Hive CLI


Use Hive Cli Task to create a Hive Cli type task and execute hive SQL from scripts or files. The workers run hive -e to execute hive sql from scripts or hive -f to execute from files in Resource Center.

Hive CLI Task vs SQL Task With Hive Datasource

In DolphinScheduler, we have both Hive CLI Task and SQL Task With Hive Datasource for different scenarios. You could choose between these two based on your needs.

  • The Hive CLI task plugin connects directly to HDFS and the Hive Metastore for hive task executions, which requires your workers to have access to those services, such as related Hive libs, Hive and HDFS configuration files. However, Hive CLI Task provides better stability for scheduling in production.
  • SQL Task With Hive Datasource does not require access to Hive libs, Hive and HDFS configuration files and supports Kerberos for authentication. However, you may encounter HiveServer2 failures if your hive sql task scheduling puts significant pressure on it.

Create Task

  • Click Project Management-Project Name-Workflow Definition, and click the Create Workflow button to enter the DAG editing page.
  • Drag Hive CLI - 图1 from the toolbar to the canvas.

Task Parameters

Hive Cli Task Execution TypeThe type of hive cli task execution, choose either FROM_SCRIPT or FROM_FILE.
Hive SQL ScriptIf you choose FROM_SCRIPT for Hive Cli Task Execution Type, you need to fill in your SQL script.
Hive Cli OptionsExtra options for hive cli, such as —verbose
ResourcesIf you choose FROM_FILE for Hive Cli Task Execution Type, you need to select your SQL file.

Task Example

Hive Cli Task Example

This example below illustrates how to create a Hive CLI task node and execute hive SQL from script:


This example below illustrates how to create a Hive CLI task node and execute hive SQL from file:
