The Third Age of the Internet

In 2004 the term “Web 2.0” came to prominence, describing an evolution of the web toward user-generated content, responsive interfaces, and interactivity. Web 2.0 is not a technical specification, but rather a term describing the new focus of web applications.

The concept of DApps is meant to take the World Wide Web to its next natural evolutionary stage, introducing decentralization with peer-to-peer protocols into every aspect of a web application. The term used to describe this evolution is web3, meaning the third “version” of the web. First proposed by Dr. Gavin Wood, web3 represents a new vision and focus for web applications: from centrally owned and managed applications, to applications built on decentralized protocols.

In later chapters we’ll explore the Ethereum web3.js JavaScript library, which bridges JavaScript applications that run in your browser with the Ethereum blockchain. The web3.js library also includes an interface to a P2P storage network called Swarm and a P2P messaging service called Whisper. With these three components included in a JavaScript library running in your web browser, developers have a full application development suite that allows them to build web3 DApps.