DVC Node


DVC (Data Version Control) is an excellent open-source version control system for machine learning projects.

The DVC plugin is used to use the data version management function of DVC on DolphinScheduler, helping users to carry out data version management easily.

The plugin provides the following three functions:

  • Init DVC: Initialize the Git repository as a DVC repository and bind the address where the data is stored to store the actual data.
  • Upload: Add or update specific data to the repository and record the version tag.
  • Download: Download a specific version of data from the repository.

Create Task

  • Click Project -> Management-Project -> Name-Workflow Definition, and click the “Create Workflow” button to enter the DAG editing page.
  • Drag from the toolbar DVC - 图1 task node to canvas.

Task Parameters

DVC Task TypeUpload, Download or Init DVC。
DVC RepositoryThe DVC repository address associated with the task execution.
Remote Store UrlThe actual data is stored at the address. You can learn about the supported storage types from the DVC supported storage types.
Data Path in DVC RepositoryThe path which the task uploads /downloads data to in the repository.
Data Path In WorkerData path to be uploaded. / Path for saving data after the file is downloaded to the local
VersionAfter the data is uploaded, the version tag for the data will be saved in git tag. / The version of the data to download.
Version MessageVersion Message.

Init DVC

Initialize the Git repository as a DVC repository and add a new data remote to save data.

After the project is initialized, it is still a Git repository, but with DVC features added.

The data is not actually stored in a Git repository, but somewhere else, and DVC keeps track of the version and address of the data and handles this relationship.


The example above shows that: Initialize repository git@github.com:<YOUR-NAME-OR-ORG>/dvc-data-repository-example.git as a DVC project and bind the remote storage address to ~/dvc


Used to upload and update data and record version numbers.


The example above shows that:

Upload data /home/data/iris to the root directory of repository git@github.com:<YOUR-NAME-OR-ORG>/dvc-data-repository-example.git. The file or folder of data is named iris.

Then run git tag "iris_1.0" -m "init iris data". Record the version tag iris_1.0 and the version message inir iris data.


Used to download data for a specific version.


The example above shows that:

Download the data for iris data at version iris_1.0 in repository git@github.com:<YOUR-NAME-OR-ORG>/dvc-data-repository-example.git to the ~/dvc_test/iris

Environment to prepare

Install DVC

Make sure you have installed DVC, if not, you can run pip install dvc command to install it.

Get the ‘dvc’ path and configure the environment variables.

The conda environment is used as an example:

Install python PIP on Conda and configure conda’s environment variables so that the component can correctly find the ‘DVC’ command

  1. which dvc
  2. # >> ~/anaconda3/bin/dvc

You need to enter the admin account to configure a conda environment variable(Please install anaconda or miniconda in advance).


Note During the configuration task, select the conda environment created above. Otherwise, the program cannot find the Conda environment.
