
在做本章习题时,读者不可避免地会对一些正则表达式的莫名其妙的行为感到困惑,因而备受挫折。读者可以使用类似于 http://debuggex.com/ 这样的在线学习工具,将你想编写的正则表达式可视化,并试验其对不同输入字符串的响应。


Code Golf 是一种游戏,尝试尽量用最少的字符来描述特定程序。类似的,Regexp Golf 这种活动是编写尽量短小的正则表达式,来匹配给定模式(而且只能匹配给定模式)。


  1. carcat

  2. popprop

  3. ferretferryferrari

  4. ious结尾的单词

  5. 句号、冒号、分号之前的空白字符

  6. 多于六个字母的单词

  7. 不包含e(或者E)的单词


  1. // Fill in the regular expressions
  2. verify(/.../,
  3. ["my car", "bad cats"],
  4. ["camper", "high art"]);
  5. verify(/.../,
  6. ["pop culture", "mad props"],
  7. ["plop", "prrrop"]]);
  8. verify(/.../,
  9. ["ferret", "ferry", "ferrari"],
  10. ["ferrum", "transfer A"]);
  11. verify(/.../,
  12. ["how delicious", "spacious room"],
  13. ["ruinous", "consciousness"]);
  14. verify(/.../,
  15. ["bad punctuation ."],
  16. ["escape the period"]);
  17. verify(/.../,
  18. ["hottentottententen"],
  19. ["no", "hotten totten tenten"]);
  20. verify(/.../,
  21. ["red platypus", "wobbling nest"],
  22. ["earth bed", "learning ape", "BEET"]);
  23. function verify(regexp, yes, no) {
  24. // Ignore unfinished exercises
  25. if (regexp.source == "...") return;
  26. for (let str of yes) if (!regexp.test(str)) {
  27. console.log(`Failure to match '${str}'`);
  28. }
  29. for (let str of no) if (regexp.test(str)) {
  30. console.log(`Unexpected match for '${str}'`);
  31. }
  32. }




  1. let text = "'I'm the cook,' he said, 'it's my job.'";
  2. // Change this call.
  3. console.log(text.replace(/A/g, "B"));
  4. // → "I'm the cook," he said, "it's my job."


编写一个表达式,只匹配 JavaScript 风格的数字。支持数字前可选的正号与负号、十进制小数点、指数计数法(5e-31E10,指数前也需要支持可选的符号)。也请注意小数点前或小数点后的数字也是不必要的,但数字不能只有小数点。例如.55.都是合法的 JavaScript 数字,但单个点则不是。

  1. // Fill in this regular expression.
  2. let number = /^...$/;
  3. // Tests:
  4. for (let str of ["1", "-1", "+15", "1.55", ".5", "5.",
  5. "1.3e2", "1E-4", "1e+12"]) {
  6. if (!number.test(str)) {
  7. console.log(`Failed to match '${str}'`);
  8. }
  9. }
  10. for (let str of ["1a", "+-1", "1.2.3", "1+1", "1e4.5",
  11. ".5.", "1f5", "."]) {
  12. if (number.test(str)) {
  13. console.log(`Incorrectly accepted '${str}'`);
  14. }
  15. }