A Simple Contract: A Test Ether Faucet

Ethereum has many different high-level languages, all of which can be used to write a contract and produce EVM bytecode. You can read about many of the most prominent and interesting ones in [high_level_languages]. One high-level language is by far the dominant choice for smart contract programming: Solidity. Solidity was created by Dr. Gavin Wood, the coauthor of this book, and has become the most widely used language in Ethereum (and beyond). We’ll use Solidity to write our first contract.

For our first example (Faucet.sol: A Solidity contract implementing a faucet), we will write a contract that controls a faucet. You’ve already used a faucet to get test ether on the Ropsten test network. A faucet is a relatively simple thing: it gives out ether to any address that asks, and can be refilled periodically. You can implement a faucet as a wallet controlled by a human or a web server.

Example 1. Faucet.sol: A Solidity contract implementing a faucet

  1. link:code/Solidity/Faucet.sol[]

You will find all the code samples for this book in the code subdirectory of the book’s GitHub repository. Specifically, our Faucet.sol contract is in:

  1. code/Solidity/Faucet.sol

This is a very simple contract, about as simple as we can make it. It is also a flawed contract, demonstrating a number of bad practices and security vulnerabilities. We will learn by examining all of its flaws in later sections. But for now, let’s look at what this contract does and how it works, line by line. You will quickly notice that many elements of Solidity are similar to existing programming languages, such as JavaScript, Java, or C++.

The first line is a comment:

  1. // Our first contract is a faucet!

Comments are for humans to read and are not included in the executable EVM bytecode. We usually put them on the line before the code we are trying to explain, or sometimes on the same line. Comments start with two forward slashes: //. Everything from the first slash until the end of that line is treated the same as a blank line and ignored.

The next line is where our actual contract starts:

  1. contract Faucet {

This line declares a contract object, similar to a class declaration in other object-oriented languages. The contract definition includes all the lines between the curly braces ({}), which define a scope, much like how curly braces are used in many other programming languages.

Next, we declare the first function of the Faucet contract:

  1. function withdraw(uint withdraw_amount) public {

The function is named withdraw, and it takes one unsigned integer (uint) argument named withdraw_amount. It is declared as a public function, meaning it can be called by other contracts. The function definition follows, between curly braces. The first part of the withdraw function sets a limit on withdrawals:

  1. require(withdraw_amount <= 100000000000000000);

It uses the built-in Solidity function require to test a precondition, that the withdraw_amount is less than or equal to 100,000,000,000,000,000 wei, which is the base unit of ether (see Ether denominations and unit names) and equivalent to 0.1 ether. If the withdraw function is called with a withdraw_amount greater than that amount, the require function here will cause contract execution to stop and fail with an exception. Note that statements need to be terminated with a semicolon in Solidity.

This part of the contract is the main logic of our faucet. It controls the flow of funds out of the contract by placing a limit on withdrawals. It’s a very simple control but can give you a glimpse of the power of a programmable blockchain: decentralized software controlling money.

Next comes the actual withdrawal:

  1. msg.sender.transfer(withdraw_amount);

A couple of interesting things are happening here. The msg object is one of the inputs that all contracts can access. It represents the transaction that triggered the execution of this contract. The attribute sender is the sender address of the transaction. The function transfer is a built-in function that transfers ether from the current contract to the address of the sender. Reading it backward, this means transfer to the sender of the msg that triggered this contract execution. The transfer function takes an amount as its only argument. We pass the withdraw_amount value that was the parameter to the withdraw function declared a few lines earlier.

The very next line is the closing curly brace, indicating the end of the definition of our withdraw function.

Next, we declare one more function:

  1. receive () external payable {}

The receive function is called if the transaction that triggered the contract didn’t name any of the declared functions in the contract, or didn’t contain data and thus was a plain Ether transfer. Contracts can have one such receive function (without a name) and it is used to receive ether. That’s why it is defined as an external and payable function, which means it can accept ether into the contract. It doesn’t do anything, other than accept the ether, as indicated by the empty definition in the curly braces ({}). If we make a transaction that sends ether to the contract address, as if it were a wallet, this function will handle it.

Right below our default function is the final closing curly brace, which closes the definition of the contract Faucet. That’s it!