONSUL_HTTP_SSL is implied to be true.


This is the API access token required when access control lists (ACLs) are enabled, for example:

  1. CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=aba7cbe5-879b-999a-07cc-2efd9ac0ffe


This is a path to a file containing the API access token required when access control lists (ACLs) are enabled, for example:

  1. CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN_FILE=/path/to/consul.token


This specifies HTTP Basic access credentials as a username:password pair:

  1. CONSUL_HTTP_AUTH=operations:JPIMCmhDHzTukgO6


This is a boolean value (default is false) that enables the HTTPS URI scheme and SSL connections to the HTTP API:



This is a boolean value (default true) to specify SSL certificate verification; setting this value to false is not recommended for production use. Example for development purposes:



Path to a CA file to use for TLS when communicating with Consul.

  1. CONSUL_CACERT=ca.crt


Path to a directory of CA certificates to use for TLS when communicating with Consul.

  1. CONSUL_CAPATH=ca_certs/


Path to a client cert file to use for TLS when verify_incoming is enabled.

  1. CONSUL_CLIENT_CERT=client.crt


Path to a client key file to use for TLS when verify_incoming is enabled.

  1. CONSUL_CLIENT_KEY=client.key


The server name to use as the SNI host when connecting via TLS.

  1. CONSUL_TLS_SERVER_NAME=consulserver.domain


Like CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR but configures the address the local agent is listening for gRPC requests. Currently gRPC is only used for integrating Envoy proxy and must be enabled explicitly in agent configuration.


or as a Unix socket path:

  1. CONSUL_GRPC_ADDR=unix://var/run/consul_grpc.sock

If the agent is configured with TLS certificates, then the gRPC listener will require TLS and present the same certificate as the https listener. As with CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR, if TLS is enabled either the https:// scheme should be used, or CONSUL_HTTP_SSL set.


Enterprise only If you’re using Consul Enterprise namespaces you can set this for the CLI to explicitly use a single namespace. This is common across all Hashicorp products that support Enterprise namespaces.