
The following decorators may be used at the start of each function:


The @private decorator makes the function inaccessible from outside the contract.


The @public decorator makes the function both visible and executable publicly. For example, even the Ethereum wallet will display such functions when viewing the contract.


Functions with the @constant decorator are not allowed to change state variables. In fact, the compiler will reject the entire program (with an appropriate error) if the function tries to change a state variable.


Only functions with the @payable decorator are allowed to transfer value.

Vyper implements the logic of decorators explicitly. For example, the Vyper compilation process will fail if a function has both a @payable decorator and a @constant decorator. This makes sense because a function that transfers value has by definition updated the state, so cannot be @constant. Each Vyper function must be decorated with either @public or @private (but not both!).